Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments: Dark Period in Democrat History

I reflexively assumed that given the dates of the Experiment that it was started by FDR. What I did not know until a half hour ago was that the experiment started in October 1932 under what was supposed to be a temporary basis and it was only in 1933 (after Democrats came to power) that the true viciousness of the Experiment came to fruition

And in digging deeper, found it continued under both Repub and Dem Admins, thus, isn't really partisan much............just a disturbing piece of American History. Or no? All Dems fault? I gotcha. I see ya. I mean, you "listen to" Jimmy, but you're not really hearin what the brotha has to say.
I reflexively assumed that given the dates of the Experiment that it was started by FDR. What I did not know until a half hour ago was that the experiment started in October 1932 under what was supposed to be a temporary basis and it was only in 1933 (after Democrats came to power) that the true viciousness of the Experiment came to fruition
To reiterate:

Tuskegee Timeline:

1926 Health is seen as inhibiting development and major health initiative is started. Syphilis is seen as major health problem. Prevalence of 35 percent observed in reproductive age population.

1929 Aggressive treatment approach initiated with mercury and bismuth. Cure rate is less than 30 percent; treatment requires months and side effects are toxic, sometimes fatal.

1929 "Wall Street Crash"--economic depression begins.

1931 Rosenwald Fund cuts support to development projects. Clark and Vondelehr decide to follow men left untreated due to lack of funds in order to show need for treatment program.

1932 Follow-up effort organized into study of 399 men with syphilis and 201 without. The men would be given periodic physical assessments and told they were being treated. Motin agrees to support study if "Tuskegee Institute gets its full share of the credit" and black professionals are involved (Dr. Dibble and Nurse Rivers are assigned to study).

CDC - NCHHSTP - Tuskegee Study - Timeline
I appreciate the flaming and ad hominem attacks. I made a mistake in the OP that was really unnecessary. The blacks weren't infected in the Experiment, they were already in tertiary stages of the disease.

Contrary to how the experiment was first set up in 1932 when President Hoover and Dr. Clark were in charge, they were however denied treatment for the remainder of their lives.

Again, thank to the Fates for having me make the unnecessary mistake in the OP and thanks to the Libs for flaming me for the OP Mistake which made me dig deeper.

All that your "unnecessary" mistruths do, is show "the reader" that you take your information at face value, without feeling the initial need to dig deeper and verify, you know, in the first place. It proves you're a partisan, and you've got a point of view you're "seeking" to verify, instead of looking at things objectively you take-on anything that supports your partisanhip as "proof" without further research. That's all that does. No flaming necessary, just a pointing out of the obvious, that you're uncomfortable with.

The experiments were wrong, no matter who/what/how or why they were performed, and using them 77 years later for political gotchas alludes to your political immaturuty, providing "negative" points for your "side" as a result. :eek:

Race relation have been big in the news the last few weeks, well, in fact, since we discovered Obama's pastor of 20 years.

The Experiments were wrong and had it been Republicans who performed them not a single second would go by without the LMSM reminding us who was behind it.
Oh christ , Frank went off half cocked again , no surprise there, but this thing with the gov experimenting on soldiers has been going on for a long time under both parties, the CIA LSD experiments and Agent Orange come to mind, not to mention flu being spread trough the subways on the civillian population to see how we could weaponize bacterilogical agents

Hell the Army gave the Indians blankets infected with small pox to try to end their little problem at the time, nothing new here, period, and certainly it isn't a one party problem
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And it was carried on by those great Democratic presidents, Eisenhower and Nixon.

This experiment was one of the reasons Rev. Wright is so angry with the US. Of course, it happened in the south. The only place in the US it COULD happen.
I reflexively assumed that given the dates of the Experiment that it was started by FDR. What I did not know until a half hour ago was that the experiment started in October 1932 under what was supposed to be a temporary basis and it was only in 1933 (after Democrats came to power) that the true viciousness of the Experiment came to fruition
To reiterate:

Tuskegee Timeline:

1926 Health is seen as inhibiting development and major health initiative is started. Syphilis is seen as major health problem. Prevalence of 35 percent observed in reproductive age population.

1929 Aggressive treatment approach initiated with mercury and bismuth. Cure rate is less than 30 percent; treatment requires months and side effects are toxic, sometimes fatal.

1929 "Wall Street Crash"--economic depression begins.

1931 Rosenwald Fund cuts support to development projects. Clark and Vondelehr decide to follow men left untreated due to lack of funds in order to show need for treatment program.

