Two Failures: Keynes, and Obama.

Blah blah blah

You make so many ridiculous assumptions and assertions. Why not just come out and say "I hate Obama"? It would save time.

I'll say it. I hate obama. He's the worst president in the history of the country. He sucks at foreign policy, domestic policy, economic policy, and he has built the most corrupt administration that anyone has ever seen outside of a banana republic. The worst thing about him is his magical hold on the mentally deficient voting majority.
Jesus. What a valuable post. The opinion of a con tool and congenital idiot. Nice.

Hey, worm....

Here's the OP I posted that was inspired by your lack of understanding of the world:

See if you can find your quote in it....
Our economy is so much better than 07/08/09 saying otherwise is dishonest. We still need to manage outsourcing, build here, and create a fair tax system. If corporations like Apple want to build in China and hide revenues overseas fine, but let's all stop buying their products. As far as Keynes, he was right and history proves it. Both the spending of FDR and WWII spending were Keynesian economics at work. Also Eisenhower's interstate highway system, another Keynesian move. Information below counters any revisionist nonsense PC has had transmitted into her tele-receiver.

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid." President Dwight Eisenhower

Timeline of the Great Depression
Timeline of the Great Depression
The Great Depression, to 1935
The Main Causes of the Great Depression
Stiff upper lip.

The Interstate Highway System was a national defense program, not a stimulus program. FDR prolonged the Depression. WWII spending would have crippled us without the near monopoly the US had over the global economy with both Europe and Japan in ruins.
Obama has failed by his own standards. This is what he and his crack team of Economists predicted:

I'll say it. I hate obama. He's the worst president in the history of the country. He sucks at foreign policy, domestic policy, economic policy, and he has built the most corrupt administration that anyone has ever seen outside of a banana republic. The worst thing about him is his magical hold on the mentally deficient voting majority.
Jesus. What a valuable post. The opinion of a con tool and congenital idiot. Nice.

Hey, worm....

Here's the OP I posted that was inspired by your lack of understanding of the world:

See if you can find your quote in it....
Again. Your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion.
Speaking of your opinion, it is amazing how your considered opinion always just happens to be that of the bat shit crazy con web sites. Just a coincidence, I am sure. But makes any attempt to discuss anything with you a waste of time.
Jesus. What a valuable post. The opinion of a con tool and congenital idiot. Nice.

Hey, worm....

Here's the OP I posted that was inspired by your lack of understanding of the world:

See if you can find your quote in it....
Again. Your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion.
Speaking of your opinion, it is amazing how your considered opinion always just happens to be that of the bat shit crazy con web sites. Just a coincidence, I am sure. But makes any attempt to discuss anything with you a waste of time.

Don't you realize that the demonstration of your deep and pervasive stupidity is the very fact that you don't value my opinion highly enough?

Wise up worm.
In your delusion, you believe that posting dogma from bat shit crazy conservative web sites is of any value. My recognition that it is, indeed, of NO value is reason enough to prove my intellectual superiority to you, me poor ignorant con tool. But then, you do set a pretty low bar.
In your delusion, you believe that posting dogma from bat shit crazy conservative web sites is of any value. My recognition that it is, indeed, of NO value is reason enough to prove my intellectual superiority to you, me poor ignorant con tool. But then, you do set a pretty low bar.

Read it and weep.
I note you had no rebuttal, worm.

A term that will never be found in the same sentence with your name.

Psittacine species, parrots, have a brain to body ration equal to that of chimpanzees. As such, parrots are the smartest of all birds with the cognitive capacity of a five-year-old child.

Don’t you wish that that could be said of you?
Who among us can claim that Obama's full-throated endorsing of Keynesian economics has proven successful?
What to make of the voters who re-elected Obama, with clear evidence of his incompetence?

1. If Keynesian economic theory is correct, the American economy should have performed well compared with countries that followed others policies. Realize, the concept of the 'Obama Stimulus' is directly out of Keynes...i.e., Liberal economic theory.

Canada provides an interesting contrast, as our economies are closely interconnected.

a. Canada is our largest trading partner. Any cutback by American consumers directly affects Canadian-made goods, and, therefore, their employment picture.

