Two ex-Watergate prosecutors agree ‘there’s enough evidence right now to indict Donald Trump’

Maybe the Trumps and the Clintons will be on the same cell block.

Redfish may be two stories further down.
Maybe the Trumps and the Clintons will be on the same cell block.

Redfish may be two stories further down.

Trump and I will be just fine. But the Clintons--------------------Lynch-------------Comey----------------Conyers--------------Obama??????
and Hillary is going down.

This is so sad to watch. You are kind of a prick, so I enjoy needling you. But this is just pathetic.

so you are OK when a government official violates federal laws regarding the protection and transmission of classified data? Comey testified under oath that she did exactly that. He said she would not be indicted because she didn't intend to do it and was too stupid to realize that she had.

So, how about if you try that next time a cop stops you for speeding. Try this "but officer I didn't intend to go 90 in a 45 zone and I am kind of dumb when it comes to reading speed limit signs". That is exactly what you are defending Hillary for doing.
and Hillary is going down.

This is so sad to watch. You are kind of a prick, so I enjoy needling you. But this is just pathetic.

so you are OK when a government official violates federal laws regarding the protection and transmission of classified data? Comey testified under oath that she did exactly that. He said she would not be indicted because she didn't intend to do it and was too stupid to realize that she had.

So, how about if you try that next time a cop stops you for speeding. Try this "but officer I didn't intend to go 90 in a 45 zone and I am kind of dumb when it comes to reading speed limit signs". That is exactly what you are defending Hillary for doing.

Red herring. So're like a child displaying post traumatic stress...and the symptom is Hillary Tourette's Syndrome...
As the saying goes...”Grand jury would have indict a ham sandwich.”
He was the head of the campaign. Period. What an embarrassing bit of equivocation on your part.

Trump fired him. Trump fired Flynn. Trump fires crooked people. Pay attention and stop the stupid talking points.

He also hired them. Trump hires crooked people. And lots of them. See, when you say such simpleminded things, the proper retort is also very simple.

you don't always know someone is crooked when you hire them, sometimes they turn crooked after you hire them. Once he knew they were crooked he fired them, just like any employer would do.

I know you hate Trump and are torn up that he beat wonderful Hillary, but your obsession to bring him down only makes you look foolish. And whats really funny is that the witchhunt on Trump will probably bring the Clintons down.

Careful what you wish for, libtardians.

So you're saying that you don't know if Donald knew if they were crooked or not. Wow, that represents a big step for a guy like you. So now you do admit the possibility that Trump making foreign agents the head of his campaign and the head of our country's national security was more than an "oopsie!" on trump's part.

we've made a lot of progress today. You should rest, this has to be tough on you.

I don't know what you think you have accomplished with that post. Did Obama know that Holder and Lynch were crooked when he hired them? Did Hillary know that the DNC was crooked when she let them run her campaign? The answer is probably yes in both cases, because with the dem/libs winning is all that matters, cheating and lying are ok if they help you win.

obama knew that flynn was as filthy as can be & on NOVEMBER 10, 2016, 2 DAYS AFTER THE 'ELECTION' WHEN TRUMP & HIS WHORE VISITED THE WHITEHOUSE, obama PERSONALLY WARNED trump NOT to take flynn into his circlejerk because of security threats ( he was on a foreign govt. payroll ) & he was an erratic individual not fit to be in a position that trump was considering ( which is why obama FIRED him years earlier).

Obama warned Trump not to hire Flynn: reports
Redfish, stop your stammering and whimpering.

Suggesting that uranium one is treasonable is actionable by criminal libel.

accepting bribes to give away 10% of our uranium stock is treason. Why exactly do you think Russian oligarths gave 140 million to the Clinton foundation? because they wanted to cure hunger in Africa???????????? Don't be so fricken naïve.

debunked a thousand times. my lord you are a desperate little fishy.

no it hasn't been debunked. Just the opposite, it has been confirmed.

But fear not, Hillary and bubba will never see a conviction, the politically elite in this country are not subject to the same laws that you and I are subject to-----------does that make you sleep well?

ho hum.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Did Clinton help Russia obtain uranium for donations? Nope

The Facts on Uranium One -

got anything from a legitimate source? How about the NY times or Wash post? They both ran stories about dirty crooked Hillary and uranium one. Were those liberal rags lying?

all 3 are legit sources. they are fact checkers.... they check facts. you know... FACTS. i thought that the NYT & WAPO were 'fake news' according to your president tinkles. but okey dokey little guppy, enjoy....

