Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Democrats emphasize "democracy" because they want to expand the role of democracy in the nation. Some of them want all of society, everything we do, subject to majority rule. I'm not sure why they want that.
Because it's better than minority rule....

We can't have everything we do governed by majority rule because we have a constitution and the majority are still subject to its limits. It would be nice to get rid of the electoral college though.
Is there anything that you think should be off limits to majority rule?

Individual rights. The majority has limited the rights of women, gays, and racial minorities since the nation began.

The recent debacle over abortion rights is but the first example. Rabid misinformation about women’s health is quite literally killing women.

People with no medical skills or knowledge are voting against treatment recommended by medical professionals for trans children simply because it’s all weird and creepy.

The founders, establish checks and balances in your constitution, because they feared the “tyranny of the majority” but what they have created in the Senate with the 60 filibuster rule is a Tyranny of the Minority which is blocking reforms the American people have voted for time and time again - abortion rights, voting rights, personal freedom.
So much stupid..... Republics are very old and constitutions are fairly new, relatively speaking. That means constitutions aren't inherent properties of Republics. Republics are merely States who's power ultimately rest with "the people" through representatives in government as opposed to a monarchy or a dictatorship. They may or may not have a constitution. We happen to have one. That makes us a Constitutional Republic. We're also a Representative Democracy. That means we elect the people who represent us in government as opposed to them being appointed by some other process. There is no incongruity with us being a Constitutional Republic and a Representative Democracy. They describe different aspects of our government you dumb Bingo.
So much stupid is right
A Republic is governed by a constitution or charter try again
Republicans act like Democracy and a Republic are mutually exclusive.
You can’t operate our Republic without Democracy.

But that is what Republicans want to do. Remove the voter from the operation of a Republic.
Gerrymandering does that quite well.
Republicans act like Democracy and a Republic are mutually exclusive.
You can’t operate our Republic without Democracy.

But that is what Republicans want to do. Remove the voter from the operation of a Republic.
The two are neither the same. One is ruled by a Constitution or charter that protects individual rights. The other is governed by the will if the majority and has no protection of individual rights.
Democrats emphasize "democracy" because they want to expand the role of democracy in the nation. Some of them want all of society, everything we do, subject to majority rule. I'm not sure why they want that.
They want that because:
1. Registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans
2. All they have to do is make sure the vote in the largest population centers vote Democrat and they can ignore the rest of the country that will be rendered powerless
2. It makes it a LOT easier to cheat
Democrats always say we are a democracy which we are not. Because a Republic is a representative Government governed by a charter or Constitution. And in a democracy it is a form of government governed by the will of the majority.
Just my opinion but, the first reason is the word Republic is to close to Republican.
Second reason in a Republic it's ruled by the Constitution which democrats appear to hate unless they can use it to their advantage.
We are a Democratic-Republic.
Your opinion is wrong by definition. A Democracy is simply rule by the people and a Representative Republic is a form of Democracy.

Rome was also a Representative Republic, but one which limited the authority of the Comitia (people’s assembly). All power rested in the Senate - which only the wealthy elites could run for. The Consul and Religious leaders could only be elected/appointed from the Senate.

The American Republic limits the power of the people by giving each state, regardless of size or population, 2 senators. But the USA is still a democracy.

Right wingers keep pretending that the US isn’t a democracy, as justification for their anti democratic policies of voter suppression and gerrymandering.

A republic is a form of democracy, in which representatives are elected, as opposed to direct democracy where everyone votes on every question.

Canada has Constitutional Monarchy which is another form of democracy. All democracies have a constitution. The USA is no different than any other Democratic country in the world in that regard.
We are not a democratic any thing. We are a Republic governed by a Constitution that protects individual rights. A democracy doesn't do that if the majority of the people says they don't want that
The founders, establish checks and balances in your constitution, because they feared the “tyranny of the majority” but what they have created in the Senate with the 60 filibuster rule is a Tyranny of the Minority which is blocking reforms the American people have voted for time and time again - abortion rights, voting rights, personal freedom.

This is talking point #1 for Dems lately and it's an utter load of shit. There's no "tyranny of the minority". The minority can pass no laws. They can't force anything on the majority. But sometimes the majority can't either. Sometimes they need more than a simple majority to pass laws and make the changes they want. That's by design and it's a good thing. There is nothing tyrannical about it. On the contrary, it prevents tyranny.

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