Two points to consider


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
I did post this thread thinking that the two points were valid for serious discussion.
I did post this thread thinking that the two points were valid for serious discussion.


You will never get a serious discussion from a liberal/socialist/progressive--whatever they call themselves--DEMOCRATS.

So far, you have gotten about the best you can hope for---your points are impossible for them to deal with, they are even afraid to deflect---so they pretend they haven't read them. Its a compliment.
I did post this thread thinking that the two points were valid for serious discussion.
And you are correct. Both make excellent point that are hard to argue with, that is why the liberals here are trying hard to avoid the subjects.
All gun owners are not judged by the few lunatics. Nobody's taking away your gun if you're law abiding.

Welfare could be cut off today if there were the political will. Social Security is part of the debt that must be paid. Social Security Spending alone will be over 1 trillion per year by 2025. That all by itself will make it difficult to run a balanced budget ... add in Medicare and debt interest, and then you see how much we're in the red.

Social Security spending therefore is a much bigger deal than welfare spending. Something should be done.
All gun owners are not judged by the few lunatics. Nobody's taking away your gun if you're law abiding.

Welfare could be cut off today if there were the political will. Social Security is part of the debt that must be paid. Social Security Spending alone will be over 1 trillion per year by 2025. That all by itself will make it difficult to run a balanced budget ... add in Medicare and debt interest, and then you see how much we're in the red.

Social Security spending therefore is a much bigger deal than welfare spending. Something should be done.

The ONLY reasonable thing to do in order to keep Social Security afloat is raising the age of eligibility.

Following the logic that set the eligibility date at inception, today it should be at least 75.
I did post this thread thinking that the two points were valid for serious discussion.
You're wrong. Point one is false, because only stupid people use words like "all". and they usually vote for guys like Trump. Point two is false, because when government finances are discussed welfare and Social Security are normally part of the mix. You've got the watch out about spreading wingnut memes like this and calling them "profound". They make you look like and idiot and only impress the already-converted.
Following the logic that set the eligibility date at inception, today it should be at least 75.

Age 75? ridiculous. Even a truck driver at 62 can be falling apart. Eyesight, back, hips........A desk job with 3-4 hour stop/go commute can wipe out many by 65, sciatica, hip, knees. you folks is crazy.
Following the logic that set the eligibility date at inception, today it should be at least 75.

Age 75? ridiculous. Even a truck driver at 62 can be falling apart. Eyesight, back, hips........A desk job with 3-4 hour stop/go commute can wipe out many by 65, sciatica, hip, knees. you folks is crazy.

When age 65 was decided upon, life expectancy was about 50. Now life expectancy is around 80.

You can not expect a fund survive when the 'takers' outnumber the 'givers'.
All gun owners are not judged by the few lunatics. Nobody's taking away your gun if you're law abiding.

Welfare could be cut off today if there were the political will. Social Security is part of the debt that must be paid. Social Security Spending alone will be over 1 trillion per year by 2025. That all by itself will make it difficult to run a balanced budget ... add in Medicare and debt interest, and then you see how much we're in the red.

Social Security spending therefore is a much bigger deal than welfare spending. Something should be done.

The ONLY reasonable thing to do in order to keep Social Security afloat is raising the age of eligibility.

Following the logic that set the eligibility date at inception, today it should be at least 75.

For the first time in history people are living shorter lives.....
That sure would help SS if everyone is dead before they become eligible.
All gun owners are not judged by the few lunatics. Nobody's taking away your gun if you're law abiding.

Welfare could be cut off today if there were the political will. Social Security is part of the debt that must be paid. Social Security Spending alone will be over 1 trillion per year by 2025. That all by itself will make it difficult to run a balanced budget ... add in Medicare and debt interest, and then you see how much we're in the red.

Social Security spending therefore is a much bigger deal than welfare spending. Something should be done.

As of today, receipts into SS are greater then expenditures. The asset of the SS administration have increased every year for what I remember as the last 20 years. RIGHT now the only reason SS adds to the debt is that the treasury has to sell securities for the SS receipts. This is a problem in that the interest paid, which is pretty small now, adds to the deficiet.

That said, SS is paying for itself it would just be better if it ran a little closer to expenditures and didn't have so much in assets. That is why investing it in the stock market was an excellent idea, too bad the democrats were so short sighted.

As for welfare, that is a direct drain on the budget.
Following the logic that set the eligibility date at inception, today it should be at least 75.

Age 75? ridiculous. Even a truck driver at 62 can be falling apart. Eyesight, back, hips........A desk job with 3-4 hour stop/go commute can wipe out many by 65, sciatica, hip, knees. you folks is crazy.

When age 65 was decided upon, life expectancy was about 50. Now life expectancy is around 80.

You can not expect a fund survive when the 'takers' outnumber the 'givers'.

If you can see that don't you think accuaries can see the same problem? Back when SS started there certainly were a lot of people who collect a lot more then they ever put in. But that is natural when something starts new. That time has passed those who are lining up for SS paid their entire lives. They were promised a payment in return, now is their time.

I went through the numbers before. Yes, the life expectancy at birth when SS started was lower then it is today. But the life expectancy at 65 is approximately the same. In colonial times if a woman could make it through her child bearing years she could expect a long life, not much different then today.

Never the less actuaries look at these numbers, they recognize a problem, IN THE FUTURE, and steps will be taken.

I have rarely seen anyone say that all gun owners should be judged by a few lunatics, and those people are generally being fools. People calling for gun restrictions is not the same as judging all gun owners.

The second part is just silly. Social Security and welfare are run differently, and welfare is a somewhat vague term with many components.

This is just another meme that gets tossed about fairly mindlessly IMO.
I did post this thread thinking that the two points were valid for serious discussion.
You're wrong. Point one is false, because only stupid people use words like "all". and they usually vote for guys like Trump. Point two is false, because when government finances are discussed welfare and Social Security are normally part of the mix. You've got the watch out about spreading wingnut memes like this and calling them "profound". They make you look like and idiot and only impress the already-converted.

When was the last time anyone spoke, on the left, about the liabilty of Welfare? Look at the welfare recipiants being brought in by Obama. It is like he is thinking that all he has to do is charge it on our children's credit card. Just like he has been doing for 7 long years.

The first point is true. You and your ilk would have people thinking that the NRA are nothing but gun nuts wanting to arm babies. But Muslims, oh who are we to judge?

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