Fact Checker

The repeated, incorrect claim that Russia obtained ‘20 percent of our uranium’
By Glenn Kessler October 31

Analysis | The repeated, incorrect claim that Russia obtained ‘20 percent of our uranium’

^^^ WAPO ^^^


you're welcome.
Last edited:
Redfish, stop your stammering and whimpering.

Suggesting that uranium one is treasonable is actionable by criminal libel.

then the NY times and Wash post have committed criminal libel. So has every TV network.
Nope, they were telling with what they had available. Are they doing that now?

You are.
its not my story. it is a media story. its too big for them to drop it. Especially now that the media and the lib/dems have turned on the Clintons (since they no longer has any power). Relax, the Clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
You know the truth, yet you lie about it. Deliberately. With intent to pervert the path of justice. Criminal libel.

wrong, I don't KNOW all the facts so I (and you) have to rely on what the media has put out (all of the media). What has been published and discussed in the print media, TV, and radio all confirm the dirty dealings of the Clintons, the Russians, and uranium one.

Just sit back and relax, the truth will all come out pretty soon and you probably wont like it since you continue to worship the Clinton crime family. They accepted bribes (140M to their foundation, which is also their personal bank account) in exchange for pushing the sale of uranium rights to Russian interests.

lol! any 'pay to play' schemes were CONducted by president reject...

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

By David A. Fahrenthold September 1, 2016

Donald Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 penalty this year, an official at Trump's company said, after it was revealed that Trump's charitable foundation had violated tax laws by giving a political contribution to a campaign group connected to Florida's attorney general.

The improper donation, a $25,000 gift from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, was made in 2013. At the time, Attorney General Pam Bondi was considering whether to investigate fraud allegations against Trump University. She decided not to pursue the case.
Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

Why Is WWE Listed As The Trump Foundation's Biggest Donor?
Among the hundreds of pages of financial information that the Donald J. Trump Foundation has submitted to the Internal Revenue Service over the years, one donation stands out. In 2007, the publicly traded wrestling empire WWE donated $4 million to the Trump Foundation, 114 times as much as the president gave to his own foundation that year, according a 2007 IRS filing.

Despite the close connection, the gift to the Trump Foundation does not seem to be in line with the McMahons’ other charitable donations. In 2007, the year that $4 million landed in the Trump Foundation, the McMahons gave only $5 million to their own Vince & Linda McMahon Family Foundation. The McMahon foundation in turn made its biggest donation that year to Sacred Heart University, for $1 million. Why would the McMahons give four times as much to Trump’s foundation?
Why Is WWE Listed As The Trump Foundation's Biggest Donor?

why they ask? this is why...

Trump Taps LINDA McMahon to head Small Business Administration

Trump Taps Linda McMahon to Head Small Business Administration

& as far as using their foundation as a personal bank account:

Trump bought a 6-foot-tall portrait of himself with charity money. We may have found it.

By David A. Fahrenthold September 14, 2016

In 2007, Donald Trump spent $20,000 that belonged to his charity — the Donald J. Trump Foundation — to buy a six-foot-tall portrait of himself during a fundraiser auction at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida.

That purchase was reported Sunday by The Washington Post. Since then, the portrait has been the center of a mystery: What did Trump do with the painting after he bought it?

If Trump did not give the painting to a charity — or find a way to use it for charitable purposes — he may have violated IRS rules against “self-dealing,” which prohibit nonprofit leaders from spending charity money on themselves.

On Wednesday, a new clue emerged. A former production manager for the portrait’s painter told The Post that he had shipped the painting — at the request of Trump’s wife, Melania — to Trump National Golf Club Westchester in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.

Jody Young, the painter’s former manager, said that at the time he had spoken directly to Melania Trump about how the painting would be framed and displayed.

Her plan was “to hang it in either the boardroom or the conference room of the club,” Young said.

Trump bought a 6-foot-tall portrait of himself with charity money. We may have found it.

poor poor little guppy.


Last edited:
accepting bribes to give away 10% of our uranium stock is treason. Why exactly do you think Russian oligarths gave 140 million to the Clinton foundation? because they wanted to cure hunger in Africa???????????? Don't be so fricken naïve.

debunked a thousand times. my lord you are a desperate little fishy.

no it hasn't been debunked. Just the opposite, it has been confirmed.

But fear not, Hillary and bubba will never see a conviction, the politically elite in this country are not subject to the same laws that you and I are subject to-----------does that make you sleep well?

ho hum.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

Did Clinton help Russia obtain uranium for donations? Nope

The Facts on Uranium One -

got anything from a legitimate source? How about the NY times or Wash post? They both ran stories about dirty crooked Hillary and uranium one. Were those liberal rags lying?

all 3 are legit sources. they are fact checkers.... they check facts. you know... FACTS. i thought that the NYT & WAPO were 'fake news' according to your president tinkles. but okey dokey little guppy, enjoy....