2. Defenders of this administration will likely point to unemployment rates in the two nations, noting the Canadian is higher. Not so. The definition of unemployment is different...but the US Bureau of Labor Statistics has recalculated the Canadian rates so as to make them comparable.

a. Canadian data counts as "unemployed" if they have engaged in 'any' job search during the previous month, no matter how superficial that search is, e.g., 'looked at ads.' For US statistics, one is "unemployed" if out of work and "actively" searching, e.g., applying for jobs, going through interviews.
Why Is Canada's Unemployment Rate Persistently Higher than that in ... PDF -

3. Canadian and US unemployment rates increased in lockstep from August 2008 to February 2009, when Obama's Stimulus was passed. After that, Canada began to substantially outperform the US in job creation, the supposed point of the stimulus. In the US, unemployment rose to 10.1 % by October 2009, and remained at least at 9.5% for the next 14 months. Canadian unemployment peaked at 7.7 % in July and August of 2009, and has been falling ever since.
Lott, "At The Brink," p. 102-103.

a. When the American unemployment rate in September 2011 was stuck at 9.1 %, Canada's had fallen to 6.3%. The US had increased by 1.3 % since Obama became President, while Canadian unemployment had already fallen below its January 2009 level. Lott, Op. Cit.

b. In January 2009, prior to the Obama Stimulus, the WSJ had surveyed economic forecasters. They predicted an increase of 0.8 % in unemployment by December of 2009. Instead, 4 months after the had climbed by 2.1 %, while in Canada....up 1 %.
Lott, Op. Cit.

c. So, without the Obama waste of almost a trillion dollars, economic forecasters were braced for less than 1% increase in unemployment.
Instead, with the community organizer at the controls of the economy, unemployment climbed over twice as much.

What does that tell about Keynes...and Obama?

4. Be clear: the Canadian government had chosen not to introduce any new big government programs, even though revenues had fallen, and the deficit grew. The US debt as a share of GDP rose by 33 % from 2008 to 2012. Canada's debt rose by just over 13%. "Moreover, the Canadian government didn’t just cut the growth rate of spending, a favorite trick of U.S. politicians who want to claim the mantle of fiscal conservatism. It also cut absolute spending on many programs in dollar terms."
Canada?s Budget Triumph | Mercatus

5. The financial whiz- née community organizer raised effective marginal rates on individuals, discouraging work, refused to cut the corporate income tax rate (Canada cut theirs from 34% to 26%).

It is well past the time of analyzing the Obama economic policies....and that analysis is so apparent that even HuffPo printed this:
"Politically and economically, the U.S. in 2011 fell flat on its face. There are several reasons why our government miserably failed us this year but the most devastating reason is that it did absolutely nothing to help the economy. In fact, the Obama administration helped make matters worse."
Lloyd Chapman: Top 6 Reasons Obama's Economic Policies Failed in 2011
Ask yourself why.

Did you get that?
Again: "...the Obama administration helped make matters worse."

Is Obama stupid?
Clueless about economics?
Or does he know what is in this OP...and consciously chose the path of failure.

You be the judge.

Were you in kindergarten in 2008 before Obama took office? A republican was in the white house and the world economy was on the verge of crashing. I'm not a big Obama fan but am sure glad an adult was in charge and not some jackass republican.
Who among us can claim that Obama's full-throated endorsing of Keynesian economics has proven successful?
What to make of the voters who re-elected Obama, with clear evidence of his incompetence?

1. If Keynesian economic theory is correct, the American economy should have performed well compared with countries that followed others policies. Realize, the concept of the 'Obama Stimulus' is directly out of Keynes...i.e., Liberal economic theory.

Canada provides an interesting contrast, as our economies are closely interconnected.

a. Canada is our largest trading partner. Any cutback by American consumers directly affects Canadian-made goods, and, therefore, their employment picture.

