Two Minneapolis Snipers Shoot Down 20-Year-Old Black Man

You're talking to a wall.

Here is Superbadbreath's entire argument: It's always racism when blacks get killed by cops, and blacks can never do any wrong. If a black robs a store, shoots the clerk dead, and it ends up in a police chase. The white cop is at fault when he kills the suspect that turned around with a gun in his hand at the officer.
Ah Ray from Clownsville is that the best you have got. You can't find ONE post of my defending someone for breaking the Law, you just pulled that out your ass because your weak ass has no argument.
When a neighborhood goes to hell because blacks moved in, it's not their fault. It's whitie's fault for moving out.
The neighborhood didn't go to hell because black folks moved in, that is what your dumb ass is missing.
When businesses move out due to robberies and break in's, it's not the blacks fault, it's the whites fault for moving their business so blacks have no place to work within walking distance.

Remember that: It's never the blacks fault.
Yep more of the same stupidity from the village idiot, come to the ATL fool and I can show you plenty of predominately black neighborhoods that are thriving.
If you are going to be disingenous, there's not much point talking to you.

Breonna Taylor was unarmed, but her thug boyfriend shot through a door at some cops.
Why is he a thug? Because he was protecting his home from folks kicking his door in. Oh that's right they are white, so if they say they announced themselves it has to be true. Just ask the family of Catherine Johnson if the cops will lie or not.
There are just as many black suspects who get taken alive, such as the two guys who murdered Officer Ella French in Chicago, or the guy who shot up the subway in New York.
Can you tell me a black man who murdered 3 cops and was arrested at the scene of the crime, alive?
Ah Ray from Clownsville is that the best you have got. You can't find ONE post of my defending someone for breaking the Law, you just pulled that out your ass because your weak ass has no argument.

You defend any black breaking the law by placing their plight on the white police officer.

The neighborhood didn't go to hell because black folks moved in, that is what your dumb ass is missing.

Thank you for supporting my point.

Yep more of the same stupidity from the village idiot, come to the ATL fool and I can show you plenty of predominately black neighborhoods that are thriving.

Then why when I asked have you not given me any?
why are most black people stupid, aggressive, irresponsible, drop out of school, have kids out of wedlock, go to jail, unemployed etc?
Most black people aren't. Most black people are no different from white, brown or yellow people. There is a urban sub-culture that runs to violence and irresponsibility, but it isn’t limited to black people.
Why is he a thug? Because he was protecting his home from folks kicking his door in. Oh that's right they are white, so if they say they announced themselves it has to be true. Just ask the family of Catherine Johnson if the cops will lie or not.

Can you tell me a black man who murdered 3 cops and was arrested at the scene of the crime, alive?
I think the EX-boyfriend was the thuggish drug dealer.
And here is an example of white racism in 2022.
As I have explained to you many times, there are some INDIVIDUALS of every skin type who are Racists. So what? That is no reason for one to live one's life looking for Racism around every corner and under every rock.
I couldn't tell you. All I can tell you is what happened.

Bullshit. I never heard of such a poor excuse in my life. WTF can't afford two or three dollars these days, especially to go to work where you can make 50 times more than you paid. Most people don't live anywhere near walking distance to their jobs. Are blacks that stupid or what?

You're the one that's talking bullshit. Show me these places and I'll look them up and their history.

Not nearly the percentage that blacks do. Over half of all US murders are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males. WTF do you want, jobs to come to your front door? You have to get off your ass to get those jobs just like any white person does.

I never said I was a lone white. We have other whites here as well. But unfortunately we are the minority in this area and that's why things went to hell. When we were the majority, it was a thriving suburb where everybody wanted to live at one time.
You can usually get bus passes for a very reasonable price. That’s what I used when I was too poor to afford a car.
As I have explained to you many times, there are some INDIVIDUALS of every skin type who are Racists. So what? That is no reason for one to live one's life looking for Racism around every corner and under every rock.
Until you can show me the history of other races in America codifying their racism and enforcing it with the rule of law, shut up trying to tell me anything about racism by any other race. So while you look for black kids getting killed around every corner, stop being white lecturing me to ignore the racism you practice.
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Two Minneapolis police snipers fatally shot 20-year-old Andrew “Tekle” Sundberg after an hours-long standoff, according to CBS News. What prompted the officers to shoot remains unclear but the officers involved were part of the SWAT raid that led to Amir Locke’s killing in February.

