Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Why do Democrats welcome illegal aliens? Why do their cities end up crime ridden? Why when presidents are selected, they select those they believe are really rulers?

For example when Biden decided our nation will have electric cars no matter what the public wants, suddenly we are a Democracy. It does not mean what they claim it means.

It's not the Democrats who welcome border jumpers and give the illegals jobs, and money to stay. It's their Republican employers, who are never prosecuted for hiring them when a Republican is in the White House.

Illegal border crossings decline under Democrats (see Clinton and Obama), because they prosecute employers. The current influx of legal refugees claimants, is because of the climate and politicial instability in Central and South America.

The most violent and crime ridden cities are in red states. Red States disinvest in their cities when municipal governments are predominently black.

You are one seriously stupid fool.
You're just a liar
The thread premise is also further proof of the right’s contempt for democracy and the will of the people, and conservatives’ desire to destroy democracy and establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

And it makes sense – the majority of Americans oppose the Republican agenda; indeed, democracy is the enemy of conservativism.

Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right in no manner benefit from democracy, representative or otherwise.

For conservatives, contempt for democracy is perfectly justified – democracy is too messy and unpredictable, subject to the capricious whims of the voters most of whom Republicans perceived to be ‘unqualified’ to vote: ‘lazy’ voters who vote by mail or vote early shouldn’t be allow to vote at all, conservatives who whine and complain about it taking ‘too long’ for election results and engaging in childish tantrums because election results aren’t available on election day.
The thread premise is also further proof of the right’s contempt for democracy and the will of the people, and conservatives’ desire to destroy democracy and establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

And it makes sense – the majority of Americans oppose the Republican agenda; indeed, democracy is the enemy of conservativism.

Republicans, conservatives, and others on the right in no manner benefit from democracy, representative or otherwise.

For conservatives, contempt for democracy is perfectly justified – democracy is too messy and unpredictable, subject to the capricious whims of the voters most of whom Republicans perceived to be ‘unqualified’ to vote: ‘lazy’ voters who vote by mail or vote early shouldn’t be allow to vote at all, conservatives who whine and complain about it taking ‘too long’ for election results and engaging in childish tantrums because election results aren’t available on election day.
You're just a liar
We hold elections

A democracy is a form of government which is elected by the people. A Republic is a form of representative democracy. Not all democracies are Republics. Some are direct democracies, and some are Constitutional monarchies.

You can be a democracy without being a Republic, but you cannot be a Republic without being a democracy
Is there anything that you think should be off limits to majority rule?
There are a couple of things that are not based on majority rule in our constitution....
Like electing our president, is thru the electoral college which weighs favor to the smaller states...

And any and all legislation passed in the house of reps is based on population...majority rule, so to say, however the Senate and senators are not representatives of the population, each state gets two, so it gives more power to the smaller populated states and less power to the larger populated states....and the Senate is needed to pass any legislation from the House that represents the population and majority rule.

Other than those two intricacies, I believe under the U.S. constitution..... and state constitutions, we govern through a representative majority or plurality rule? No?
A democracy is a form of government which is elected by the people. A Republic is a form of representative democracy. Not all democracies are Republics. Some are direct democracies, and some are Constitutional monarchies.

You can be a democracy without being a Republic, but you cannot be a Republic without being a democracy
A democracy is a form of government governed by the will if the majority. Where as a Republic is a representative form of government governed by a charter or Constitution protecting the rights of the individual.
The better question is why these Republicans refuse to accept that we hold democratic elections. No one here is deny that we are a constitutional republic, why are these mutants so afraid of the word democracy?
A democracy is a form of government governed by the will if the majority. Where as a Republic is a representative form of government governed by a charter or Constitution protecting the rights of the individual.
You've never heard of a representative democracy? 😄
These definitional arguments are always like two blind people in a gunfight.

Nominally, Democrats want more democracy, Republicans want less. In reality, both just want more power to impose their will on society and don't give a flying fuck about ideals like liberty or democracy.

How do you define "more democracy"? Whose voting rights get stripped to give "less democracy". That would you consider acceptable to achieve "less democracy".

Republicans don't want "less democracy". They want to end it. They want a white nationalist authoritarian dictators, and they want to end the Constitution. They flat out saying it out loud.

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