2. Defenders of this administration will likely point to unemployment rates in the two nations, noting the Canadian is higher. Not so. The definition of unemployment is different...but the US Bureau of Labor Statistics has recalculated the Canadian rates so as to make them comparable.

a. Canadian data counts as "unemployed" if they have engaged in 'any' job search during the previous month, no matter how superficial that search is, e.g., 'looked at ads.' For US statistics, one is "unemployed" if out of work and "actively" searching, e.g., applying for jobs, going through interviews.
Why Is Canada's Unemployment Rate Persistently Higher than that in ... PDF -

3. Canadian and US unemployment rates increased in lockstep from August 2008 to February 2009, when Obama's Stimulus was passed. After that, Canada began to substantially outperform the US in job creation, the supposed point of the stimulus. In the US, unemployment rose to 10.1 % by October 2009, and remained at least at 9.5% for the next 14 months. Canadian unemployment peaked at 7.7 % in July and August of 2009, and has been falling ever since.
Lott, "At The Brink," p. 102-103.

a. When the American unemployment rate in September 2011 was stuck at 9.1 %, Canada's had fallen to 6.3%. The US had increased by 1.3 % since Obama became President, while Canadian unemployment had already fallen below its January 2009 level. Lott, Op. Cit.

b. In January 2009, prior to the Obama Stimulus, the WSJ had surveyed economic forecasters. They predicted an increase of 0.8 % in unemployment by December of 2009. Instead, 4 months after the had climbed by 2.1 %, while in Canada....up 1 %.
Lott, Op. Cit.

c. So, without the Obama waste of almost a trillion dollars, economic forecasters were braced for less than 1% increase in unemployment.
Instead, with the community organizer at the controls of the economy, unemployment climbed over twice as much.

What does that tell about Keynes...and Obama?

4. Be clear: the Canadian government had chosen not to introduce any new big government programs, even though revenues had fallen, and the deficit grew. The US debt as a share of GDP rose by 33 % from 2008 to 2012. Canada's debt rose by just over 13%. "Moreover, the Canadian government didn’t just cut the growth rate of spending, a favorite trick of U.S. politicians who want to claim the mantle of fiscal conservatism. It also cut absolute spending on many programs in dollar terms."
Canada?s Budget Triumph | Mercatus

5. The financial whiz- née community organizer raised effective marginal rates on individuals, discouraging work, refused to cut the corporate income tax rate (Canada cut theirs from 34% to 26%).

It is well past the time of analyzing the Obama economic policies....and that analysis is so apparent that even HuffPo printed this:
"Politically and economically, the U.S. in 2011 fell flat on its face. There are several reasons why our government miserably failed us this year but the most devastating reason is that it did absolutely nothing to help the economy. In fact, the Obama administration helped make matters worse."
Lloyd Chapman: Top 6 Reasons Obama's Economic Policies Failed in 2011
Ask yourself why.

Did you get that?
Again: "...the Obama administration helped make matters worse."

Is Obama stupid?
Clueless about economics?
Or does he know what is in this OP...and consciously chose the path of failure.

You be the judge.

Were you in kindergarten in 2008 before Obama took office? A republican was in the white house and the world economy was on the verge of crashing. I'm not a big Obama fan but am sure glad an adult was in charge and not some jackass republican.

If the economy was on the verge of crashing, why did Obama's Economic team release this chart to sell the stimulus?


Obama's team said it would get bad, not "crash."

By the way, how did that work out?
In your delusion, you believe that posting dogma from bat shit crazy conservative web sites is of any value. My recognition that it is, indeed, of NO value is reason enough to prove my intellectual superiority to you, me poor ignorant con tool. But then, you do set a pretty low bar.

Read it and weep.
I note you had no rebuttal, worm.

A term that will never be found in the same sentence with your name.

Psittacine species, parrots, have a brain to body ration equal to that of chimpanzees. As such, parrots are the smartest of all birds with the cognitive capacity of a five-year-old child.

Don’t you wish that that could be said of you?
As i said, you do set a low bar. Delusion is a serious mental problem. So, I suppose it is not really your fault. Just plain bad luck.
What is the alternative to Keynes and has it ever been practiced? Has Keynes ever been practiced as Keynes suggested? Was World War II the best example of Keynes?
YOU: Our economy is so much better than 07/08/09 saying otherwise is dishonest.