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According to CBS’ report, Tekle fired multiple shots inside a Seward neighborhood apartment building. Arabella Yarbrough, a neighbor, called the police saying a bullet went through her wall. She and her two young boys hid in the bedroom. Once police arrived, Yarbrough and her sons left the building and Tekle isolated himself inside his unit. The standoff with the police began at 9:30 p.m.

Officers say they spent hours trying to negotiate with him but according to a live taping of the incident, they didn’t successfully make contact with him, per Fox 9.

This guy was shot and killed by police snipers.

Contrast this to the situation in Kentucky where a white man in a similar stand off, killed 3 human officers, a K9 officer and wounded 4 others yet no sniper and he was detained alive.
It really doesn't matter to me whether someone shooting into people's residences is black, white, Hispanic or, Asian. Just shoot the low-life scumbag that would be doing that and don't waste hours trying to tell him/her to give up. Shooting violent criminals saves taxpayers money on keeping them in prison. If someone says, "he/she was having mental issues,".......well, after being shot, the mental issues stop.
You defend any black breaking the law by placing their plight on the white police officer.
I defend any black person who is unjustly murdered by police, while you make excuses for white criminals who are treated differently.
Thank you for supporting my point.
You don't have a point, just racist views.
Then why when I asked have you not given me any?
Come to the ATL and I will SHOW you plenty.
Why is he a thug? Because he was protecting his home from folks kicking his door in. Oh that's right they are white, so if they say they announced themselves it has to be true. Just ask the family of Catherine Johnson if the cops will lie or not.

First, it wasn't his home, it was hers.
Second, it was an illegal gun.
Third, a witness testified that the police DID announce themselves.

Can you tell me a black man who murdered 3 cops and was arrested at the scene of the crime, alive?

How many qualifiers do you want to put on that? because you've put in qualifiers that seem to ONLY apply to that Kentucky case.

That because you are an idiot and you think because he is black he had to be a thuggish drug dealer. It has been proven this young man has never been a drug dealer.

Right, it was her OTHER boyfriend, Jamarcus Glover, who was the drug dealer.

According to the memo, internal affairs officers also found text messages indicating that Walker was selling marijuana and pills from October 2019 through March, according to the memo. The memo quoted a message from Walker's phone dated March 6, a week before Taylor was killed, that seemed to say Walker had sold "11 pills" for $6 apiece in a restaurant parking lot. The memo quotes a text exchange in February about Walker's sale of marijuana for "$25 for a half quarter."

Investigators also indicate that they believed he may have been involved in a robbery, although the message they point to is garbled. They concluded that Walker's potential drug sales and robbery "may have contributed to Walker's actions on March 13, 2020."
View attachment 673482

Two Minneapolis police snipers fatally shot 20-year-old Andrew “Tekle” Sundberg after an hours-long standoff, according to CBS News. What prompted the officers to shoot remains unclear but the officers involved were part of the SWAT raid that led to Amir Locke’s killing in February.

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According to CBS’ report, Tekle fired multiple shots inside a Seward neighborhood apartment building. Arabella Yarbrough, a neighbor, called the police saying a bullet went through her wall. She and her two young boys hid in the bedroom. Once police arrived, Yarbrough and her sons left the building and Tekle isolated himself inside his unit. The standoff with the police began at 9:30 p.m.

Officers say they spent hours trying to negotiate with him but according to a live taping of the incident, they didn’t successfully make contact with him, per Fox 9.

This guy was shot and killed by police snipers.

Contrast this to the situation in Kentucky where a white man in a similar stand off, killed 3 human officers, a K9 officer and wounded 4 others yet no sniper and he was detained alive.
This guy was a thug, the white guy wasnt .. huge difference
I defend any black person who is unjustly murdered by police, while you make excuses for white criminals who are treated differently.

You defend black criminals every time against white police officers.

You don't have a point, just racist views.

Statistics can't be racist, only the people reading them can be.

Come to the ATL and I will SHOW you plenty.

Right. I'm going to take a trip there just so you can try to prove me wrong because you can't do that over the internet.
That because you are an idiot and you think because he is black he had to be a thuggish drug dealer. It has been proven this young man has never been a drug dealer.
I don't know what race the ex-boyfriend was, but if I remember correctly the warrant was aimed at him, not the current boyfriend who wound up in a firefight with the cops who apparently failed to identify themselves while serving a no-knock warrant.
First, it wasn't his home, it was hers.
He was defending her home, her and himself. Now what.
Second, it was an illegal gun.
Is that why the police cleared him because his gun was illegal.
Third, a witness testified that the police DID announce themselves.
You mean the one who changed their mind, in the beginning stated they didn't hear the police announce themselves.
How many qualifiers do you want to put on that? because you've put in qualifiers that seem to ONLY apply to that Kentucky case.
Really there was a case in Georgia, pretty much the same scenario.
Right, it was her OTHER boyfriend, Jamarcus Glover, who was the drug dealer.
You mean her alleged ex boyfriend.

