Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Someone had to be the originator of this astoundingly retarded meme.
We’ll likely never know, but here’s an example.

‘Robert Draper of The New York Times published a piece on Republicans who say this in August. He cited a GOP candidate for the Arizona state legislature, Selina Bliss, saying: "We are not a democracy. Nowhere in the Constitution does it use the word 'democracy.' I think of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. That's not us."

But a democratic republic is us. Exactly.

Throughout our history we have functioned as both. Put another way, we have utilized characteristics of both. The people decide, but they do so through elected representatives working in pre-established, rule-bound and intentionally balky institutions such as Congress and the courts.

The government seated in Washington, D.C., represents a democratic republic, which governs a federated union of states, each of which in turn has its own democratic-republican government for its jurisdiction.

The relationship between the democratic and republican elements of this equation has been a dynamic and essential part of our history.’

Democrats always say we are a democracy which we are not. Because a Republic is a representative Government governed by a charter or Constitution. And in a democracy it is a form of government governed by the will of the majority.
Just my opinion but, the first reason is the word Republic is to close to Republican.
Second reason in a Republic it's ruled by the Constitution which democrats appear to hate unless they can use it to their advantage.
It is not by accident they claim we are a Democracy. This would mean of course we are ruled by Democrats. That is why they call it a Democracy.
It wasn't a question

If it had been, then no.
I asked the question. I realize yours was a statement but I asked a question because it was unclear what that statement was about. What made America a superpower were the economic rewards it reaped from its slave produced cash crops.
The Founders never once said "we are not a democracy".

What's going on with the "we are not a democracy" idiots is they are conflating a direct democracy with a representative democracy inside their little pointy heads.

As I have shown above, Alexander Hamilton wrote in his notes for the ratification of the Constitution that we would be choosing a representative democracy with that Constitution.

This is very simple to understand, and yet escapes the comprehension of the mental midgets.

Hell, if even Donald Trump gets it, I don't see why these never-admit-to-being-wrong mules can't get it.

Fortunately for all of us, our Founders did not suffer from this idiotic misapprehension.

I'm out.
We’ll likely never know, but here’s an example.

‘Robert Draper of The New York Times published a piece on Republicans who say this in August. He cited a GOP candidate for the Arizona state legislature, Selina Bliss, saying: "We are not a democracy. Nowhere in the Constitution does it use the word 'democracy.' I think of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. That's not us."

But a democratic republic is us. Exactly.

Throughout our history we have functioned as both. Put another way, we have utilized characteristics of both. The people decide, but they do so through elected representatives working in pre-established, rule-bound and intentionally balky institutions such as Congress and the courts.

The government seated in Washington, D.C., represents a democratic republic, which governs a federated union of states, each of which in turn has its own democratic-republican government for its jurisdiction.

The relationship between the democratic and republican elements of this equation has been a dynamic and essential part of our history.’

Show me where the founders wrote the word democracy in the constitution.
You don't understand what a strawman id. I get it. But you also can't show me the word democracy in our Constitution
You don't understand what a strawman is and you demonstrate it, regularly. What do I care what you claim as you continually fall flat on your own face? 😄
The Founders never once said "we are not a democracy".

What's going on with the "we are not a democracy" idiots is they are conflating a direct democracy with a representative democracy inside their little pointy heads.

As I have shown above, Alexander Hamilton wrote in his notes for the ratification of the Constitution that we would be choosing a representative democracy with that Constitution.

This is very simple to understand, and yet escapes the comprehension of the mental midgets.

Hell, if even Donald Trump gets it, I don't see why these never-admit-to-being wrong mules can't get it.

Fortunately for all of us, our Founders did not suffer from his idiotic misapprehension.

I'm out.
They never once used the word democracy in the constitution
They want that because:
1. Registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans
2. All they have to do is make sure the vote in the largest population centers vote Democrat and they can ignore the rest of the country that will be rendered powerless
2. It makes it a LOT easier to cheat
Why do Democrats welcome illegal aliens? Why do their cities end up crime ridden? Why when presidents are selected, they select those they believe are really rulers?

For example when Biden decided our nation will have electric cars no matter what the public wants, suddenly we are a Democracy. It does not mean what they claim it means.
I asked the question. I realize yours was a statement but I asked a question because it was unclear what that statement was about. What made America a superpower were the economic rewards it reaped from its slave produced cash crops.

You might have a point if we were the only country who had slaves.
We weren't.
We actually had them for an irrelevant amount to time, in the big picture.

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