1932 Follow-up effort organized into study of 399 men with syphilis and 201 without. The men would be given periodic physical assessments and told they were being treated. Motin agrees to support study if "Tuskegee Institute gets its full share of the credit" and black professionals are involved (Dr. Dibble and Nurse Rivers are assigned to study).

CDC - NCHHSTP - Tuskegee Study - Timeline

I already showed that in 1932 Clark thought the PHS study was to be a 6-9 month study followed by a course of treatment, but that changed in 1933.
Here's a flash Frank: Race relations have been big in the news since this country began.
Race relation have been big in the news the last few weeks, well, in fact, since we discovered Obama's pastor of 20 years.

The Experiments were wrong and had it been Republicans who performed them not a single second would go by without the LMSM reminding us who was behind it.

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The Tuskegee Experiments occurred staring from 1932 until 1972 and involved infecting black men with syphilis without their consent. Ironically, the Experiments were commissioned by the US Public Health Service, a branch of the government formed by an act of Congress in 1798 to provide for the care and relief of sick and injured merchant seamen.

The Experiments started when FDR and the Dems took control of the Federal Government. Let's say that again: Tuskegee started in 1932 once the Democrats took Congress and FDR and the Dems took the White House.

The Democrats ran the Tuskegee Experiments for 40 years.

Whenever you hear mention of Tuskegee, if they mention it at all, the LMSM's immediate reaction "Tuskegee Bad, Bush lied" or anything else to change the subject.

Can you imagine if Prescott Bush ran the US Public Health Service during Tuskegee? You'd never hear the end of Republican Nazi like hatred for colored folk.

But because Democrats ran the experiments, it's just a darn inconvenience because Dems have done so much for blacks: Public assistance, public education, public housing and the Tuskegee Experiment.

Jim Crow was also started under Democrats--Bush Lied!
I reflexively assumed that given the dates of the Experiment that it was started by FDR. What I did not know until a half hour ago was that the experiment started in October 1932 under what was supposed to be a temporary basis and it was only in 1933 (after Democrats came to power) that the true viciousness of the Experiment came to fruition
To reiterate:

Tuskegee Timeline:

1926 Health is seen as inhibiting development and major health initiative is started. Syphilis is seen as major health problem. Prevalence of 35 percent observed in reproductive age population.

1929 Aggressive treatment approach initiated with mercury and bismuth. Cure rate is less than 30 percent; treatment requires months and side effects are toxic, sometimes fatal.

1929 "Wall Street Crash"--economic depression begins.

1931 Rosenwald Fund cuts support to development projects. Clark and Vondelehr decide to follow men left untreated due to lack of funds in order to show need for treatment program.

1932 Follow-up effort organized into study of 399 men with syphilis and 201 without. The men would be given periodic physical assessments and told they were being treated. Motin agrees to support study if "Tuskegee Institute gets its full share of the credit" and black professionals are involved (Dr. Dibble and Nurse Rivers are assigned to study).

CDC - NCHHSTP - Tuskegee Study - Timeline

I already showed that in 1932 Clark thought the PHS study was to be a 6-9 month study followed by a course of treatment, but that changed in 1933.
Yes, Dr. Clark retired in 1932 - and Dr. Vonderlehr became the new head, to see it through.

Politics had nothing to do with it.
Very interesting article....it took Clinton, who must have felt an immense amount of guilt being from the same political party that condoned these experiments to finally apologize. I can see why the African American community likes him so much.
Perhaps more plausible;
The individuals who conducted the original study did so with little to no government oversight. While not as vile as Dr Mengele, they do appear to have overstepped the bounds of medical integrity, but they were not the government, they were private of researchers (as it were).
The documentation got buried, as things tend to in a bureaucracy.
No one paid any heed until under the Freedom of Information Act someone came across the old reports and sent a (presumably) irate letter to the government.
Once informed, action was taken, particularly since an apology cost nothing and diverted media attention away from whatever peccadillo Clinton had just committed.

No need for a conspiracy, just bureaucracy and a couple of researchers of questionable morality.
The Tuskegee Experiments occurred staring from 1932 until 1972 and involved infecting black men with syphilis without their consent. Ironically, the Experiments were commissioned by the US Public Health Service, a branch of the government formed by an act of Congress in 1798 to provide for the care and relief of sick and injured merchant seamen.

