Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Actually I dealt with that issue when studying the great Thomas Paine. Thomas actually can be considered the father of America.

Let me give you an example of a republic only not talking of America.
A republic selects from the citizens voters who vote for what are essentially commanders.
A Democracy directly votes for said commanders.

If you select one of your pals to do your talking, and you must always approve his remarks, you are more like a republic.

If you can boot him out, you are a democracy.

Why can't you criticise Biden at all? Why are you constantly on his side? Will your representative criticize him for you?

You somehow claim that a Republic and Democracy are mutually exclusive

Our Republic is a Democracy
You have no perception of what a Democracy is

It does not mean people vote on everything
You actually vote on almost nothing when you vote. Winners get bragging rights. In a Democracy, and this comes from the Greek founders, the citizens vote on everything.

So you pick electors. Greeks voted on all issues.
Well if you saw name calling by me, you need new glasses. Even in cities and counties, they count votes and that decides the winner. Winner even if you voted for the opponent.
This nation was founded as a constitutional republic and the founders said so themselves.
How does any of this argue against us being a democracy?
You pledged allegiance many times in your life. And to the Republic for which it stands, the United States of America.
Which still does prove we aren't a democracy and doesn't address all our democratic elections.
You actually vote on almost nothing when you vote. Winners get bragging rights. In a Democracy, and this comes from the Greek founders, the citizens vote on everything.

So you pick electors. Greeks voted on all issues.
That's a direct democracy. We are a representative democracy. We vote on representatives who are our advocates in government.
You somehow claim that a Republic and Democracy are mutually exclusive

Our Republic is a Democracy
By definition, a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution, and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority. Although these forms of government are often confused,they are quite different. The main difference between a republic and a democracy is the charter or constitution that limits power in a republic, often to protect the individual's rights against the desires of the majority.If your confused about what we have here in America,... its a Republic. " I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the R E P U B L I C for which it stands.Anytime government decides it is necessary or desirable to test the boundaries of a constitutional right that it should only be done with caution and with great respect for those constitutional boundaries. Further, it should only be done if the benefit to be gained is so great and certain that it far outweighs the damage done by the constriction of individual liberty. While many of the provisions of the new laws have surface appeal, it is far from certain that all, or even many, of them will have any significant effect in reducing gun violence, which is the presumed goal of all of us
How does any of this argue against us being a democracy?

Which still does prove we aren't a democracy and doesn't address all our democratic elections.
Oh about elections. This depends on the jurisdiction that holds voting power. For instance some areas use ranked choice. Other areas do not. And you hold no authority at all over a Republic. In a democracy the citizens manage the Government. Americans do not manage our government at all.
Oh about elections. This depends on the jurisdiction that holds voting power. For instance some areas use ranked choice. Other areas do not. And you hold no authority at all over a Republic. In a democracy the citizens manage the Government. Americans do not manage our government at all.
Biden isn't American? Our representatives and senators aren't citizens? :nocknockHT:
By definition, a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution, and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority.

Show that definition

A Democracy is any Government where the people vote for their representatives

A Republic is an implementation of Democracy
Show that definition

A Democracy is any Government where the people vote for their representatives

A Republic is an implementation of Democracy
No, you show your definition. A Democracy by definition has the citizens directly in charge of the Government. A Republic has people who are voted into office who only represent a small number of Americans.
Well now I understand more of how you think. You simply create a fiction.
What fiction did I just create? You claimed American citizens don't manage our government so hence we're not democracy. Are Biden and our Senators and Representatives in the House not American citizens?
Republicans act like Democracy and a Republic are mutually exclusive.
You can’t operate our Republic without Democracy.

But that is what Republicans want to do. Remove the voter from the operation of a Republic.
Let’s see if you can make a grown up argument supporting your claim that republicans want to remove voters from the operation of the republic.
What fiction did I just create? You claimed American citizens don't manage our government so hence we're not democracy. Are Biden and our Senators and Representatives in the House not American citizens?
What did Trump do that you voted for?
Where he claims that the word democracy not being in the constitution is evidence that we are not a democracy.

No one is disagreeing that we're a constitutional republic, we're just pointing out that we're also a representative democracy and that the two are not incompatible.
'Democratic Republic'. It's all the same shit. Magaturds are afraid of using certain words, is all this OP seems to be about. :rolleyes:

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