Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Technically "the people" in Republics who ultimately hold power don't necessarily have to be all "the people". "The people" of early America's Republic didn't include the slaves, women or non land owning whites.

One reason that we were able to go from start up to superpower so quickly.
At least in a Republic you need 2/3 of congressional approval and 2/3 of the states to make slavery legal again. In a democracy you only need 51%

That's not true. The voting rules are whatever the framers decide to put in the Constitution. Your Founders didn't specify 2/3 of the votes for the Senate or the House, at all. These were compromises passed after Jim Crow because southerners were afraid of blacks voting.
Boy have you got that shit backwards!!

We don't hate the word "republic", you asswipes hate the term "democracy"

A republic is a form of democracy, a representative democracy is what the US is.

This crap started back with the Rush Limbaugh (makes me hope hell is real) days when he was busy training you kids to respond to particular stimuli in a negative manner, kinda like a reverse of Pavlov's dogs. YOu probably still say "feminazi" too.
Ah. So it was Rush who originated this retarded "we are not a democracy" meme?
No, they didn't.

You are profoundly ignorant of US history.

Let's start with Alexander Hamilton's notes on the ratification of the Constitution:

I. A republic a word used in various senses.
Has been applied to aristocracies and monarchies.
1. To Rome under the Kings.
2. To Sparta though a Senate for life.
3. To Carthage though the same.
4. To United Netherlands, though Stadholder, Hereditary nobles:
5. To Poland though aristocracy and monarchy
6. To Great Britain though Monarchy &c
II. Again great confusion about the words. Democracy, Aristocracy, Monarch.
I. Democracy defined by some Rousseau &c
A government exercised by the collective body of the People
2 Delegation of their power has been made the criterion of Aristocracy
II. Aristocracy has been used to designate governments.
1. Where an independent few possessed sovereignty.
2. Where the representatives of the people possessed it.
III. Monarchy, where sovereignty in the hands of a single man
General idea—Independent in his situation. in any other sense would apply to State of New York
III. Democracy in my sense, where the whole power of the government in the people
I. Whether exercised by themselves, or
2. By their representatives chosen by them either mediately or immediately and legally accountable to them.

.Aristocracy where whole sovereignty is permanently in the hands of a few for life or hereditary
V.Monarchy where the whole sovereignty is in the hands of one man for life or hereditary.
VI.Mixed government when these three principles unite.
B.Consequence, the proposed government a representative democracy.

As you can plainly see, Hamilton outlined the different kinds of Republics. Monarchical, Aristocratic, and Democratic.

The US was choosing the Representative Democratic model.
Ah. So it was Rush who originated this retarded "we are not a democracy" meme?
No dumbass it was the founders of this country. If they wanted to create a democracy they would have used the word at least once. They did however use Republic
Democrats emphasize "democracy" because they want to expand the role of democracy in the nation. Some of them want all of society, everything we do, subject to majority rule. I'm not sure why they want that.

Is it their low IQ?
Trump isn't going to nor has ever threatened to eliminate the constitution.

WTF is the matter with you assholes?
“Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." - Traitor Donald
One reason that we were able to go from start up to superpower so quickly.

Yes, with Europe bombed back into the stone age twice in a 30 year span, while the USA profitted hugely supplying both wars and the reconstruction. There were no superpowers left there, you used your economic power and trade surplus to finance alliances and democratic governments throughout the world.

War profitteering and staying out of stupid wars through most of the 20th Century while Europe lay in ruins is the reason you went to Superpower so quickly. That and dropping the atomic bomb on Japan.
No dumbass it was the founders of this country. If they wanted to create a democracy they would have used the word at least once. They did however use Republic
See post 177, ignoramus.

"Consequence, the proposed government a representative democracy."

Alexander Hamilton.
Yes, with Europe bombed back into the stone age twice in a 30 year span, while the USA profitted hugely supplying both wars and the reconstruction. There were no superpowers left there, you used your economic power and trade surplus to finance alliances and democratic governments throughout the world.

War profitteering and staying out of stupid wars through most of the 20th Century while Europe lay in ruins is the reason you went to Superpower so quickly. That and dropping the atomic bomb on Japan.
Do you believe Mexico south America or Canada would exist today if China, or Russia was in America?
Your own link says the Founders aspired to Democratic government and mentions democracy several times and at the end calls us a Democratic Republic. Why are you such a failure in life? 😄
No they didn't show me the word democracy in our Constitution used by the founders?

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