Two Christians Beheaded in New Jersey By Muslim Man: Media, Silent!

Men are always killing women and cutting them up in pieces, cutting of their heads, legs and arms. They do it because they hate women. It's mostly white men doing this too. What should we do? Declare war on all white men because they must be full of hate for women and potential murders of more women because a small minority of them rape, murder and dismember women?

What kind of retarded bullshit is this?

It's an analogy. Obviously over your retarded head.
This happened months ago.

I thought you said it never happened? So we have gone from no, it never happened to it happened a few months ago......but that isn't actually accurate either, Bik.

Because I looked up the date on World Net Daily reporting the story and it was February 19th of this year. So March 19th would make it 1 month and April 7th would add another week. How does 5 or 6 weeks turn into MONTHS AGO??? It doesn't. Fact is it is less than 2 months old and you are proven a big fat liar once again. Now scram. - Jeremiah
Hey, they were members of a strange Christian sect, thus they deserved to be murdered.

Get with the program.
Ahhhhh, liberals! Feel the luv!

BecauseIKnow said:
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Fucking Yidioti!


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Yeah, your own link says:

February 11, 2013

Is it February? Golly bad.

I looked at Gellers link and it said Feb 19th not 11th. You might be referring to something else. Bottom line is it didn't happen MONTHS AGO because today is April 7th, Bik. You have a propensity for denying the truth about Islam, Bik, and it is only making you look worse.

Your Islamic culture obviously didn't teach you something about the truth. Without it you're just another liar. - Jeremiah
Ahhhhh, liberals! Feel the luv!

BecauseIKnow said:
Hi, you have received -150 reputation points from BecauseIKnow.
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Fucking Yidioti!


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What are reputation points and how do you give those out? I didn't know there was a feature for that. How do you count the points? How can I give points to others? Can you tell me? - Jeri
The attack wasn't religiously motivated, it happened during an argument and he fired shots and killed them first. Sad incident and criminal in nature. But what do ya know, Christians are the first to jump to anything with the world 'Muslim' in its headlines and use it to further advance their agenda. They don't care about people being murdered everyday in this country. They just care about the religion that competes with them.
Ahhhhh, liberals! Feel the luv!

BecauseIKnow said:
Hi, you have received -150 reputation points from BecauseIKnow.
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Fucking Yidioti!


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You negged me first, take your liberal gibberish out of this, I'm neither a liberal nor a republican but at least liberals don't have bogus sites or fabricated events.
The attack wasn't religiously motivated, it happened during an argument and he fired shots and killed them first. Sad incident and criminal in nature. But what do ya know, Christians are the first to jump to anything with the world 'Muslim' in its headlines and use it to further advance their agenda. They don't care about people being murdered everyday in this country. They just care about the religion that competes with them.

But you said the attack never happened. I made it up. Which is accusing me of being a liar like you are. When I am not. I'd like an apology and also a retraction for your stating this happened MONTHS AGO (after you couldn't deny it happened ) as it appears to have been closer to 6 weeks? MONTHS AGO? Really? Apologise and I want a retraction, thank you. - Jeremiah
The attack wasn't religiously motivated, it happened during an argument and he fired shots and killed them first. Sad incident and criminal in nature. But what do ya know, Christians are the first to jump to anything with the world 'Muslim' in its headlines and use it to further advance their agenda. They don't care about people being murdered everyday in this country. They just care about the religion that competes with them.

Bull shit, dick licker, BEHEADING is what MUSLIMS DO. It's their RELIGIOUS THING.

And no one on earth reacts more immediately and VIOLENTLY to anything someone might say about muslims than MUSLIMS.

Your Christian bashing and hating is noted, ya bigoted sons a bitch.
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Yeah, your own link says:

February 11, 2013

Is it February? Golly bad.

I looked at Gellers link and it said Feb 19th not 11th. You might be referring to something else. Bottom line is it didn't happen MONTHS AGO because today is April 7th, Bik. You have a propensity for denying the truth about Islam, Bik, and it is only making you look worse.

Your Islamic culture obviously didn't teach you something about the truth. Without it you're just another liar. - Jeremiah

Truth? Give me a break. Nearly everything the right wing posts on these threads is either a lie or a twisted 'truth.' You've got a nerve charging others with being unntruthful.
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No I didn't, I said it never happened today, but you would of course try to distort what I said. Now you're proving yourself to be a troll. But you've already proved yourself of being an absolute idiot.
Men are always killing women and cutting them up in pieces, cutting of their heads, legs and arms. They do it because they hate women. It's mostly white men doing this too. What should we do? Declare war on all white men because they must be full of hate for women and potential murders of more women because a small minority of them rape, murder and dismember women?

What kind of retarded bullshit is this?

It's an analogy. Obviously over your retarded head.

It's a stupid fucking analogy. Should I characterize all white women because some of them kill there own children?

You click on the link now and the page can't be found. Another attempt by a republican source to make up something.

He's been in jail for months and this happened happened months ago.

That's why it doesn't appear on the news anywhere.

How do you people become so stupid.

Yet Martin/Zimmerman is still getting air time and a new thread here, from time to time. Why did this story die in 6 weeks and another is still in the papers over a year later?

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