According to the memo, internal affairs officers also found text messages indicating that Walker was selling marijuana and pills from October 2019 through March, according to the memo. The memo quoted a message from Walker's phone dated March 6, a week before Taylor was killed, that seemed to say Walker had sold "11 pills" for $6 apiece in a restaurant parking lot. The memo quotes a text exchange in February about Walker's sale of marijuana for "$25 for a half quarter."

Investigators also indicate that they believed he may have been involved in a robbery, although the message they point to is garbled. They concluded that Walker's potential drug sales and robbery "may have contributed to Walker's actions on March 13, 2020."
All made up bullshit, all of that bullshit was debunked. The young man has NO criminal record and no record of selling drugs.
You defend black criminals every time against white police officers.
Amazing that you can't find any posts of me defending any.

This is in your neck of the woods,

Statistics can't be racist, only the people reading them can be.
Sure they can, we have seen it done in the past.
Right. I'm going to take a trip there just so you can try to prove me wrong because you can't do that over the internet.
No just stay ignorant and keep pushing your racist narrative, that is on you not me.
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I don't know what race the ex-boyfriend was, but if I remember correctly the warrant was aimed at him, not the current boyfriend who wound up in a firefight with the cops who apparently failed to identify themselves while serving a no-knock warrant.
What does the ex boyfriend whom they already had in custody have to do with her boyfriend at the time of her murder?
He was defending her home, her and himself. Now what.

Uh, maybe know who you are shooting at before you start shooting. That was the first thing they taught me in the Army before they gave us a gun... know what you are shooting at.

Is that why the police cleared him because his gun was illegal.

The police didn't clear him, the DA did, after they had already taken a ton of shit from the public for not charging the cops.

You mean the one who changed their mind, in the beginning stated they didn't hear the police announce themselves.

Or he told the truth when confronted by witnesses. The same old Story, "Nobody saw nothing".

Really there was a case in Georgia, pretty much the same scenario.

Nice. Different case, different facts... Try to keep on this case, okay?

All made up bullshit, all of that bullshit was debunked. The young man has NO criminal record and no record of selling drugs.

You do realize that most people who commit crimes don't get caught, and the ones who do don't get charged, more often than not.

Now, the police did a LOT of things wrong. We need to put an end to no-knock warrants and militarized police raiding homes. Absolutely.

But don't pretend that Taylor and both of her boyfriends weren't a large part of this problem.
Uh, maybe know who you are shooting at before you start shooting. That was the first thing they taught me in the Army before they gave us a gun... know what you are shooting at.
Sorry someone kicking in my door I am not waiting to see who it is. I don't recall any Army training where they said wait until someone kicks your door in before you start shooting.
The police didn't clear him, the DA did, after they had already taken a ton of shit from the public for not charging the cops.
Same thing, had there been ample evidence against him they wouldn't have.

Or he told the truth when confronted by witnesses. The same old Story, "Nobody saw nothing".

Or it took them 2 months with a little police intimidation to change their story.

Nearly a week ago, Attorney General Daniel Cameron declared that Louisville Metro Police knocked and announced themselves before breaking down Breonna Taylor's apartment door during an attempted search that ended in her death.

He knew it, he said, because the officers at the scene told investigators they had identified themselves as police — and one of Taylor's neighbors said he heard them do it.

But Cameron left something out — that same witness previously said the exact opposite.

"No, nobody identify themself," Aaron Sarpee told Louisville Metro Police investigators March 21, according to investigative documents obtained by The Courier Journal.

It wasn't until nearly two months later, when investigators circled back to Sarpee on May 15, that Taylor's neighbor said he heard officers knock and announce: "This is the cops."

Nice. Different case, different facts... Try to keep on this case, okay?
Of course it is a different case, but with the same results.
You do realize that most people who commit crimes don't get caught, and the ones who do don't get charged, more often than not.
Ah so he is just a good criminal, if that is the case the same could be said of you.
Now, the police did a LOT of things wrong. We need to put an end to no-knock warrants and militarized police raiding homes. Absolutely.
Yea like killing an innocent woman that they will NEVER be held accountable for.
But don't pretend that Taylor and both of her boyfriends weren't a large part of this problem.
At the time of her murder Kenneth Walker was her ONLY boyfriend and they were in their own apartment not breaking the Law, so how were they a part of the problem?

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