Twitter Files Part 6: The FBI’s Constant Contact with Twitter

These emails are BAD.

Everyone knowingly violating the first amendment.

Disgusting. Everyone involved is a terrible person.

Gadde among the worst. Dorsey is crap. Fucking Agarawl or however you say his name is terrible.

Yoel Roth is super trash.

THE FBI WAS RUNNING TWITTER’S CONTENT. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Hmmm……seems like a 1A violation.

FBI Gives Dismissive Reply to Twitter Files Revelations of FBI-Twitter Censorship

17 Dec 2022 ~~ By Caterine Salgado

Part Six of the Twitter Files was released by journalist Matt Taibbi on Twitter Dec. 16, revealing just how closely the platform worked with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to censor Americans prior to Elon Musk’s purchase of the platform. “Twitter’s contact with the FBI was constant and pervasive, as if it were a subsidiary,” Taibbi tweeted.
As PJ Media’s Chris Queen reported, most FBI emails to the platform “consisted of requests for Twitter to review and take action on” election content that supposedly qualified as “misinformation.” However, the FBI seems distinctly unrepentant about its “master-canine” relationship with Twitter, where it would “pre-flag” content for moderation.

In response to the damning revelations, an FBI spokesperson gave the following exculpatory statement to Fox News Digital:
”The FBI regularly engages with private sector entities to provide information specific to identified foreign malign influence actors’ subversive, undeclared, covert, or criminal activities. Private sector entities independently make decisions about what, if any, action they take on their platforms and for their customers after the FBI has notified them.”
This seems ridiculously insufficient to address the serious, potentially Constitution-violating actions revealed in the Twitter Files. According to Taibbi, Twitter and the FBI planned to have weekly meetings and coordinated to quash accounts whose humorous posts the government disliked. That’s hardly routine procedure.

Throughout written world history, every secret police faces the day when people are wandering the halls of their HQ, looking at their own files, and researchers pore over everything. Happened to the Gestapo, the Czar’s secret police, the NKVD, KGB, Stasi, etc...
That day may soon be coming for the FBI. Just watch. Maybe in 6 months, 6 years, or 16 years. But it will come. So watch what you do. It WILL be known someday.
The problem with cutting the FBI’s budget would be that they would “allow” more crimes to happen and then blame their budget cuts on not being able to stop it.
What is necessary, is a complete purge of the sixth and seventh floors of FBI Headquarters.

Twitter Is ‘Riddled’ with Ex-FBI Employees

18 Dec 2022 ~~ By Lucas Nolan

A recent report from the New York Post claims that Twitter’s top ranks are filled with ex-FBI agents and executives. Many of these employees were swept away by Elon Musk’s massive layoffs, but some feds are likely still on the payroll.
The New York Post reports that many of Twitter’s top executive roles were staffed with ex-FBI agents, connecting the company even closer to the federal agency which is being criticized for allegedly leaning on Twitter before the 2020 elections.
Over a dozen former federal officials reportedly joined the company in the years before Elon Musk purchased the website in October. An investigation by the Post found that while James Baker, the FBI’s former general counsel who worked in the same capacity at Twitter, has made headlines after being fired by Musk, the FBI’s influence spread much further than just Twitter’s legal department.
This latest investigation comes shortly after the release of another round of the Twitter Files which appear to show that the FBI dedicated dozens of agents to pressure Twitter to remove political tweets it didn’t like. In many cases, the former FBI agents were in positions f leadership that would allow them to directly influence the censorship of the Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story coverage in 2020.
It is also reported that Yoel Roth, the leader of Twitter’s Trust and Safety team, had regular meetings with the FBI in the run-up to the 2020 presidential elections and even joked about these meetings in internal company communications.
In a Dec. 21, 2020, declaration to the Federal Election Commission, Roth said: “I was told in these meetings that the intelligence community expected that individuals associated with political campaigns would be subject to hacking attacks and that material obtained through those hacking attacks would likely be disseminated over social media platforms, including Twitter. I also learned in these meetings that there were rumors that a hack-and-leak operation would involve Hunter Biden.”
These are just a few examples of the number of FBI officials in high-ranking officials at Twitter.
Read more:
Twitter’s top ranks riddled with ex-FBI employees

I have written multiple times about purging the FBI upper echelons and other government agencies with the idea that former government employees could positively contribute to America by working in the private sector. I apologize for thinking that way. I was wrong. There are only so many dishwashing jobs to go around. I would never want to work with some scumbag former government employee, particularly from the FBI.
Additionally, Big Tech is being infiltrated and run by the FBI/DHS/CIA Deep State.
Free Speech is dangerous to our Globalist/Maoist Communist World Economic Forum rulers and their DC Swamp puppets.
The immutable fact is that the weaponized FBI agents made the leap from law enforcement to social media. Maoists have infiltrated all levels of government, imposing their preferences on everyone! They want to settle every question with a national mandate of their political preferences! FBI agents have become political activists, operating via social media. The FBI and DoJ are using Federal authority to influence elections, not fight crime, military recruitment is promoting 'diversity', not defense, and DHS is using immigration to change the traditional population distribution, not protect our borders, wile Maoist Democrat politicians promote equity.
This proves Twitter was acting as a subsidiary of the FBI

It's funny how those slimy "journalists" (IE establishment Democrat hacks) suddenly became oh so concerned about "Free Speech" the moment an African American billionaire purchased a tech company.

Before that it was all about banning "Disinformation".

It's a grift so transparent, that if you haven't caught on by this late stage - you should be genuinely embarrassed.
Law enforcement frequently monitors social media for terrorist threats or threats of any kind.
Monitoring is a far, far cry from covering up major news for the benefit of a particular party. I'm 100% certain that you would be screaming at the top of your lungs for President Trump to be hanged IF the shoe were on the other foot.

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