Two Christians Beheaded in New Jersey By Muslim Man: Media, Silent!

You click on the link now and the page can't be found. Another attempt by a republican source to make up something.

He's been in jail for months and this happened happened months ago.

That's why it doesn't appear on the news anywhere.

How do you people become so stupid.

Yet Martin/Zimmerman is still getting air time and a new thread here, from time to time. Why did this story die in 6 weeks and another is still in the papers over a year later?

Maybe because the case has been going on? I know what you mean, the media may exploit those stories regarding racism issues in the US. But these two stories are two completely different cases. Agree? We're victims of the media too. By far. IMO.
Yes. They are different cases, but this case involves the bigotry of a Muslim, and Martin/Zimmerman involves an agenda.. The argument is how the press treats stories. Black shoots white, barely gets a page 9 mention. White shoots black, the story is hyped for a year. Christian shoots Muslim, front page story. Muslim shoots Christian... Page 9.
Special kind of crazy here today, Jeremiah. You are nice and comfortable where you are, I hope.

I rest my case, thanks for making it so easy.

It is a common nutter tactic to declare victory when no battle has taken place.

If it were two gay guys killed all the liberals on this forum backing the media would be outraged. Probaly as bad asthey are with the zimmerman case. The bias is showing well, and proving liberals as hypocrites.

Congratulations, you are now tied with Katzndogz for the title of least intelligent poster on this forum.

So if two gays got killed, you wouldn't be outraged. Why did you squirt your pants about zimmerman? It was self defense. I know, because the media doesn't want you too.
Shit, the left went crazy when a story about Romney cutting a gay kids hair was plastered on all the liberal news outlets. Now we get a couple mere beheadings and mums the word.
Authorities in New Jersey allege a Muslim man beheaded two Coptic Christians, burying their bodies and heads and hands in separate graves near Philadelphia, bringing the horror of the persecution of Christians in Islamic nations to the United States.

According to New York’s WABC-TV, the Muslim was identified as Yusuf Ibrahim, 28. He was taken into custody after the bodies were found.

I googled the man's name, got 17 millions hits, staring with reports from CBS news and New York Daily News.

So the premise of this thread has now been proven false.

Thank you, I'm hear all week.
Authorities in New Jersey allege a Muslim man beheaded two Coptic Christians, burying their bodies and heads and hands in separate graves near Philadelphia, bringing the horror of the persecution of Christians in Islamic nations to the United States.

According to New York’s WABC-TV, the Muslim was identified as Yusuf Ibrahim, 28. He was taken into custody after the bodies were found.

I googled the man's name, got 17 millions hits, staring with reports from CBS news and New York Daily News.

So the premise of this thread has now been proven false.

Thank you, I'm hear all week.

Did you count how many was there in reference to THIS Yusuf Ibrahim?

If you Googled John Smith, you would get similar results.

In the Arab world, Yusuf Ibrahim is about as John Smith is in the English-speaking world.

So, the premise of your post has been proven false.

I googled the man's name, got 17 millions hits, staring with reports from CBS news and New York Daily News.

So the premise of this thread has now been proven false.

Thank you, I'm hear all week.

Did you count how many was there in reference to THIS Yusuf Ibrahim?

If you Googled John Smith, you would get similar results.

In the Arab world, Yusuf Ibrahim is about as John Smith is in the English-speaking world.

So, the premise of your post has been proven false.

Hazlnut doesn't here you.

I googled the man's name, got 17 millions hits, staring with reports from CBS news and New York Daily News.

So the premise of this thread has now been proven false.

Thank you, I'm hear all week.

Did you count how many was there in reference to THIS Yusuf Ibrahim?

This thread OP is a miserable failure, the story has been covered by mainstream local and national news.

So, you're either a liar or you didn't bother to check.
These types of threads never end well. Just more peoof that organized religion OF ALL FAITHS is a net negative on society.

We're all arguing religion and semantics, completely overlooking that this is a double homicide with real lives ended and changed forever.

Why are there so many fans of disorganized religion?
The best title for this thread would be something like, Muslim beheads Christians, Media Keeping Its Head!
These types of threads never end well. Just more peoof that organized religion OF ALL FAITHS is a net negative on society.

We're all arguing religion and semantics, completely overlooking that this is a double homicide with real lives ended and changed forever.

Because there are so many in our country who are rooting for islam to get one on the Christians.
I googled the man's name, got 17 millions hits, staring with reports from CBS news and New York Daily News.

So the premise of this thread has now been proven false.

Thank you, I'm hear all week.

Did you count how many was there in reference to THIS Yusuf Ibrahim?

This thread OP is a miserable failure, the story has been covered by mainstream local and national news.

So, you're either a liar or you didn't bother to check.

Actually you are mistaken. The story about the Muslim beheading 2 christians was not covered by the mainstream media at all. If you will google Muslims behead 2 Christians you will find there are not 17 million hits but only 1 I searched the first 7 pages of google under this title and found zero articles by New York Post or Washington Post. Could you please post the article you are referring to by one of them? If not, admit your mistaken and admit the other writer here is correct.

Also the name Yusuf Ibrahim is a common name in Islam and if you googled it I'm surprised you wouldn't find twice as many but of course that is not the same Yusuf Ibrihim who commited this crime. You have failed at your attempt to hide the fact that the mainstream media did indeed avoid the story. For approximately 7 weeks and counting now. - Jeremiah

Front page of google from a few minutes ago:

Any time AllPast 24 hoursPast weekPast monthMuslim beheads two Coptic Christians IN NEW JERSEY - Page 2 … Posted

By Hawcer: Belongs behind bars my ass...that guy needs to be food for the worms, before we spend another penny housing his ass.

