Twelve Apostles in Rome

The whole point of LDS is that Jesus Christ made a mistake when he appointed the Apostles, and that Joseph Smith fixed Jesus' mistake.
I don't consider Mormonism to be part of Christian theology, so I don't much care what their book says when discussing Christianity. It can't be any improvement, so no real need for another version of it. I admire their programs for self-sufficiency and preparing for contingencies very much, though, and think a national program of that sort needs to be encouraged by all denominations and in public schools as well.

Still waiting for all those 'rewrites' Constantine supposedly did as well, and so far none have offered any examples, they just claim 'inconsistencies n stuff', never cite any real ones, and then proclaim their fantasy versions are just as 'credible' or something, apparently thinking that if they raise some imaginary 'doubts' about the orthodoxy then that means they get to make up all sorts of idiotic rubbish of their own fictional list of grievances against Evul Xans N Stuff, and scholars are somehow obligated to pretend theirs is the 'right' version. Or some such stupid shit as that, no one can get a clear answer from the bigots and loons, but they claim they 'know the real Jesus n stuff', and He magically loves faggots raping kids, spreading epidemics, and all manner of other 'Diversity' memes and the like, and Social Darwinism, too , according to right wingers, who in most cases are perfectly fine with left wing advocates of mindless self-indulgence, too; in fact it was the right wingers who first jumped on the Darwinist bandwagon, not left wingers, who weren't around in any big numbers when Darwin first published his theories.
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Mormonism started as a Christian heresy but, as heresies tend to do, eventually became its own religion.
They spend their time now trying to convert Christians.

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