Two Failures: Keynes, and Obama.

"Instead of bailing out failing businesses, expanding government, and redistributing taxpayer money with a "stimulus" plan, Harding responded by cutting spending and removing burdensome regulations and taxes. During his campaign, he argued, "We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation." In stark contrast with the Bush-Obama response of ever-more government spending and debt, Harding had federal spending cut in half between 1920 and 1922 and ultimately ran a surplus.

As a result, the recession that started in 1920 ended before 1923. Lower taxes and reduced regulation helped America's economy quickly adjust after the war as entrepreneurs and capital were freed to create jobs and push the economy to recover. Harding's free market policies lead to the Roaring Twenties, known for technological advances, women's rights, the explosion of the middle class, and some of the most rapid economic growth in American history. Still, he is ranked as one of the worst presidents by many in academia's ivory tower."

You really have become the epitome of intellectual laziness. The entire post is a quote you used last week, which among other errors pointed out, doesn't even get the dates of the Depression of 1920 correct. By the way, you never did bother to respond to the debunking of that quote did you? Really good at hit and run, but when confronted with a real argument, you bail in a hearbeat.

And your knowledge of history is as bad as that of economics. Harding is panned for the corruption of his administration, not his economic policies. Every fifth grade student when I was growing up was taught that, but apparently neither American history nor research skills were included in your education.

This is the real 'debunking' of any post you provide:

"If your definition of liberal is one whose goal is to equalize wealth, then there are no liberal posters on this board. Again you are setting up a straw man."

You wrote you even believe it.
"Instead of bailing out failing businesses, expanding government, and redistributing taxpayer money with a "stimulus" plan, Harding responded by cutting spending and removing burdensome regulations and taxes. During his campaign, he argued, "We need vastly more freedom than we do regulation." In stark contrast with the Bush-Obama response of ever-more government spending and debt, Harding had federal spending cut in half between 1920 and 1922 and ultimately ran a surplus.

As a result, the recession that started in 1920 ended before 1923. Lower taxes and reduced regulation helped America's economy quickly adjust after the war as entrepreneurs and capital were freed to create jobs and push the economy to recover. Harding's free market policies lead to the Roaring Twenties, known for technological advances, women's rights, the explosion of the middle class, and some of the most rapid economic growth in American history. Still, he is ranked as one of the worst presidents by many in academia's ivory tower."

You really have become the epitome of intellectual laziness. The entire post is a quote you used last week, which among other errors pointed out, doesn't even get the dates of the Depression of 1920 correct. By the way, you never did bother to respond to the debunking of that quote did you? Really good at hit and run, but when confronted with a real argument, you bail in a hearbeat.

And your knowledge of history is as bad as that of economics. Harding is panned for the corruption of his administration, not his economic policies. Every fifth grade student when I was growing up was taught that, but apparently neither American history nor research skills were included in your education.

This is the real 'debunking' of any post you provide:

"If your definition of liberal is one whose goal is to equalize wealth, then there are no liberal posters on this board. Again you are setting up a straw man."

You wrote you even believe it.
PC's version of "oh no, what do I say now?? I just fell down and I can't get up." Poor PC.
YOU: So, reading your final sentence, it would seem that any time we have had a recession and resultant high unemployment, that we should have kept the gov out of it altogether. Let the free market take care of itself, right? Like in 1929, and the unemployment rate went from 3.2% to 24.9% in 1933, when Hoover took office. Uh, maybe not so great?

ME: So you're telling us by increasing govt spending which will increase taxes and reduce business activity, that it actually increases business activity?? I mean any of us can cherry pick some statistics to support all kinds of things. However, how about you explain how reducing profits and reducing consumer demand help the economy? Can't do it? Didn't think so. I mean how complicated is it to understand that increasing taxes hurt the economy??
YOU: So, reading your final sentence, it would seem that any time we have had a recession and resultant high unemployment, that we should have kept the gov out of it altogether. Let the free market take care of itself, right? Like in 1929, and the unemployment rate went from 3.2% to 24.9% in 1933, when Hoover took office. Uh, maybe not so great?

ME: So you're telling us by increasing govt spending which will increase taxes and reduce business activity, that it actually increases business activity?? I mean any of us can cherry pick some statistics to support all kinds of things. However, how about you explain how reducing profits and reducing consumer demand help the economy? Can't do it? Didn't think so. I mean how complicated is it to understand that increasing taxes hurt the economy??
What I said was, you can not find an example when, during times of high unemployment, lowering taxes has ever made things better. No cherry picking. I gave you a choice of ANY time. Did you give up???
YOU: So, reading your final sentence, it would seem that any time we have had a recession and resultant high unemployment, that we should have kept the gov out of it altogether. Let the free market take care of itself, right? Like in 1929, and the unemployment rate went from 3.2% to 24.9% in 1933, when Hoover took office. Uh, maybe not so great?

ME: So you're telling us by increasing govt spending which will increase taxes and reduce business activity, that it actually increases business activity?? I mean any of us can cherry pick some statistics to support all kinds of things. However, how about you explain how reducing profits and reducing consumer demand help the economy? Can't do it? Didn't think so. I mean how complicated is it to understand that increasing taxes hurt the economy??
Duknold, you are asking a really stupid question. Perhaps a quarter or so of economics may help.
Take R. Reagan. He reduced taxes when he took office, at that time by the greatest amount ever. In 1982, Within a 19 months he had the highest unemployment ever, except the great republican depression of 1929. The UE rate went to 10.8. Then, he raised taxes 11 times, and borrowed more money than all the presidents before him combined. And increased the size of the us Gov. But, the economy expanded.

So, where is that example where decreasing income taxes during times of high ue rate has ever helped?? Your turn, dipshit.

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