Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Wrong. My god, school did posters no good at all.

Afraid not Skippy
You need to turn off FoxNews



de·moc·ra·cy di-ˈmä-krə-sē

plural democracies
Synonyms of democracy
: government by the people
especially : rule of the majority
: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
We saw another infamous example of the right’s contempt for democracy prior to the Ohio referendum to codify the right to privacy in the state constitution, as Republicans attempted – and thankfully failed – to require a ‘super majority’ to pass the referendum.

Indeed, the Ohio referendum is a textbook example of the people opposing the tyranny of Republican minority rule – where Republican lawmakers enacted an abortion ‘ban’ contrary to the will of the people and in contempt for the will of the people.
You ignorant baboon.

The COTUS was written to defend the rights of the INDIVIDUAL.

The MINORITY is who the Founders were trying to protect. You assholes don't give a shit about anything but power, and your ability to abuse it.
That's a direct democracy.

The Roman Republic didn't protect individual rights. It protected the right of the elites to rule the City, without interference from the headcount. Senators had to campaign for election, but only the wealthy elites were allowed to run for the Senate or given religious leadership.

The original Constitution only protected the rights of white male land owners, despite its high minded language. The nuts and bolts of the founding documents only gave individual rights to land owning white males. The Founders created a system to amend the constitution to allow government to adapt to modern conditions, but the US has done little to update the document and it is now woefully out of date.

Now, instead of bringing your Constitution into the 21st century, Republicans want to go back to the original intentions of the Founding Fathers. A bunch of 18th Century rich men who lived in an agrarian coastal nation of about 4 million people in a time when guns were single shot muskets, communications took days and weeks and there was no mass anything.

In the late 1970's Pierre Elliott Trudeau, wrote our current Canadian Constitution. The original Canadian Constitution was an act of the British Parliament in 1867. While at the time, the new Constitution seemed like a PET vanity project, it made Canadians think about what kind of nation we want, and how to achieve it and it established a wonderful framework upon which our nation is building. It was a national self-esteem boost which has never worn off.
Canada controls free speech.

Democrats always say we are a democracy which we are not. Because a Republic is a representative Government governed by a charter or Constitution. And in a democracy it is a form of government governed by the will of the majority.
Just my opinion but, the first reason is the word Republic is to close to Republican.
Second reason in a Republic it's ruled by the Constitution which democrats appear to hate unless they can use it to their advantage.

Constitution = Racist.
Dems say NO!

The squad lr.jpg
I have to read where he did that.
Where he claims that the word democracy not being in the constitution is evidence that we are not a democracy.
What is discussed is democracy and also what is republic. He and I agree that the USA is a genuine republic.
No one is disagreeing that we're a constitutional republic, we're just pointing out that we're also a representative democracy and that the two are not incompatible.
Who taught you that fallacy? How much of what Biden does do you approve of? Do you back him in his legal problems? He is facing being impeached.

I think Republicans are involved in petty retaliation against Biden as part of…….He does it too!

Only problem is you have no proof against Biden
Where he claims that the word democracy not being in the constitution is evidence that we are not a democracy.

No one is disagreeing that we're a constitutional republic, we're just pointing that we're also a representative democracy and that the two are not incompatible.
I would almost double your income, paid to you by voters if what you said is true. This is actually a dumb ass remark to allege we are a democracy when you know damned well that is not true even in small government over your city or county.
I think Republicans are involved in petty retaliation against Biden as part of…….He does it too!

Only problem is you have no proof against Biden
Look, Biden does not worry about me. He is worried about the congress and well minded to worry. Because next comes courts of law. And he will fail as bad there as he does in office.
I would almost double your income, paid to you by voters if what you said is true. This is actually a dumb ass remark to allege we are a democracy when you know damned well that is not true even in small government over your city or county.
You have no perception of what a Democracy is

It does not mean people vote on everything
Look, Biden does not worry about me. He is worried about the congress and well minded to worry. Because next comes courts of law. And he will fail as bad there as he does in office.

Biden spent 36 years in Congress
He knows enough not to take these grandstanding Buffoons seriously
I would almost double your income, paid to you by voters if what you said is true. This is actually a dumb ass remark to allege we are a democracy when you know damned well that is not true even in small government over your city or county.
Do have anything to support your disagreement beyond name calling? We are more democratic in city and county elections. In fact the only election in this country that isn't decided by popular vote is our Presidential election.
You have no perception of what a Democracy is

It does not mean people vote on everything
Actually I dealt with that issue when studying the great Thomas Paine. Thomas actually can be considered the father of America.

Let me give you an example of a republic only not talking of America.
A republic selects from the citizens voters who vote for what are essentially commanders.
A Democracy directly votes for said commanders.

If you select one of your pals to do your talking, and you must always approve his remarks, you are more like a republic.

If you can boot him out, you are a democracy.

Why can't you criticise Biden at all? Why are you constantly on his side? Will your representative criticize him for you?
Actually I dealt with that issue when studying the great Thomas Paine. Thomas actually can be considered the father of America.

Let me give you an example of a republic only not talking of America.
A republic selects from the citizens voters who vote for what are essentially commanders.
A Democracy directly votes for said commanders.

If you select one of your pals to do your talking, and you must always approve his remarks, you are more like a republic.

If you can boot him out, you are a democracy.

Why can't you criticise Biden at all? Why are you constantly on his side? Will your representative criticize him for you?
Wow. 😄
Do have anything to support your disagreement beyond name calling? We are more democratic in city and county elections. In fact the only election in this country that isn't decided by popular vote is our Presidential election.
Well if you saw name calling by me, you need new glasses. Even in cities and counties, they count votes and that decides the winner. Winner even if you voted for the opponent.
This nation was founded as a constitutional republic and the founders said so themselves.

You pledged allegiance many times in your life. And to the Republic for which it stands, the United States of America.

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