Two Men Convicted In Plot To Kidnap Michigan Governor Whitmer


Gee...and yet the black guy she blew away is still just as dead.

Do you think any murderer should get 10 years? Really?
But, it wasn't premeditated. That makes it manslaughter, not murder. You claim to be about law and order. Now, you think laws should be applied differently based on race. I got news for ya: that isn't "law and order".
I hope these far-right crazy guys are locked up for life. Their intentions were pure evil. If they had gotten the weapons of mass destructions they probably would have blown up the capital and cost numerous lives as well as millions of dollars in property damage.
I hope you die today. I hope every leftist in the USA dies today.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — A jury on Tuesday convicted two men of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020, a swift victory for prosecutors in a plot that was broken up by the FBI and described as a rallying cry for a U.S. civil war by anti-government extremists.

Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. were also found guilty of conspiring to obtain a weapon of mass destruction, namely a bomb to blow up a bridge and stymie police if the kidnapping could be pulled off at Whitmer’s vacation home.

Croft, 46, a trucker from Bear, Delaware, was also convicted of another explosives charge. The jury deliberated for roughly eight hours over two days.

It was the second trial for the pair after a jury in April couldn’t reach a unanimous verdict after five days. Two other men were acquitted and two more pleaded guilty and testified for prosecutors.

The result was a big win for the U.S. Justice Department following the shocking mixed outcome last spring.

There's two Trump turds that are out of commission.

Two less right wing votes

Two less AR 15s in circulation

Tango Down
Until it doesn’t. Do you understand how appeals work?

And it doesn’t matter anyway.

I’m not saying they are innocent. A jury has said the government proved the two tried defendants’ guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Maybe they were. But ultimately, it’s still up in the air.

NO, you are beyond wrong. Guilt Beyond Reasonable Doubt was estabished. There is no maybe, they were found guilty of conspiring to kidnap and murder the sitting Governor of Michigan. There is nothing "Up In The Air" about anything.

These MAGA POT HEAD PLOTTERS got what the deserved. Two other member this weed smoking jerk squad took plea deals. Only two walked.

They are guilty and they are going prison. Guilty Beyond Reasonable Doubt means exactly that.
NO, you are beyond wrong. Guilt Beyond Reasonable Doubt was estabished. There is no maybe, they were found guilty of conspiring to kidnap and murder the sitting Governor of Michigan. There is nothing "Up In The Air" about anything.

These MAGA POT HEAD PLOTTERS got what the deserved. Two other member this weed smoking jerk squad took plea deals. Only two walked.

They are guilty and they are going prison. Guilty Beyond Reasonable Doubt means exactly that.
Zzz. Already addressed. You remain wrong

As of the moment of their conviction they lost their presumption of innocence. That’s certainly true. And it’s not disputed.

Nonetheless, you persist in ignoring that convictions can be reversed. Appellate courts ain’t easy, but they do work. The conviction absolutely and unequivocally does remain up in the air as long as their appeals haven’t been exhausted.

So, you lose again, BloviateActually. 👍
I hope you die today. I hope every leftist in the USA dies today.

Let me guess, you believe in the non-existent "Right To Life".
Zzz. Already addressed. You remain wrong

As of the moment of their conviction they lost their presumption of innocence. That’s certainly true. And it’s not disputed.

Nonetheless, you persist in ignoring that convictions can be reversed. Appellate courts ain’t easy, but they do work. The conviction absolutely and unequivocally does remain up in the air as long as their appeals haven’t been exhausted.

So, you lose again, BloviateActually. 👍

No, the men are GUILTY AS FUCKING CHARGED. Guilty Beyond means exactly that.

I know that as Traitor Lover, you see all violence by Cons or threats of violence by Cons as acceptable.

They got was they so richly deserve, may they rot in hell for wha they did.
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But, it wasn't premeditated. That makes it manslaughter, not murder. You claim to be about law and order. Now, you think laws should be applied differently based on race. I got news for ya: that isn't "law and order".
Gee, a black man gets blown away and a Trumper sides with the white cop who shot him.

