Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Published in 1835:

Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville should be required reading for every American schoolchild.

Best political science book ever written.
Well Curried brought up the subject of slavery in America's past. Might as well bring up slavery in modern day Africa
I brought up slavery to point out that having a constitution doesn't mean it will prevent abuse of the individual. You missed that rather obvious point. 😄 Went right by you.
Who started this "we are not a democracy" retardation? I really, sincerely want to know who it is the brainless tards are parroting.
Your irony is so ironic and projecting that you can't go to the first post of the page to see who it is?
No Nation on earth operates as a true Democracy

That form of Democracy is…….Two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for Supper
I would say that the US version is looking quite dated at this stage...

Couple things which have been modernised by now...

1. One Man One Vote has been replaced with preference voting
2. Single seat districts replaced by Multi-seat districts
3. Senate votes per seat is grossly unfair and doesn't offer US Citizens equal representation

4. There should be 13 Supreme Court Justices
5. Supreme Court Justices should have a term < 20yrs

6. The US Constitution too hard to change, the US Constitution is considered a 'Dead Constitution'. It isn't a living one that changes with the will of the people in stead of being stuck in the past. In Other Countries, the Constitution should be changeable a simple majority.
7. The US Constitution is too short it leaves too much interpretation for Judges. US constitution is fractions of a size of other constitutions.. US constitution has 4,543 words, EU has 60,000 words...

They would be a start
Progressive "thought": Slavery is a problem, but only in America 150 years ago and not in Africa today; CO2 will kill all life on Earth, but the planets biggest emitter China gets a free pass because per capita
Your irony is so ironic and projecting that you can't go to the first post of the page to see who it is?
You are not the originator of this meme. You are one of the brainless parrots. This meme has been showing up on this forum for quite a while now.

You've never had an original thought in your life.

So tell me, who told you this ridiculous lie? I'll start backtracking from there.

Was it Tucker?

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