Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

It says nothing about rule of law or protecting individual rights. So you just got proven wrong.
Being a Constitutional Republic didn't protect the individual rights of the people the Founders kept as slaves. You clowns hide behind words because you can't express any actual good ideas.
Being a Constitutional Republic didn't protect the individual rights of the people the Founders kept as slaves. You clowns hide behind words because you can't express any actual good ideas.
Slaves didn't have rights at the time. Slaves don't have rights even in Africa today
You ignore Republic You want pure Demacracy to push 50 plus 1 over 50 minus 1.

Not to mention you piss on our laws everyday you ignore our border laws. Without the illegals you wouldnt be jack.
As I just said.

Dishonest republicans claim that the issue is direct (pure) democracy.

It is neither the issue nor the case.
Every human endeavour in form of government or leadership in the history of mankind, has killed, murdered, raped, butchered, and generally treated “others” poorly.

Kings, queens, President, dictators tribal chiefs, local gang leaders, popes, bishops, Catholics, Muslims and Jews, and medicine men.

Every human leader, since the history of time has been responsible for death and destruction, in some form or another. It’s not restricted to the left the right, the conservatives or the liberals.

Grow the fuck up and start, addressing the root causes of the violence and the killing instead of cheerleading your side because of some macho belief that killing people is going to end the violence.
democracy is the train you ride to those things,,

Democracy ended in Rome in 44 AD when Augustus became Rome's first Emperor after the assassination of Julius Cesaer - the last Consul of the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic lasted 500 years. The Roman Empire lasted 1000 years.

It didn't re-appear again in the world until 1776, during which time the world endured the "Dark Ages", and endless violence and wars. The entire history of the world is that of endless violence. It's only since Democracy has been the dominant form of government when the monarchies were thrown out, that we've managed to contain some of our worst impulses.

The 70 years since WWII ended, have been the most peaceful in human history - all lead by democracies throughoout the world. The mass murders of the 20th Century were all committed by authoritarian dictators at both ends of the idealogical spectrum. Stalin and Mao killed their own people to end politicial opposition. Hitler killed "inferiors" to raise up a master race. There have been multipler genocides throughout the world. Bosnia, Rwanda, East Timor, Armenia, Germany. Again, both side of the political spectrum.

My degree wasn't useless...of course it isn't in Men getting poked by men or that garbage

Oh yes it is, if you even have one. You don’t even write at a high school level much less a college level. Sassy claims to be a day trader, but exhibits no ability to discuss business or understanding of economics.

One of my college teacher friends complains that they have to pass everyone, and longs for the days when the worst students "flunked out". Today's colleges are so desperate for tuition money, that my American teacher friends are telling saying they're not only not allowed to fail students, they are being BLAMED for students failing.

Even if they don't show up for class, finish no assignments, and can't do the work. They get a degree.

America is a functioning Republic bingo
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SEMANTICS, We are all mostly crazy, Just because you are a REPUBLICAN does not make all your ideas bad OR all good.
Just because you are a DEMOCRAT same deal, Why would you Ever buy all or nothing thinking?
The minority can and are passing laws where they have gerrymandered the majority out of representation. Red states have few women in the State House do it really is old white men.
Gerrymandering is a problem, to be sure. But I don't think you can really do it without majority control. Do you have an example in mind?
And one super majority stage, there were five women representatives total from both parties. When the Republican majority proposed a total abortion ban, all five of these women stood up and gave eloquent testimony as to why the law went way too far, and was dangerous to their lives.

The Republican majority passed the law anyway, and the day after the law passed the Republicans House Speaker, said that the Republican women who voted against the law, would be primaried voted from office for this betrayal.
Ok, but again, how is that minority rule??

"Minority Rule" is just a misleading catch phrase the Democrats have adopted to complain whenever they can't get their way with simple majority rule.
SEMANTICS, We are all mostly crazy, Just because you are a REPUBLICAN does not make all your ideas bad OR all good.
Just because you are a DEMOCRAT same deal, Why would you Ever buy all or nothing thinking?
The Republican party is not the solution for America's problems but the democrat party is the cause of America's problems
Gerrymandering is a problem, to be sure. But I don't think you can really do it without majority control. Do you have an example in mind?

Ok, but again, how is that minority rule??

"Minority Rule" is just a misleading catch phrase the Democrats have adopted to complain whenever they can't get their way with simple majority rule.
It's not misleading. When I responded to you and pointed to victories from the electoral college that were contrary to the popular vote you had no response.

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