Fact Checker

The repeated, incorrect claim that Russia obtained ‘20 percent of our uranium’
By Glenn Kessler October 31

Analysis | The repeated, incorrect claim that Russia obtained ‘20 percent of our uranium’

^^^ WAPO ^^^


you're welcome.
. "Obtained" meaning what ? Was the deal made, the money swapped, and the uranium not actually transferred into the Russians hands ?? Was it to be held here for them, and then transferred upon need ??
then the NY times and Wash post have committed criminal libel. So has every TV network.
Nope, they were telling with what they had available. Are they doing that now?

You are.
its not my story. it is a media story. its too big for them to drop it. Especially now that the media and the lib/dems have turned on the Clintons (since they no longer has any power). Relax, the Clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
You know the truth, yet you lie about it. Deliberately. With intent to pervert the path of justice. Criminal libel.

wrong, I don't KNOW all the facts so I (and you) have to rely on what the media has put out (all of the media). What has been published and discussed in the print media, TV, and radio all confirm the dirty dealings of the Clintons, the Russians, and uranium one.

Just sit back and relax, the truth will all come out pretty soon and you probably wont like it since you continue to worship the Clinton crime family. They accepted bribes (140M to their foundation, which is also their personal bank account) in exchange for pushing the sale of uranium rights to Russian interests.

lol! any 'pay to play' schemes were CONducted by president reject...

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

By David A. Fahrenthold September 1, 2016

Donald Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 penalty this year, an official at Trump's company said, after it was revealed that Trump's charitable foundation had violated tax laws by giving a political contribution to a campaign group connected to Florida's attorney general.

The improper donation, a $25,000 gift from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, was made in 2013. At the time, Attorney General Pam Bondi was considering whether to investigate fraud allegations against Trump University. She decided not to pursue the case.
Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

Why Is WWE Listed As The Trump Foundation's Biggest Donor?
Among the hundreds of pages of financial information that the Donald J. Trump Foundation has submitted to the Internal Revenue Service over the years, one donation stands out. In 2007, the publicly traded wrestling empire WWE donated $4 million to the Trump Foundation, 114 times as much as the president gave to his own foundation that year, according a 2007 IRS filing.

Despite the close connection, the gift to the Trump Foundation does not seem to be in line with the McMahons’ other charitable donations. In 2007, the year that $4 million landed in the Trump Foundation, the McMahons gave only $5 million to their own Vince & Linda McMahon Family Foundation. The McMahon foundation in turn made its biggest donation that year to Sacred Heart University, for $1 million. Why would the McMahons give four times as much to Trump’s foundation?
Why Is WWE Listed As The Trump Foundation's Biggest Donor?

why they ask? this is why...

Trump Taps LINDA McMahon to head Small Business Administration

Trump Taps Linda McMahon to Head Small Business Administration

& as far as using their foundation as a personal bank account:

Trump bought a 6-foot-tall portrait of himself with charity money. We may have found it.

By David A. Fahrenthold September 14, 2016

In 2007, Donald Trump spent $20,000 that belonged to his charity — the Donald J. Trump Foundation — to buy a six-foot-tall portrait of himself during a fundraiser auction at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida.

That purchase was reported Sunday by The Washington Post. Since then, the portrait has been the center of a mystery: What did Trump do with the painting after he bought it?

If Trump did not give the painting to a charity — or find a way to use it for charitable purposes — he may have violated IRS rules against “self-dealing,” which prohibit nonprofit leaders from spending charity money on themselves.

On Wednesday, a new clue emerged. A former production manager for the portrait’s painter told The Post that he had shipped the painting — at the request of Trump’s wife, Melania — to Trump National Golf Club Westchester in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.

Jody Young, the painter’s former manager, said that at the time he had spoken directly to Melania Trump about how the painting would be framed and displayed.

Her plan was “to hang it in either the boardroom or the conference room of the club,” Young said.

Trump bought a 6-foot-tall portrait of himself with charity money. We may have found it.

poor poor little guppy.


In 2007, Donald Trump spent $20,000 that belonged to his charity — the Donald J. Trump Foundation — to buy a six-foot-tall portrait of himself during a fundraiser auction at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida.

Ok, so did the money go back into the charity upon the purchase of the portrait at the charity fundraiser ? So actually he donated to the fundraiser by example of in order to spur on the action during the fund raiser ?? Now if he would have pulled money from the charity, and would have purchased something outside of the charity, where as no benefit would come to the charity afterwards, then that would have been a deplorable thing yes.
Nope, they were telling with what they had available. Are they doing that now?

