Two Men Convicted In Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmer

Will your police officer or FBI agent infiltrates a group they don't usually become the leaders. The collect information and stop the attack .
Usually is the key word.

But when they do, entrapment is the issue.
Double jeopardy?.... weren't they tried in court and not convicted last year?... what's going on?...
Do you ever even read REAL news.
Those two had a mistrial.
You know what a mistrial is, correct.

They decided to 're-try' the two terrorists.
Not double jeopardy.
Quite obviously that did not happen. The jury would have reached a different verdict if that were the case.
Again. Maybe. But, maybe not. First off, they’d have to have heard it. Then, they’d have to accept it as true. And thirdly, you too seem to imagine that all truth comes out under such circumstances. But that’s actually not very likely.

Was there entrapment? I don’t know. But if there had been, would the infiltrated agents have acknowledged any such behavior?
Again. Maybe. But, maybe not. First off, they’d have to have heard it. Then, they’d have to accept it as true. And thirdly, you too seem to imagine that all truth comes out under such circumstances. But that’s actually not very likely.

Was there entrapment? I don’t know. But if there had been, would the infiltrated agents have acknowledged any such behavior?
Actually I don't know and I don't care. I trust our police and the FBI to do their jobs and to me it sounds like they did a good job here. You can question everything in life if you want but where is that going to get you. It's just not worth it. Aren't you busy just trying to make ends meet and enjoy life. Have a good night.
Actually I don't know and I don't care. I trust our police and the FBI to do their jobs and to me it sounds like they did a good job here. You can question everything in life if you want but where is that going to get you. It's just not worth it. Aren't you busy just trying to make ends meet and enjoy life. Have a good night.
I apologize I didn't proofread this post I just wanted to get it over with. I use a voice machine and the end should have came out like this. " I am busy just trying to make ends meet and enjoy life. Have a good night."
Do you ever even read REAL news.
Those two had a mistrial.
You know what a mistrial is, correct.

They decided to 're-try' the two terrorists.
Not double jeopardy.
Two trials the first deadlocked due to FBI entrapment and you are cool with that...
You started this idiotic conversation and post 164 I went back and reviewed it all. You are a very sad person, I feel sorry for you. I'm giving you all these facts and you just want to remain ignorant that's fine with me. If you weren't so lazy you can look it up for yourself. The breast tissue lies above the pectoral muscles in both men and women.. I'm done here, this is off subject and I'm not going to talk about it anymore. Try to have a good night if that's even possible for you, I plan on it.
You dont have to feel sorry for me, i didnt vote for Joe Biden.

Just like a bitch to talk about man tits when you trying to deflect from white supremacists getting convicted for a kidnapping plot...
Dude, you have no problem with the FIB setting up a sting operation, because Governor Whitless Democrat Michigan was going to lose bigly in the governor's race because of her murdering of 10s of thousands of elderly when she put Kung Flu infected people in the old folks homes?

2 defendants acquitted in Michigan governor kidnapping case; mistrial declared for 2 others
Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta faced federal charges for allegedly conspiring to kidnap the Democratic governor. All four defendants, who pleaded not guilty, faced up to life in prison if convicted of kidnapping conspiracy.
Harris and Caserta were found not guilty of kidnapping conspiracy. The jury also found Harris not guilty on other charges. The jury could not reach a verdict for Fox and Croft, after which US District Judge Robert Jonker declared a mistrial for those defendants.
Actually I don't know and I don't care. I trust our police and the FBI to do their jobs and to me it sounds like they did a good job here. You can question everything in life if you want but where is that going to get you. It's just not worth it. Aren't you busy just trying to make ends meet and enjoy life. Have a good night.

Looky here--an American who still "trusts the FBI"


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