ME: The unemployment rate hasn't really gone down, so to say it's much better is what's dishonest. How can raising taxes which takes money out of the economy, help the economy?? Talk about dishonest...

YOU: We still need to manage outsourcing"

ME: You don't manage outsourcing. Outsourcing is called capitalism. If the liberally controlled school systems actually taught something other than victimhood and hatred of American traditions, then maybe there would be people in this country worth hiring. If you are an employer, would you rather hire a hard working Indian person with an IT degree, or some entitled smuck with a women's studies or Ceramics degree?? Well?? How about liberals stop helping the country churn out second rate workers, and then turn around and blame capitalism for these folks being unsucessful???

"create a fair tax system."

In other words, create an even more lopsided tax system where the wealthy pay 99% of the taxes. Why don't you just get it over with an do a French Revolution thing and chop off the heads of anyone who makes a million dollars. NOW THAT WOULD REALLY BE FAIR!!!

"If corporations like Apple want to build in China and hide revenues overseas fine, but let's all stop buying their products."

I got an idea. How about get rid of corporate taxes so that corporations come to this country because it's cheaper to operate rather than tax the hell of them like Dems want to do. The kicker is that after you tax the hell out of them, then you whine because they try to shield themselves from the super high tax rates.

"As ar as Keynes, he was right and history proves it."

Really?? Let's think about this idea. When spending goes up taxes must go up. So either income taxes go up, which takes money out of consumer's pockets which lowers demand, or corporate taxes reduce profits which reduces the incentive to hire new workers. Yeah, I can see how that really helps the economy...
YOU: Our economy is so much better than 07/08/09 saying otherwise is dishonest.

ME: The unemployment rate hasn't really gone down, so to say it's much better is what's dishonest. How can raising taxes which takes money out of the economy, help the economy?? Talk about dishonest...

YOU: We still need to manage outsourcing"

ME: You don't manage outsourcing. Outsourcing is called capitalism. If the liberally controlled school systems actually taught something other than victimhood and hatred of American traditions, then maybe there would be people in this country worth hiring. If you are an employer, would you rather hire a hard working Indian person with an IT degree, or some entitled smuck with a women's studies or Ceramics degree?? Well?? How about liberals stop helping the country churn out second rate workers, and then turn around and blame capitalism for these folks being unsuces

"create a fair tax system."

In other words, create an even more lopsided tax system where the wealthy pay 99% of the taxes. Why don't you just get it over with an do a French Revolution thing and chop off the heads of anyone who makes a million dollars. NOW THAT WOULD REALLY BE FAIR!!!

"If corporations like Apple want to build in China and hide revenues overseas fine, but let's all stop buying their products."

I got an idea. How about get rid of corporate taxes so that corporations come to this country because it's cheaper to operate rather than tax the hell of them like Dems want to do. The kicker is that after you tax the hell out of them, then you whine because they try to shield themselves from the super high tax rates.

"As ar as Keynes, he was right and history proves it."

Really?? Let's think about this idea. When spending goes up taxes must go up. So either income taxes go up, which takes money out of consumer's pockets which lowers demand, or corporate taxes reduce profits which reduces the incentive to hire new workers. Yeah, I can see how that really helps the economy...
So, reading your final sentence, it would seem that any time we have had a recession and resultant high unemployment, that we should have kept the gov out of it altogether. Let the free market take care of itself, right? Like in 1929, and the unemployment rate went from 3.2% to 24.9% in 1933, when Hoover took office. Uh, maybe not so great? Never, ever been an increase in the ue rate to come close. That is a 21.7% unemployment rate increase, while no effort was made at stimulus spending.
But there must be a case when the UE rate was High that no gov action was the best idea??? Got one, me boy???