The Experiments started when FDR and the Dems took control of the Federal Government. Let's say that again: Tuskegee started in 1932 once the Democrats took Congress and FDR and the Dems took the White House.

The Democrats ran the Tuskegee Experiments for 40 years.

Whenever you hear mention of Tuskegee, if they mention it at all, the LMSM's immediate reaction "Tuskegee Bad, Bush lied" or anything else to change the subject.

Can you imagine if Prescott Bush ran the US Public Health Service during Tuskegee? You'd never hear the end of Republican Nazi like hatred for colored folk.

But because Democrats ran the experiments, it's just a darn inconvenience because Dems have done so much for blacks: Public assistance, public education, public housing and the Tuskegee Experiment.

CFrank, you really are a dunderhead. FDR was elected POTUS in November, 1932. and inaugurated on March 4, 1933. So, (try and do the math Frank) if the experiments began in 1932 the President was not FDR, it was Herbert Hoover (aka the father of the great depression, a Republican).
I think I can summarize Frank's point as follows:

In his opinion, democrats = bad, republicans = good.

If only it were really that simple.
I think I can summarize Frank's point as follows:

In his opinion, democrats = bad, republicans = good.

If only it were really that simple.

Its a bit more than that. Frank just enjoys angering folks and his favorite targets are those "damned dirty libs!"

Once you realize that, Frank's posts are easy to take. Its just another bad joke after bad joke.
The Tuskegee Experiments occurred staring from 1932 until 1972 and involved infecting black men with syphilis without their consent. Ironically, the Experiments were commissioned by the US Public Health Service, a branch of the government formed by an act of Congress in 1798 to provide for the care and relief of sick and injured merchant seamen.

The Experiments started when FDR and the Dems took control of the Federal Government. Let's say that again: Tuskegee started in 1932 once the Democrats took Congress and FDR and the Dems took the White House.

The Democrats ran the Tuskegee Experiments for 40 years.

Whenever you hear mention of Tuskegee, if they mention it at all, the LMSM's immediate reaction "Tuskegee Bad, Bush lied" or anything else to change the subject.

Can you imagine if Prescott Bush ran the US Public Health Service during Tuskegee? You'd never hear the end of Republican Nazi like hatred for colored folk.

But because Democrats ran the experiments, it's just a darn inconvenience because Dems have done so much for blacks: Public assistance, public education, public housing and the Tuskegee Experiment.

Wow! It's a darn good thing that Eisenhower stopped those experiments when he became President, isn't it?
The Tuskegee Experiments occurred staring from 1932 until 1972 and involved infecting black men with syphilis without their consent. Ironically, the Experiments were commissioned by the US Public Health Service, a branch of the government formed by an act of Congress in 1798 to provide for the care and relief of sick and injured merchant seamen.

The Experiments started when FDR and the Dems took control of the Federal Government. Let's say that again: Tuskegee started in 1932 once the Democrats took Congress and FDR and the Dems took the White House.

The Democrats ran the Tuskegee Experiments for 40 years.

Whenever you hear mention of Tuskegee, if they mention it at all, the LMSM's immediate reaction "Tuskegee Bad, Bush lied" or anything else to change the subject.

Can you imagine if Prescott Bush ran the US Public Health Service during Tuskegee? You'd never hear the end of Republican Nazi like hatred for colored folk.

But because Democrats ran the experiments, it's just a darn inconvenience because Dems have done so much for blacks: Public assistance, public education, public housing and the Tuskegee Experiment.

CFrank, you really are a dunderhead. FDR was elected POTUS in November, 1932. and inaugurated on March 4, 1933. So, (try and do the math Frank) if the experiments began in 1932 the President was not FDR, it was Herbert Hoover (aka the father of the great depression, a Republican).

Oh dearie me!!!! :eek:
I'm impressed Frank, you have surpassed your own stupidity in this one. Are you playing a character or are you for real?

So why did the Tuskegee Experiments start after the Roosevelt Election?

Roosevelt was not inaugurated until March 4, 1933, so if Tuskeegee started in '32, it had been in the works (Planning and beginning) for a while.

CDC - NCHHSTP - Tuskegee Study - Timeline

The SOUTH was full of DIXIECRAT trash and those same DIXIECRATS were the ones who fought Truman's desegregation planks in '48 and are the ones who, at CIVIL RIGHTS in the sixties accepted Goldwater's & Nixons invites and moved to the Republican party! They found a new home is all!


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