Muslim Beheads Two Christians For Faith, In New Jersey … Ibrahim, a Muslim man, targeted and murdered two Coptic Egyptian Christian men who lived and worked in New Jersey. He beheaded them and cut off their hands.
Two Christians Beheaded in New Jersey By Muslim Man: Media ...
Welcome to the Care2 News Network! day ago

While the national media covers the Oscar Pistorius murder case wall to wall, the gruesome murder and beheading of two Coptic Christians by a Muslim has been ...
Muslim Who Beheaded Christians in New Jersey Charged With … City, New Jersey -- A Muslim man is behind bars tonight and is facing murder and desecration charges after beheading two Egyptian Christians and cutting
Muslim accused of beheading 2 Christians in U.S.

WND - in New Jersey allege a Muslim man beheaded two Coptic Christians, burying their bodies and heads and hands in separate graves near Philadelphia, …
New Jersey: Egyptian Muslim shot, beheaded, cut hands off 2 … 13, 2013 · The media won’t dare mention if the perp is Muslim but they clearly identify the victims as Coptic Christians. via Gruesome double murder, men ...
Muslim Beheads Christians In NJ, Mainstream Media Silent Ibrahim, a Muslim man, targeted and murdered two Coptic Egyptian Christian men who lived and worked in New Jersey. He beheaded them and cut off their hands.
‘Gruesome’: Muslim Man Beheads Two New Jersey Christians -

ALIPAC Murdered In New Jersey...Not A PEEP From The Mainstream Media. Posted by RAMJR on February 13, 2013 at 7:01pm I have not heard any source,
-New Jersey: Muslim Beheads and Cuts off Hands of Two Coptic ... 7 Killed Leaving Coptic Christmas Eve Mass (Jan. 6) ... 1 Response to -New Jersey: Muslim Beheads and Cuts off Hands of Two Coptic Christians.
A Muslim beheads two Christians in New Jersey, where is the … believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden ...
Muslim in New Jersey beheads 2 christians - YouTube timelinesoon · 2 min · 930 views · Added Feb 20, 2013

Gee, wonder why there is no outcry here like for Trayvon? Why aren't they banning knives and swords? It's all a script folks. Just a damn script they read ...
Muslim Man Beheads 2 Christians In New Jersey!! - YouTube Paul Begley · 9 min · 10,177 views · Added Feb 20, 2013
The persecution of Christians has begun in America as 2 are beheaded Paul Begley Prophecy also WND - A Free Press for a Free People
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Muslim Beheads Two Christians
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Coptic Christians Beheaded in NJ
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I searched the first 7 pages and there was not one story from a mainstream news source. Were it not for these alternative media outlets and youtube the American people wouldn't know about it. Unless they lived in New Jersey. The writer makes a valid point. Why did the mainstream media avoid this story? If they didn't where are the articles?
Last edited:
I didn't say anything either way. I simply posted someone else's perspective on the incident,

a perspective that appears to be more based on evidence than the OP.

No here's what you said
How about some uncharacteristically balanced perspective from a conservative commentator?

What makes it a balanced perspective? Is it because it somehow leans to what you agree with?

It's balanced against the baseless assumptions and implications in the OP, starting with the simple problem of there not being confirmation that this killer was even a Muslim.

How quick did the media and the left (rev Jackson and others) jump on the Zimmerman case, calling the man racist exactly? Days..... Hours..... Any idea? What confirmation was made before all the condemnation went forth? What about Obama and the beer summit? Didn't President Obama himself open his mouth to the media, making a comment, before knowing all the facts of the case? Yet the administration acts all "holier than thou" when Mitt Romney quickly made his comment about Benghazi. I just find it rather interesting this whole concept of "waiting for confirmation before passing judgement".
No here's what you said
How about some uncharacteristically balanced perspective from a conservative commentator?

What makes it a balanced perspective? Is it because it somehow leans to what you agree with?

It's balanced against the baseless assumptions and implications in the OP, starting with the simple problem of there not being confirmation that this killer was even a Muslim.

How quick did the media and the left (rev Jackson and others) jump on the Zimmerman case, calling the man racist exactly? Days..... Hours..... Any idea? What confirmation was made before all the condemnation went forth? What about Obama and the beer summit? Didn't President Obama himself open his mouth to the media, making a comment, before knowing all the facts of the case? Yet the administration acts all "holier than thou" when Mitt Romney quickly made his comment about Benghazi. I just find it rather interesting this whole concept of "waiting for confirmation before passing judgement".

So in your opinion, this is a bullshit story.
First of all, it's pretty funny to watch people claim that "the media" isn't covering the story - even though the blog quoted in the OP cites a NY Daily News article and ABC News coverage.

Secondly, even Debbie fucking Schlussel is saying this isn't a "Muslim hate crime" - and she's second only to Pamela Gellar in terms of hysterical shrieking islamophobia.'re doing it again. You threw the chance away. And you keep your views, I don't care. Just don't respond to any of my posts or approach me to speak to me.


If you don't want people to respond to what you say, you're in the wrong fucking place.

90% of the violence and killing the world over is all directly a result of islam.
The story isn't being reported across the country by the liberal media.

Should be considered a hate crime, but that would only happen if we switched the victims and murderer. This was clearly a crime against Christians, considering the grisly way it was carried out. No self defense here, just some Muslim sending a message.
The story isn't being reported across the country by the liberal media.

Should be considered a hate crime, but that would only happen if we switched the victims and murderer. This was clearly a crime against Christians, considering the grisly way it was carried out. No self defense here, just some Muslim sending a message.

I'm curious as to how any of this is "clear" to you.

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