Two More Gay Federal Judges Confirmed By Senate!

Actually that is not correct, Rabbi. Please read the very informative article on the following website if you don't have time to read the other ones presented here. It addresses most all questions people have with concerns as to what the Holy Bible actually says about Homosexuality. It was written by a Christian church that loves and accepts all people as Jesus said we should do and does not believe in exclusion.

The Bible on same-gender sexual behavior

I dont need to read crap like that. I can read the original Deuteronomy in the original Hebrew and see that it condemns homosexual sex. There is additionally a 3000 year tradition of condemnig homosexual sex, even in the Christian church.
Hey Jewish one, you are again incorrect on Christian theology. End of story.

Mere assertion fallacy.
Rabbi Rules!
Actually that is not correct, Rabbi. Please read the very informative article on the following website if you don't have time to read the other ones presented here. It addresses most all questions people have with concerns as to what the Holy Bible actually says about Homosexuality. It was written by a Christian church that loves and accepts all people as Jesus said we should do and does not believe in exclusion.

The Bible on same-gender sexual behavior

I dont need to read crap like that. I can read the original Deuteronomy in the original Hebrew and see that it condemns homosexual sex. There is additionally a 3000 year tradition of condemnig homosexual sex, even in the Christian church.
Hey Jewish one, you are again incorrect on Christian theology. End of story.

If you think he is wrong feel free to start a thread in Religion and Philosophy and challenge me to a debate about it.
Yeah that's exactly what we need. Judges picked because they are gay. Not for their qualifications.
Politico, you can well assume that the United States Senate is a very thorough body of Senators who will scrutinize each and every name given to them for proper qualifications including their pluses and minuses, etc. The fact that these two judges are Gay apparently was not even an issue in the Senate, after carefully examining their qualifications, as they were approved and they both passed with Flying Colors! And the male judge was not opposed by a single Senator! With Republicans having the power to filibuster a presidential nominee as they have done in the past, This Is Really Something!!

You can assume that, I happen to know that they are a bunch of politicians who wouldn't know the difference between a good and a bad candidate if it slapped them in the face.

Exactly. History is full of people appointed solely for political reasons. So PT. Either you are living in ignorant bliss or you are just trolling.
Why does the public need to know there are gay federal judges?
Perhaps for the same reason that the public needs to know intimate details about any candidate who runs for public office.

Judges dont run for public office. And it is arguable whether the public needs to know every detail of a candidate's intimate life.

In Baltimore judges are elected. And several of them chose to march in a gay pride parade that was held last Saturday. I presume that their participation was simply a show of political support for gay rights, and not a statement about their personal sexual orientation. Still, if a voter is anti-gay rights, it identifies them as judges to vote against when the opportunity presents itself.
Politico, you can well assume that the United States Senate is a very thorough body of Senators who will scrutinize each and every name given to them for proper qualifications including their pluses and minuses, etc. The fact that these two judges are Gay apparently was not even an issue in the Senate, after carefully examining their qualifications, as they were approved and they both passed with Flying Colors! And the male judge was not opposed by a single Senator! With Republicans having the power to filibuster a presidential nominee as they have done in the past, This Is Really Something!!

Yes...whatever the senators want should be ok...They have proven time and time again that they are honest, reliable and moral. /sarcasm

LMAO...pretending that senators should be looked up to or admired....comical.
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Why God Hates Sin

1. God is love and His law reflects that love, but sin is the total opposite, reflecting the selfishness and evil of the devil.

"Those who sin are opposed to the law of God, for all sin opposes the law of God... But when people keep on sinning, it shows they belong to the Devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy these works of the Devil" (1 John 3:4, 8, New Living Translation).

2. Sin enslaves us.

"Jesus answered them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin'" (John 8:34).

3. Sin leads to death.

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).
Everybody is A slave to sin Romans 3:23

Projecting your opinion on what is the worst sin into the bible is thefallacy everybible beater makesand exactly why bible beaters are a dagger right in the heart of the religion. You are cyanide to your church.

Christ also forgave sins that it's what that whole crucifixion thing was about Mark 3:28.

What you are doing here, I knew you think you are doing something good bit you might as well be walking up to Christ and blowing his brains out.

Trick about evangelizing, don't beat people to death with your opinions. You are doing more damage than you think.

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