I understand why your complete post, full of absolute untruths and unverified claims, is without is without links. You just waste a lot of words posting claims only found in bat shit crazy conservative web sites. Waste of time. I simply pointed out one. The rest are red meat should one want to bother disproving them. But, at this point, all I see is another batch of conservative dogma. Stupid.
Last edited:
Keynes was a brilliant economic theorist, however, his inability to recognize that the application of theoretical models within an artificially controlled theoretical economy was plausible under the right conditions and totally irrelevant in the real world due to market dynamics and human nature. Even within highly dictatorial and controlled economies his theory was doomed to failure. As for Obama, like Keynes, he subscribes to theoretical modeling, however, the Obama model borders on fascism and the omnipotent state not the rights and freedoms of its people to make choices. Keynes attempted and strived to be transparent, Obama has a profound distain for transparency and honesty. The anthesis to Keynes was that of monetarist economic theory of open free markets, which does not lend itself well to deficits and employs markets with the responsibility and unregulated ability to punish those that fail to control spending. The anthesis to Obama is absolute freedom and power in the hands of Americans within the framework of limited government and obedience to the fundamental principles of the constitution.
Keynes was a brilliant economic theorist, however, his inability to recognize that the application of theoretical models within an artificially controlled theoretical economy was plausible under the right conditions and totally irrelevant in the real world due to market dynamics and human nature. Even within highly dictatorial and controlled economies his theory was doomed to failure. As for Obama, like Keynes, he subscribes to theoretical modeling, however, the Obama model borders on fascism and the omnipotent state not the rights and freedoms of its people to make choices. Keynes attempted and strived to be transparent, Obama has a profound distain for transparency and honesty. The anthesis to Keynes was that of monetarist economic theory of open free markets, which does not lend itself well to deficits and employs markets with the responsibility and unregulated ability to punish those that fail to control spending. The anthesis to Obama is absolute freedom and power in the hands of Americans within the framework of limited government and obedience to the fundamental principles of the constitution.
Right. And you must have some proof of your ignorant assertions??
I didn't think so.
Who among us can claim that Obama's full-throated endorsing of Keynesian economics has proven successful?
What to make of the voters who re-elected Obama, with clear evidence of his incompetence?

1. If Keynesian economic theory is correct, the American economy should have performed well compared with countries that followed others policies. Realize, the concept of the 'Obama Stimulus' is directly out of Keynes...i.e., Liberal economic theory.

Canada provides an interesting contrast, as our economies are closely interconnected.

a. Canada is our largest trading partner. Any cutback by American consumers directly affects Canadian-made goods, and, therefore, their employment picture.

2. Defenders of this administration will likely point to unemployment rates in the two nations, noting the Canadian is higher. Not so. The definition of unemployment is different...but the US Bureau of Labor Statistics has recalculated the Canadian rates so as to make them comparable.

a. Canadian data counts as "unemployed" if they have engaged in 'any' job search during the previous month, no matter how superficial that search is, e.g., 'looked at ads.' For US statistics, one is "unemployed" if out of work and "actively" searching, e.g., applying for jobs, going through interviews.
Why Is Canada's Unemployment Rate Persistently Higher than that in ... PDF -

3. Canadian and US unemployment rates increased in lockstep from August 2008 to February 2009, when Obama's Stimulus was passed. After that, Canada began to substantially outperform the US in job creation, the supposed point of the stimulus. In the US, unemployment rose to 10.1 % by October 2009, and remained at least at 9.5% for the next 14 months. Canadian unemployment peaked at 7.7 % in July and August of 2009, and has been falling ever since.
Lott, "At The Brink," p. 102-103.

a. When the American unemployment rate in September 2011 was stuck at 9.1 %, Canada's had fallen to 6.3%. The US had increased by 1.3 % since Obama became President, while Canadian unemployment had already fallen below its January 2009 level. Lott, Op. Cit.

b. In January 2009, prior to the Obama Stimulus, the WSJ had surveyed economic forecasters. They predicted an increase of 0.8 % in unemployment by December of 2009. Instead, 4 months after the had climbed by 2.1 %, while in Canada....up 1 %.
Lott, Op. Cit.

c. So, without the Obama waste of almost a trillion dollars, economic forecasters were braced for less than 1% increase in unemployment.
Instead, with the community organizer at the controls of the economy, unemployment climbed over twice as much.

