Two Questions for Atheists

I'm sorry to tell you but you gave a good example. Noah's ark wasn't a biblical account at all. It's the epic of Gilgamesh, who was Sumerian. Sumerians were polytheistic. How can you get answers from a myth that was written by people who didn't even believe in a monotheistic God? You don't get meaning from the bible. You superimpose your own views and make the bible mean what you want.What similarities are there between the Gilgamesh flood account and the biblical flood account?

Noah's Ark is in the Bible--hence a biblical account. I get people like to find similarities in various mythologies--but as one who has studied mythology, I can tell you it is not the similarities--but the differences--that tell the story. I'm not arguing that Noah's flood and the flood of Gilgamesh are different floods. They may be, but it is also possible they are different accounts of the same flood. Noah and Gilgamesh are different people, with different purposes, addressing different audiences.
And look how well Hitler played the Christians. He got them all to go along. Every Christian in Germany and every Christian in Italy.

There were and are a LOT of self-proclaimed "Christians" that were complete assholes just like there were self-proclaimed atheists like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. that were also assholes. I don't believe anyone has argued otherwise. However, I have to take exception with your claim that all German Christians were with Hitler. There were plenty of Germans that didn't like Hitler at all.
Just like us liberals aren't with trump lots of Germans weren't nazis
I'm sorry to tell you but you gave a good example. Noah's ark wasn't a biblical account at all. It's the epic of Gilgamesh, who was Sumerian. Sumerians were polytheistic. How can you get answers from a myth that was written by people who didn't even believe in a monotheistic God? You don't get meaning from the bible. You superimpose your own views and make the bible mean what you want.What similarities are there between the Gilgamesh flood account and the biblical flood account?

Noah's Ark is in the Bible--hence a biblical account. I get people like to find similarities in various mythologies--but as one who has studied mythology, I can tell you it is not the similarities--but the differences--that tell the story. I'm not arguing that Noah's flood and the flood of Gilgamesh are different floods. They may be, but it is also possible they are different accounts of the same flood. Noah and Gilgamesh are different people, with different purposes, addressing different audiences.
Or maybe both are made up, as is the flood.
I go to Christian churches and I can't wrap my brain around how all of you can be so gullible.

I feel the same about atheists who think the universe created itself.
No. You can't wrap your brain around the universe because there's so much we don't know. But you claim to know with certainty. At least you religious types do.

And it's odd you guys think the end days are near but can't believe global warming will shorten our lifespan on this planet by possibly millions of years. It's called cognitive dissonance
Inspired by god the way a suicide bomber is? Inspired by the god concept or hypothesis sure

I would guess that writings inspired by God (not limited to the Bible, by the way) are different from acts claimed to be inspired by God. In Christianity, good acts may be inspired by God, and if so, then the left hand should not know what the right hand is doing.

Everyone should remember that even scripture calls the heart a very treacherous thing, and it seems often easily motivated by desire and greed. God is pure love. We can judge acts (and writings) by how much they are motivated by love. Who is it the suicide bomber loves?
Or maybe both are made up, as is the flood.

The flood stories are probably accounts of regional floods--with the addition of themes, whether those themes be of courage or reflection of past behavior and how that behavior might be improved. What must be remembered is that they are not news accounts (just the facts)--they are stories with a purpose (or lessons) in mind.
You also know your brethren have classified me as a defacto atheist when I have clearly over and over said that as a scientist, I cannot deny the possibility of a God.
Neither does an atheist, necessarily. Very common and nothing unscientific about it. Both atheism and agnosticism often get falsely conflated with belief in "God." Technically speaking. you're an agnostic atheist. Atheism and theism are concerned with belief or having faith. Theists believe. Atheists do not. Atheists simply lack faith / disbelieve. Agnostics, like scientists, on the other hand, are concerned with knowledge. Knowing whether or not there's a "God" or gods. Agnostics say one can't know. Atheists generally believe the same, but also that they'll continue disbelieving theistic claims until one or more are scientifically proven. One can indeed be both.
Or maybe both are made up, as is the flood.

