Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

I meant the original document. I'm not playing pedantic games with you, I'm dissecting your logic. You think because slavery isn't mentioned in the original document that must mean slavery didn't exist, right? That's the same logic you're trying to use with democracy.
You may have meant but you didn't say that. Just like the founders did say we are a Republic
You may have meant but you didn't say that. Just like the founders did say we are a Republic
I'm clarifying what I meant now. Can you address it? The Founders also never mentioned slaves in the Constitution so I guess none of them owned any.... your logic on wonderful display. 😄
Conservativism is fundamentally authoritarian, illiberal, and anti-democratic – again, for good reason.

Reactionaryism can’t succeed in a democracy, conservative dogma fearful of, and opposed to, positive, beneficial change.

Conservatives seek to compel conformity and silence dissent – neither of which can be accomplished in a democracy.

In recent years we’ve seen scores of infamous examples of the right’s contempt for democracy: the conservative Supreme Court’s gutting of the VRA; the right’s unwarranted, wrongheaded opposition to early voting, expanded voting, and voting by mail; Republican efforts to disenfranchise minority voters via gerrymandering and eliminating voting venues in communities of color.

Republicans know their agenda can’t be realized in a democracy, hence their fear of the will of the people and desire to undermine our democratic institutions.
You wasted your time and mine too with that misguided claims about Republicans.

Clearly based on your very own words you do not believe in the actual first part of the constitution. To you it is very fatally flawed so you want change to it.

We are not a democracy. It was never intended to be a democracy.

After the first parts of the constitution were enacted, they then added the Bill of rights. And you do not believe they are correct either.
Bullshit. Leftist ideologies are the ultimate form of authoritarianism. You assholes have murdered over 100 million people who disagreed with you.
We saw another infamous example of the right’s contempt for democracy prior to the Ohio referendum to codify the right to privacy in the state constitution, as Republicans attempted – and thankfully failed – to require a ‘super majority’ to pass the referendum.

Indeed, the Ohio referendum is a textbook example of the people opposing the tyranny of Republican minority rule – where Republican lawmakers enacted an abortion ‘ban’ contrary to the will of the people and in contempt for the will of the people.
A democracy is a form of government governed by the will if the majority. Where as a Republic is a representative form of government governed by a charter or Constitution protecting the rights of the individual.

That's a direct democracy.

The Roman Republic didn't protect individual rights. It protected the right of the elites to rule the City, without interference from the headcount. Senators had to campaign for election, but only the wealthy elites were allowed to run for the Senate or given religious leadership.

The original Constitution only protected the rights of white male land owners, despite its high minded language. The nuts and bolts of the founding documents only gave individual rights to land owning white males. The Founders created a system to amend the constitution to allow government to adapt to modern conditions, but the US has done little to update the document and it is now woefully out of date.

Now, instead of bringing your Constitution into the 21st century, Republicans want to go back to the original intentions of the Founding Fathers. A bunch of 18th Century rich men who lived in an agrarian coastal nation of about 4 million people in a time when guns were single shot muskets, communications took days and weeks and there was no mass anything.

In the late 1970's Pierre Elliott Trudeau, wrote our current Canadian Constitution. The original Canadian Constitution was an act of the British Parliament in 1867. While at the time, the new Constitution seemed like a PET vanity project, it made Canadians think about what kind of nation we want, and how to achieve it and it established a wonderful framework upon which our nation is building. It was a national self-esteem boost which has never worn off.
Find slaves in the original constitution. Its isn't there! That means something! 😄

Fifteenth Amendment​

Fifteenth Amendment Explained

Section 1​

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude–

Section 2​

The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
That's a direct democracy.

The Roman Republic didn't protect individual rights. It protected the right of the elites to rule the City, without interference from the headcount. Senators had to campaign for election, but only the wealthy elites were allowed to run for the Senate or given religious leadership.

The original Constitution only protected the rights of white male land owners, despite its high minded language. The nuts and bolts of the founding documents only gave individual rights to land owning white males. The Founders created a system to amend the constitution to allow government to adapt to modern conditions, but the US has done little to update the document and it is now woefully out of date.

Now, instead of bringing your Constitution into the 21st century, Republicans want to go back to the original intentions of the Founding Fathers. A bunch of 18th Century rich men who lived in an agrarian coastal nation of about 4 million people in a time when guns were single shot muskets, communications took days and weeks and there was no mass anything.

In the late 1970's Pierre Elliott Trudeau, wrote our current Canadian Constitution. The original Canadian Constitution was an act of the British Parliament in 1867. While at the time, the new Constitution seemed like a PET vanity project, it made Canadians think about what kind of nation we want, and how to achieve it and it established a wonderful framework upon which our nation is building. It was a national self-esteem boost which has never worn off.
No it isn't it's a Republic

Fifteenth Amendment​

Fifteenth Amendment Explained

Section 1​

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude–

Section 2​

The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
The 15th amendment was part of the original constitution?

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