What does that tell about Keynes...and Obama?

4. Be clear: the Canadian government had chosen not to introduce any new big government programs, even though revenues had fallen, and the deficit grew. The US debt as a share of GDP rose by 33 % from 2008 to 2012. Canada's debt rose by just over 13%. "Moreover, the Canadian government didn’t just cut the growth rate of spending, a favorite trick of U.S. politicians who want to claim the mantle of fiscal conservatism. It also cut absolute spending on many programs in dollar terms."
Canada?s Budget Triumph | Mercatus

5. The financial whiz- née community organizer raised effective marginal rates on individuals, discouraging work, refused to cut the corporate income tax rate (Canada cut theirs from 34% to 26%).

It is well past the time of analyzing the Obama economic policies....and that analysis is so apparent that even HuffPo printed this:
"Politically and economically, the U.S. in 2011 fell flat on its face. There are several reasons why our government miserably failed us this year but the most devastating reason is that it did absolutely nothing to help the economy. In fact, the Obama administration helped make matters worse."
Lloyd Chapman: Top 6 Reasons Obama's Economic Policies Failed in 2011
Ask yourself why.

Did you get that?
Again: "...the Obama administration helped make matters worse."

Is Obama stupid?
Clueless about economics?
Or does he know what is in this OP...and consciously chose the path of failure.

You be the judge.

Were you in kindergarten in 2008 before Obama took office? A republican was in the white house and the world economy was on the verge of crashing. I'm not a big Obama fan but am sure glad an adult was in charge and not some jackass republican.

I bet "jackass" is a term you hear a lot....
What is the alternative to Keynes and has it ever been practiced? Has Keynes ever been practiced as Keynes suggested? Was World War II the best example of Keynes?


"Instead of bailing out failing businesses, expanding government, and redistributing taxpayer money with a "stimulus" plan, Harding responded by cutting spending and removing burdensome regulations and taxes. During his campaign, he argued, "We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation." In stark contrast with the Bush-Obama response of ever-more government spending and debt, Harding had federal spending cut in half between 1920 and 1922 and ultimately ran a surplus.

As a result, the recession that started in 1920 ended before 1923. Lower taxes and reduced regulation helped America's economy quickly adjust after the war as entrepreneurs and capital were freed to create jobs and push the economy to recover. Harding's free market policies lead to the Roaring Twenties, known for technological advances, women's rights, the explosion of the middle class, and some of the most rapid economic growth in American history. Still, he is ranked as one of the worst presidents by many in academia's ivory tower."

I believe that the big government folks know this....but don't care about solving the problem.

Wadda ya' think.
What is the alternative to Keynes and has it ever been practiced? Has Keynes ever been practiced as Keynes suggested? Was World War II the best example of Keynes?

Keynes was at the time of the General Theory the foremost monetary economist in the world, his great work "Treatise on Money" had followed "The Economic Consequences of the Peace". The conditions of 1928--1935 required a rethinking of the received Classical Theory that in the long run economies would tend toward equilibrium and full employment. So the first alternative to Keynes was classical economic theory a la Alfred Marshall et al. A second was Leon Walras and general equilibrium theory, but the results there about the same, alveit more elegant and with a better appreciation for the unrealistic assumptions underlying the theory (perfect information, immortal players, no monopoly or monopsony power; little things like that).

Often overlooked is that while Keynes was working on rethinking monetary theory and macro theory, Joan Robinson and others were doing the same with microtheory, laying the groundwork for later underpinning of Keynes theories with micro foundations. This paralleled classical theory which began with micro theory and expanded to a society level. People do the same today by arguing that government should be run like a business or a household. The same people never consider how a monopoly or a feudal lord would think, but those are proper analogies for large firms!

Eventually the alternative to Keynes developed in the 50's and 60's came to be known as monetarism, and a synthesis of this and Hicksian style Keynesianism came to be called the Neoclassical model. By 1965--1970 most non-Marxist economists were differentiated by how they balanced the mix. What we today call the Austrian School was a rejection of the concept of quantification and mathematical models entirely, and so is difficult to compare as they had no real testable predictions.