That never happens except on days that end in a "Y".

You guys are such losers.
Double jeopardy?.... weren't they tried in court and not convicted last year?... what's going on?...
There's two Trump turds that are out of commission.

Two less right wing votes

Two less AR 15s in circulation

Tango Down

Isn't nice to see law and order Con's twisting themselves in MAGA Pretzels defending their fellow pot smoking chumps. It was the F.B.I.!!!! (nor proof of couse, bu it sounds good). As long MAGA MEAT HEADS plot to kidnap and kill a sitting Governor (A Democrat) it's all good.

As long Cons break the law, it fine, well, right and good.
LOL... Did Gateway pundit tell you that?
Its well known news....
Let me guess, you believe in the non-existent "Right To Life".
It’s not a non-existent right. It is a right often violated by scumbags like you.
No, the men are GUILTY AS FUCKING CHARGED. Guilty Beyond means exactly that.
You are stuck on stupid. They stand convicted. That much is true. For the present time, they are considered guilty in the eyes of the law. Also true. But that doesn’t mean that they are actually guilty. (Innocent people sometimes get convicted too, you moron.)
I know that as Traitor Lover, you see all violence by Cons or threats of violence by Cons as acceptable.
You know no such thing. It’s you leftards who are violence prone. And I’m not the lover of traitors. I leave that shit to you scumbags.
They got was they so richly deserve, may they rot in hell for wha they did.
If they are guilty, a sentence will be handed down which may or may not be what they deserve. If they did actually conspire in the plot to do a kidnapping of a sitting Governor, then maybe they deserve a hefty sentence. We shall see.

Beyond that, you remain a pudding head. 👍
Isn't nice to see law and order Con's twisting themselves in MAGA Pretzels defending their fellow pot smoking chumps. It was the F.B.I.!!!! (nor proof of couse, bu it sounds good). As long MAGA MEAT HEADS plot to kidnap and kill a sitting Governor (A Democrat) it's all good.

As long Cons break the law, it fine, well, right and good.

FBI’s tactics doomed case against men charged in kidnapping plot of Michigan governor

The appearance of entrapment, and the difficulty of distinguishing between fantasy and criminal conspiracy, explains the embarrassing outcome of the federal trial in which jurors acquitted two alleged conspirators and failed to reach verdicts for the other two.

Echoes of FBI Entrapment Haunt Failed Plot to Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

“It becomes really dicey when there are nearly as many informants as there are defendants,” a former federal prosecutor told The Intercept.

EXPLAINER: Jury mulls entrapment in Whitmer kidnap plot case

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — Jurors deliberating at the trial of four men charged with plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov.
Its already been established that the FBI is guilty of entrapment in this case... I hope this can be appealed....

Post your proof. The only established guilt (beyond a reasonable doubt), was that two MAGA POT HEADS wanted kidnap and murder the sitting Govenor of the State of Michigan.
It’s not a non-existent right. It is a right often violated by scumbags like you.

You are stuck on stupid. They stand convicted. That much is true. For the present time, they are considered guilty in the eyes of the law. Also true. But that doesn’t mean that they are actually guilty. (Innocent people sometimes get convicted too, you moron.)

You know no such thing. It’s you leftards who are violence prone. And I’m not the lover of traitors. I leave that shit to you scumbags.

If they are guilty, a sentence will be handed down which may or may not be what they deserve. If they did actually conspire in the plot to do a kidnapping of a sitting Governor, then maybe they deserve a hefty sentence. We shall see.

Beyond that, you remain a pudding head. 👍

You continue to say nothing. Guilt was established. They are going to jail.
Post your proof. The only established guilt (beyond a reasonable doubt), was that two MAGA POT HEADS wanted kidnap and murder the sitting Govenor of the State of Michigan.
If this can be brought up on appeal my bet is it will be... entrapment is wrong no matter what a rigged jury says.....

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