Two Christians Beheaded in New Jersey By Muslim Man: Media, Silent!

I find it incredible that people here do not believe a muslim beheading two christians in New Jersey is national news. I have no words left. The article stands for itself - on its own merit - it should have been national news. Period. I knew the liberals were in denial but this is ridiculous. I guess 9/11 shouldn't have been national news either. wow. - Jeremiah

There's no evidence that points to this being a religion-based crime. It looks much more likely that this was gang-related, having nothing at all to do with religion.

Hmmm.... seems I am not alone in noticing the mainstream media avoided this story. Great article RB! This quote from the link is quite telling, isn't?

Here we have another “silent” story about Islamic violence in our country with nary a word from the mainstream media about it. The country goes gaga over a beautiful model’s murder at the hands of an international legless sports hero, but the beheading of two Egyptian Coptic Christian men in New Jersey by a Muslim gets a pass. Why?

Simple. The gruesome beheading invokes the Muslim ritual, called for in the Koran. Koranic verse 8:12 reads: “I will instill terror into the hearts of unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their fingers off.”

Our media shuts its eyes, turns its head and stuffs its ears when anything negative about the primitive actions of Muslim occur.

The writer has a great point. Why does the media shutting its eyes, turning its head and stuff its ears? Is the liberal media really afraid of Islam?
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Did he shoot them because they were Christians?

Why did he behead them?

You are special, Jeremiah. Very special.

According to Pamela Geller it was a ritual killing. Religious - Islam.

I know I'm special because my G-d tells me in His Book that I am created in His Image. It doesn't get any better than that. Thanks! :eusa_angel:
Did he shoot them because they were Christians?

Why did he behead them?

You are special, Jeremiah. Very special.

According to Pamela Geller it was a ritual killing. Religious - Islam.

I know I'm special because my G-d tells me in His Book that I am created in His Image. It doesn't get any better than that. Thanks! :eusa_angel:

Pamela Geller says so? Are you for real?

They were SHOT IN A CAR. This was not a ritual killing.

Looney tunes. Admit your mistake.
BigDerp.....diving in the shallow end again.....

You think this was a case of an Islamic ritual killing of two Christians......because they were Christian?

Making that claim are you?
BigDerp.....diving in the shallow end again.....

You think this was a case of an Islamic ritual killing of two Christians......because they were Christian?

Making that claim are you?

Really? You made the suggestion that using guns was not in the Quran and I followed up with planes aren't mention either.

You said it wasn't a beheading and persisted that it was a shooting and dismemberment
I said yes he shot them then cut off their heads and hands.

I'm not making any claim why he did it because I don't know.
My target is the media non coverage.
Did he shoot them because they were Christians?

Why did he behead them?

You are special, Jeremiah. Very special.

According to Pamela Geller it was a ritual killing. Religious - Islam.

I know I'm special because my G-d tells me in His Book that I am created in His Image. It doesn't get any better than that. Thanks! :eusa_angel:

Pamela Geller says so? Are you for real?

They were SHOT IN A CAR. This was not a ritual killing.

Looney tunes. Admit your mistake.

I can't admit a mistake when there was not one made. Pamela Geller is one of several who believe this is a ritual killing. Ask Brigitte Gabrielles' outfit Act for America. That one is bigger than Geller and they are all coming out now saying this was a ritual killing and is directly tied to Islam. America has a problem on her hands here. These stories are going to keep on coming until one hits a neighborhood near you! The only one who appears to be out to lunch here is you and the rest of your buddies who claim this isn't national news. It is. - Jeremiah
It was covered as a double homicide. Just like every other double homicide is covered.

big mistake. No. Make that HUGE mistake. This is NOT like any other homicide. This is motivated by radical Islam and should be treated as an act of terrorism against Americans in my opinion.

- Jeri
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I already ended this thread when I proved that the media had covered this story.

Why are people still posting?

The OP is either a hack-liar or didn't bother to really check out how many people are covering the story.

It was covered as a double homicide. Just like every other double homicide is covered.

big mistake. No. Make that HUGE mistake. This is NOT like any other homicide. This is motivated by radical Islam and should be treated as an act of terrorism against Americans in my opinion.

- Jeri are just a nutjob. Check!

psst........the victims were not Americans...........

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