You are.
its not my story. it is a media story. its too big for them to drop it. Especially now that the media and the lib/dems have turned on the Clintons (since they no longer has any power). Relax, the Clinton crime family will be brought to justice.
You know the truth, yet you lie about it. Deliberately. With intent to pervert the path of justice. Criminal libel.

wrong, I don't KNOW all the facts so I (and you) have to rely on what the media has put out (all of the media). What has been published and discussed in the print media, TV, and radio all confirm the dirty dealings of the Clintons, the Russians, and uranium one.

Just sit back and relax, the truth will all come out pretty soon and you probably wont like it since you continue to worship the Clinton crime family. They accepted bribes (140M to their foundation, which is also their personal bank account) in exchange for pushing the sale of uranium rights to Russian interests.

lol! any 'pay to play' schemes were CONducted by president reject...

Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

By David A. Fahrenthold September 1, 2016

Donald Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 penalty this year, an official at Trump's company said, after it was revealed that Trump's charitable foundation had violated tax laws by giving a political contribution to a campaign group connected to Florida's attorney general.

The improper donation, a $25,000 gift from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, was made in 2013. At the time, Attorney General Pam Bondi was considering whether to investigate fraud allegations against Trump University. She decided not to pursue the case.
Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general

Why Is WWE Listed As The Trump Foundation's Biggest Donor?
Among the hundreds of pages of financial information that the Donald J. Trump Foundation has submitted to the Internal Revenue Service over the years, one donation stands out. In 2007, the publicly traded wrestling empire WWE donated $4 million to the Trump Foundation, 114 times as much as the president gave to his own foundation that year, according a 2007 IRS filing.

Despite the close connection, the gift to the Trump Foundation does not seem to be in line with the McMahons’ other charitable donations. In 2007, the year that $4 million landed in the Trump Foundation, the McMahons gave only $5 million to their own Vince & Linda McMahon Family Foundation. The McMahon foundation in turn made its biggest donation that year to Sacred Heart University, for $1 million. Why would the McMahons give four times as much to Trump’s foundation?
Why Is WWE Listed As The Trump Foundation's Biggest Donor?

why they ask? this is why...

Trump Taps LINDA McMahon to head Small Business Administration

Trump Taps Linda McMahon to Head Small Business Administration

& as far as using their foundation as a personal bank account:

Trump bought a 6-foot-tall portrait of himself with charity money. We may have found it.

By David A. Fahrenthold September 14, 2016

In 2007, Donald Trump spent $20,000 that belonged to his charity — the Donald J. Trump Foundation — to buy a six-foot-tall portrait of himself during a fundraiser auction at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida.

That purchase was reported Sunday by The Washington Post. Since then, the portrait has been the center of a mystery: What did Trump do with the painting after he bought it?

If Trump did not give the painting to a charity — or find a way to use it for charitable purposes — he may have violated IRS rules against “self-dealing,” which prohibit nonprofit leaders from spending charity money on themselves.

On Wednesday, a new clue emerged. A former production manager for the portrait’s painter told The Post that he had shipped the painting — at the request of Trump’s wife, Melania — to Trump National Golf Club Westchester in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.

Jody Young, the painter’s former manager, said that at the time he had spoken directly to Melania Trump about how the painting would be framed and displayed.

Her plan was “to hang it in either the boardroom or the conference room of the club,” Young said.

Trump bought a 6-foot-tall portrait of himself with charity money. We may have found it.

poor poor little guppy.


In 2007, Donald Trump spent $20,000 that belonged to his charity — the Donald J. Trump Foundation — to buy a six-foot-tall portrait of himself during a fundraiser auction at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida.

Ok, so did the money go back into the charity upon the purchase of the portrait at the charity fundraiser ? So actually he donated to the fundraiser by example of in order to spur on the action during the fund raiser ?? Now if he would have pulled money from the charity, and would have purchased something outside of the charity, where as no benefit would come to the charity afterwards, then that would have been a deplorable thing yes.

you must be dizzy from all that spinning, cowboy.
Trump's motorcade greeted with chants of 'lock him up' in NYC
Read more: Trump's motorcade greeted with chants of 'lock him up' in NYC
View image on Twitter

Bryan Bennett @bryanbennett85

Trump's disapproval rating tends to hit highs or near highs in the @Gallup tracker when Congress tries to enact his agenda.

*House health care bill (March): 35-59
*Senate health care bill (July): 36-60
*Senate skinny repeal (September): 37-59
*Senate tax cuts bill (now): 33-62

1:36 PM - Dec 2, 2017
. NYC being NYC... Good grief. Most of the nation could care less what NYC thinks.

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