Classical macrotheory was definitely tried by Andrew Mellon (yes THAT Mellon!) who was Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury and we all know how that turned out. Marxist approaches were also tried in the Soviet Union and its clients, and we know how well that turned out (Keynes avowed goal was to save capitalism from the bolsheviks). So Keynesian theory had a period of dominance stretching well into the 80's without a major intellectual challenge. From the 50's on monetarism and some pro-business academics had been slowly evolving from simply hating FDR to creating a strange amalgam of protectionism, free-market rhetoric, support for quasi-monopoly power, libertarian ideals, Austrian economics for panache, and assorted remnants of right wing thought. Reagan convinced these folks to forget their suspicions of foreign entanglements, merge with the military-industrial complex of Eisenhower's warning, and become modern neo-cons.

So has this new alliance of ideas been tested? It now called austerity and the bank bailouts, anemic stimulus, fixation on debt, and other manifestations of austerity economics is the result. Yes, it has been tested.

How about a test of Keynes? We really can't consider the Depression period too much as Keynes ideas took awhile to take hold and were superceded by WWII. The basic economic policies in place from the late 50's through the late 90's would be the best examples of Keynesian policy.

The intellectual debate now is between New Keynesians who incorporate Keynes basic insights and more recent theories in such areas as information theory, international trade, monetary theory, and capital theory; and the monetarist/Randian/corporate complex of ideas we see on the political right today.

Anyway, hope this helps.

Peace and crabs from Joe's,

Keynes was a brilliant economic theorist, however, his inability to recognize that the application of theoretical models within an artificially controlled theoretical economy was plausible under the right conditions and totally irrelevant in the real world due to market dynamics and human nature. Even within highly dictatorial and controlled economies his theory was doomed to failure. As for Obama, like Keynes, he subscribes to theoretical modeling, however, the Obama model borders on fascism and the omnipotent state not the rights and freedoms of its people to make choices. Keynes attempted and strived to be transparent, Obama has a profound distain for transparency and honesty. The anthesis to Keynes was that of monetarist economic theory of open free markets, which does not lend itself well to deficits and employs markets with the responsibility and unregulated ability to punish those that fail to control spending. The anthesis to Obama is absolute freedom and power in the hands of Americans within the framework of limited government and obedience to the fundamental principles of the constitution.

Really? And you get this biography of Keynes from where? His "real world" skills seemed pretty good when he lead the team at the British Treasury financing WWI, was chief economic advisor at the Versailles Peace Conference (rightfully quiting in disgust) and becoming one of the most highly successful private speculators of all time. His "real world" system at Bretton Woods presided over the greatest period of economic growth and stability in the world in history. I can't think of another economist with as much practical experience as Keynes by a long shot. Can you?
"Instead of bailing out failing businesses, expanding government, and redistributing taxpayer money with a "stimulus" plan, Harding responded by cutting spending and removing burdensome regulations and taxes. During his campaign, he argued, "We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation." In stark contrast with the Bush-Obama response of ever-more government spending and debt, Harding had federal spending cut in half between 1920 and 1922 and ultimately ran a surplus.

As a result, the recession that started in 1920 ended before 1923. Lower taxes and reduced regulation helped America's economy quickly adjust after the war as entrepreneurs and capital were freed to create jobs and push the economy to recover. Harding's free market policies lead to the Roaring Twenties, known for technological advances, women's rights, the explosion of the middle class, and some of the most rapid economic growth in American history. Still, he is ranked as one of the worst presidents by many in academia's ivory tower."

You really have become the epitome of intellectual laziness. The entire post is a quote you used last week, which among other errors pointed out, doesn't even get the dates of the Depression of 1920 correct. By the way, you never did bother to respond to the debunking of that quote did you? Really good at hit and run, but when confronted with a real argument, you bail in a hearbeat.

And your knowledge of history is as bad as that of economics. Harding is panned for the corruption of his administration, not his economic policies. Every fifth grade student when I was growing up was taught that, but apparently neither American history nor research skills were included in your education.

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