Two Men Convicted In Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmer

Alpha news, an alternative news source promoting far-right extremism. You are very sick.
Dude, the bitch Camel Toe Harris even admitted that she bailed out BLM who were arrested for the 2020 riots... YOu are just a Joe Biden voter.

You still believe the biggest liar in the history of the world
No. I don’t believe anything Brandon says. That’s you.
and you're calling me ridiculous.
You are.
LOL. Actually this is too serious to laugh about. Just as the German people regret that Hitler was ever born, America will is regretting and will totally regret in the future that trump was ever born.
Nah. Only simpletons who buy the nonsense offered by our DNC aparatchik main stream media. Your fucking stupid comparison of Trump to Hitler establishes that you are not a serious minded individual.
It's government, there's always complaints from one side or the other. But they never had the kind of leverage they have that can destroy our nation before. Trump enables hatred and violence, that's no leader of the United States can afford or watch. That is self-destructive.
No. I don’t believe anything Brandon says. That’s you.

You are.

Nah. Only simpletons who buy the nonsense offered by our DNC aparatchik main stream media. Your fucking stupid comparison of Trump to Hitler establishes that you are not a serious minded individual.
Nice try. Everyone knows that Trump is the biggest liar ever was. He's taking it to new heights and new dangers. That is totally unacceptable. Hitler fools the German people. Trump is doing the same thing for the same selfish reasons his ego thinking he knows better than anyone else thinking he can own an only he can lead. He is leading us straight to hell, just like Hitler did to the German people. That's pretty comparative to me. Sorry if you're blind to the truth.
I'm an independent I'm aware that both men lie. But you have to admit Trump has taken it to a whole new level that endangers our nation.
They will NEVER admit it.
There have been many posters here that still say trump has NEVER lied.
I'm an independent I'm aware that both men lie. But you have to admit Trump has taken it to a whole new level that endangers our nation.
How?.... what are you watching?... Biden lied and we lost millions of dollars in weaponry and 13 Marines.... Biden said he would crush the virus not the economy and he has done the opposite letting unvaccinated people flow into our country infecting who knows how many Americans..... he says the border is secure and the inflation is temporary... he names bills by names that don't reflect what is in the bill now he says he won't raise taxes on the middle class lets see how long that holds up.... with 87,000 new agents.....
Now instead of calling Trump a liar with no proof why not give an example of President Trump lying.....
Dude, the bitch Camel Toe Harris even admitted that she bailed out BLM who were arrested for the 2020 riots... YOu are just a Joe Biden voter.

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She didn't bail out anyone, she suggested that people donate to a fund to bail out the protesters. It only collected $110,000. After George Floyd was murdered the fund jumped to 30 million dollars. Her impact on the situation was minimal. The racist cops that murdered George Floyd were instrumental in funding their own demise . That claim was made by Tom Cotton it was proven false when fact checked.
She didn't bail out anyone, she suggested that people donate to a fund to bail out the protesters. It only collected $110,000. After George Floyd was murdered the fund jumped to 30 million dollars. Her impact on the situation was minimal. The racist cops that murdered George Floyd were instrumental in funding their own demise . That claim was made by Tom Cotton it was proven false when fact checked.
George Floyd who put a gun to a pregnant womans belly the committed another felony by trying to pass a forged 20 dollar bill at a store, while overdosed on Fentanyl, and later expired after resisting arrest 5 times while saying i cant breathe all those times, and caused the riots all over the US, why on Earth would anyone want to bail out those people burn burned black businesses and murdered other blacks? Oh yeah, because BLM is the new KKK and is just doing what the KKK wished it could do by damaging all those black peoples lives. Thanks for reminding US about George the Felon...
Nice try. Everyone knows that Trump is the biggest liar ever was.

Nobody “knows” any such thing. Some weak minded folks like you believe it.
He's taking it to new heights and new dangers.
That is totally unacceptable.
Go change your panties.
Hitler fools the German people. Trump is doing the same thing for the same selfish reasons his ego thinking he knows better than anyone else thinking he can own an only he can lead.

He is leading us straight to hell, just like Hitler did to the German people. That's pretty comparative to me. Sorry if you're blind to the truth.
Coherent sentences ain’t your strong suit. And Hitler analogies are beyond just stupid. As I noted earlier, you just aren’t a serious person. I’m sorry that you are blind to reality and rationality.
George Floyd who put a gun to a pregnant womans belly the committed another felony by trying to pass a forged 20 dollar bill at a store, while overdosed on Fentanyl, and later expired after resisting arrest 5 times while saying i cant breathe all those times, and caused the riots all over the US, why on Earth would anyone want to bail out those people burn burned black businesses and murdered other blacks? Oh yeah, because BLM is the new KKK and is just doing what the KKK wished it could do by damaging all those black peoples lives. Thanks for reminding US about George the Felon...
George Floyd will be remembered as the man who was murdered by a policeman that was most likely a racist and didn't have a shred of decency.
George Floyd will be remembered as the man who was murdered by a policeman that was most likely a racist and didn't have a shred of decency.

You Marxists do love your criminals....That is why the rest of US law abiding citizens hate people like you...You are not only dangerous, but mentally insane.

Do you ever even read REAL news.
Those two had a mistrial.
You know what a mistrial is, correct.

They decided to 're-try' the two terrorists.
Not double jeopardy.
They were convicted on evidence.

Do you have issue with that?
You absolutely don't get it. Your hatred is the whole problem. I don't hate anyone even you. I pity you.
I call your bullshit...How can you honor a man who would of killed a pregnant woman if she resisted, and then on parole did another felony while overdosing on Fentanyl? You fuckers on the left have so corrupted this country that it is a 3rd world shithole. Yeah, i can hate you for doing that, because before your 1/2 white brown turd Obammy started the fundamental transformation of America, it was pretty much a very compatible place to live.

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