Two Rats in the White House?

Lost Soul

Active Member
Sep 23, 2009
WASHINGTON – In his battle with the titans of Wall Street, President Barack Obama almost got upstaged by a rat.

But he didn't even seem to notice. Assuming that's what it was, scurrying in front of his podium Thursday in a sun-drenched Rose Garden.

Obama had just begun an afternoon statement to reporters lauding the end of a Senate filibuster on his financial overhaul plan when some kind of rodent — opinions differ on which — dashed out of the bushes to his right, just outside the Oval Office.

As photographers snapped away, the critter trundled straight past the gray podium with the presidential seal and made a bee-line for another set of bushes to Obama's left.


Well it seems that the two legged type isn't the only rat in the White House these days. Or is it not PC to call it White any more? Liberals?
judging by the tail ..that is not a rat....or mouse...tail is too short

Hmmmm, My wife said something like to her girl friend when she spotted me, before we were married, at a nude beach in California..........NOT......but I thought it was funny.
It is a mole. A golfer. Very unusual to see one in daylight. Probably caused by an electrical short or an attempt to poison it or drown it on the lawn to the presidents right side.
I am hoping that the rat is carrying some sort of plague that infects all of those who wish America and her citizens harm (we know whose a** is going to get bit 1st)!
President Obama and his Press Secretary Robert Gibbs addressing the media.
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