Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

What do you mean by minority rule? Can you cite an incident where the minority pass news laws, or in any way forced change on the majority?
The elections of W Bush and Trump
The Gerrymandered House is an example of minority rule
A Senate where a state with 600,000 has the same number of representatives as a state with 40 million
This is talking point #1 for Dems lately and it's an utter load of shit. There's no "tyranny of the minority". The minority can pass no laws. They can't force anything on the majority. But sometimes the majority can't either. Sometimes they need more than a simple majority to pass laws and make the changes they want. That's by design and it's a good thing. There is nothing tyrannical about it. On the contrary, it prevents tyranny.

The minority can and are passing laws where they have gerrymandered the majority out of representation. Red states have few women in the State House do it really is old white men.

And one super majority stage, there were five women representatives total from both parties. When the Republican majority proposed a total abortion ban, all five of these women stood up and gave eloquent testimony as to why the law went way too far, and was dangerous to their lives.

The Republican majority passed the law anyway, and the day after the law passed the Republicans House Speaker, said that the Republican women who voted against the law, would be primaried voted from office for this betrayal.

I tried googling to give you a link or a state where this happened but there But the links kept going to all of the Texas and Florida court cases and restrictions that were over, turned in state court, but not the one I’m liking for.

I watched the women’s testimony on television, and I had to turn it off. It was just too heartrending, especially since I I’ve had similar pregancy complications and received timely treatment. The thought of being sent home until I was literally dying is too horrific to contemplate.
No, you failed civics

But making it racist is so you

Now don't get excited and drop your pants, I have no desire to listen to your flaming
Do you think you've revealed my failure in civics simply by calling me a racist and then fantasizing about me dropping my pants? 😄
They aren't a Republic

You’re correct. A constitutional monarchy is not a republic, but it is a democracy. It’s just a different form of democracy from a representative republic.

A direct democracy is also not a republic, but it’s still a democracy.

Direct Democracy, constitutional monarchy, and Representative Republic are the three main forms of Democracy.

Even though there are democracies, which are not republics, there is no such thing as a republic which is not a democracy.
Democrats always say we are a democracy which we are not. Because a Republic is a representative Government governed by a charter or Constitution. And in a democracy it is a form of government governed by the will of the majority.
Just my opinion but, the first reason is the word Republic is to close to Republican.
Second reason in a Republic it's ruled by the Constitution which democrats appear to hate unless they can use it to their advantage.
I would add they are also trying to gaslight the younger generations into believing we are a democracy,,
No, you failed civics

But making it racist is so you

Now don't get excited and drop your pants, I have no desire to listen to your flaming

You didn’t even study civics. You were homeschooled by right wingers who didn’t want you to know anything about Government.

You couldn’t pass a civics test if your life depended on it judging by your posts in this forum.
Boy have you got that shit backwards!!

We don't hate the word "republic", you asswipes hate the term "democracy"

A republic is a form of democracy, a representative democracy is what the US is.

This crap started back with the Rush Limbaugh (makes me hope hell is real) days when he was busy training you kids to respond to particular stimuli in a negative manner, kinda like a reverse of Pavlov's dogs. YOu probably still say "feminazi" too.
of course any smart person would hate democracy,, over the yrs untold amounts of people have suffered and been killed because of democracies,,
You didn’t even study civics. You were homeschooled by right wingers who didn’t want you to know anything about Government.

You couldn’t pass a civics test if your life depended on it judging by your posts in this forum.

Sassy never went to College, never held a job
She just leeches off of others
of course any smart person would hate democracy,, over the yrs untold amounts of people have suffered and been killed because of democracies,,

Every human endeavour in form of government or leadership in the history of mankind, has killed, murdered, raped, butchered, and generally treated “others” poorly.

Kings, queens, President, dictators tribal chiefs, local gang leaders, popes, bishops, Catholics, Muslims and Jews, and medicine men.

Every human leader, since the history of time has been responsible for death and destruction, in some form or another. It’s not restricted to the left the right, the conservatives or the liberals.

Grow the fuck up and start, addressing the root causes of the violence and the killing instead of cheerleading your side because of some macho belief that killing people is going to end the violence.
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You’re correct. A constitutional monarchy is not a republic, but it is a democracy. It’s just a different form of democracy from a representative republic.

A direct democracy is also not a republic, but it’s still a democracy.

Direct Democracy, constitutional monarchy, and Representative Republic are the three main forms of Democracy.

Even though there are democracies, which are not republics, there is no such thing as a republic which is not a democracy.
This is why this is all silly. Functionally the UK is a republic in that the actual power rests with Parliament who's members are elected by the people. The crown is a ceremonial position with no real power. Then you have places like the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea that's a Republic in name only and functionally a dictatorship. These Bingos are arguing over words but don't understand the ideas these words are meant to express.

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