The flood stories are probably accounts of regional floods--with the addition of themes, whether those themes be of courage or reflection of past behavior and how that behavior might be improved. What must be remembered is that they are not news accounts (just the facts)--they are stories with a purpose (or lessons) in mind.

I would say they are not accounts of any real flood, but are "probably" just made up, apocalyptic myths
Life on earth is a blink of an eye. There is a thing called age of accountability. No one knows exactly when that occurs but before then it’s basically a free pass into Heaven. When you look at it outside of our limited view of “life” you lose the barbarity aspect.

Atheists and so-called "agnostics" often claim (as they've done in this thread) that they're intellectually honest because they don't accept the belief in a creator without "proof" while simultaneously pretending to know all of the secrets of the universe.
You were honest up until the word simultaneously.

I havent seen evidence of anyone doing that.
Getting hung up on "belief in a creator" is also bogus. No creators needed for non-creationists.
Inspired by god the way a suicide bomber is? Inspired by the god concept or hypothesis sure

That atheist Stalin didn't need a god to inspire him to murder MILLIONS. The world needs less religion and more guys like Stalin.
I go to Christian churches and I can't wrap my brain around how all of you can be so gullible.

I feel the same about atheists who think the universe created itself.
No. You can't wrap your brain around the universe because there's so much we don't know. But you claim to know with certainty. At least you religious types do.

And it's odd you guys think the end days are near but can't believe global warming will shorten our lifespan on this planet by possibly millions of years. It's called cognitive dissonance

LOL. You won't find a post from me dealing with the "end days". As for global warming, that's another thread, so let's not derail this one. In any event, why don't you start one on global warning and start it by telling us the following:

1) What do we need to do?
2) How much will it cost?
3) What will it accomplish?
4) How long will it take?
You also know your brethren have classified me as a defacto atheist when I have clearly over and over said that as a scientist, I cannot deny the possibility of a God.
Neither does an atheist, necessarily. Very common and nothing unscientific about it. Both atheism and agnosticism often get falsely conflated with belief in "God." Technically speaking. you're an agnostic atheist. Atheism and theism are concerned with belief or having faith. Theists believe. Atheists do not. Atheists simply lack faith / disbelieve. Agnostics, like scientists, on the other hand, are concerned with knowledge. Knowing whether or not there's a "God" or gods. Agnostics say one can't know. Atheists generally believe the same, but also that they'll continue disbelieving theistic claims until one or more are scientifically proven. One can indeed be both.

I'm also an agnostic, an agnostic that believes that we have a creator. How's that?
I go to Christian churches and I can't wrap my brain around how all of you can be so gullible.

I feel the same about atheists who think the universe created itself.
No. You can't wrap your brain around the universe because there's so much we don't know. But you claim to know with certainty. At least you religious types do.

And it's odd you guys think the end days are near but can't believe global warming will shorten our lifespan on this planet by possibly millions of years. It's called cognitive dissonance

LOL. You won't find a post from me dealing with the "end days". As for global warming, that's another thread, so let's not derail this one. In any event, why don't you start one on global warning and start it by telling us the following:

1) What do we need to do?
2) How much will it cost?
3) What will it accomplish?
4) How long will it take?
That's exactly why the IPCC was created. You should go to their website.
You also know your brethren have classified me as a defacto atheist when I have clearly over and over said that as a scientist, I cannot deny the possibility of a God.
Neither does an atheist, necessarily. Very common and nothing unscientific about it. Both atheism and agnosticism often get falsely conflated with belief in "God." Technically speaking. you're an agnostic atheist. Atheism and theism are concerned with belief or having faith. Theists believe. Atheists do not. Atheists simply lack faith / disbelieve. Agnostics, like scientists, on the other hand, are concerned with knowledge. Knowing whether or not there's a "God" or gods. Agnostics say one can't know. Atheists generally believe the same, but also that they'll continue disbelieving theistic claims until one or more are scientifically proven. One can indeed be both.

I'm also an agnostic, an agnostic that believes that we have a creator. How's that?
No, that would make you "gnostic", and a theist.

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