Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

This is talking point #1 for Dems lately and it's an utter load of shit. There's no "tyranny of the minority". The minority can pass no laws. They can't force anything on the majority. But sometimes the majority can't either. Sometimes they need more than a simple majority to pass laws and make the changes they want. That's by design and it's a good thing. There is nothing tyrannical about it. On the contrary, it prevents tyranny.
Which is why we America is a Republic.
But that is what Republicans want to do. Remove the voter from the operation of a Republic.
That's a pretty good description of the debate. Traditionally at least. Republicans recognize that the majority of us aren't qualified to operate a republic, and running it by majority rule would be a disaster.
Yes it is. But a Republic is two wolves and a well armed sheep voting for what is for dinner
The sheep needs to be armed with a stronger Bill of Rights at both the Federal and state level. Originally the BoR was not meant as a the only rights, but as a failsafe, with the remainder of rights protected by the State. That has not happened properly, and those states need stronger BoRs.
The sheep needs to be armed with a stronger Bill of Rights at both the Federal and state level. Originally the BoR was not meant as a the only rights, but as a failsafe, with the remainder of rights protected by the State. That has not happened properly, and those states need stronger BoRs.
States have bill of rights. The original bill of rights are very clear. But when people try to twist, or, redefine the meaning of certain words it does make the bill of rights weak.
States have bill of rights. The original bill of rights are very clear. But when people try to twist, or, redefine the meaning of certain words it does make the bill of rights weak.

Agreed. We also need more added to the BofR. The right to privacy. the right to boogie. A stronger 4th Amendment.
It’s just more propaganda word-play by communist democrats. Partly because the word democracy suggests democrat party but mainly it’s just an excuse to endorse mob rule and thereby attain control. Urban areas dominated by democrats outnumber all other jurisdictions and this mob rule is excused by references to democracy.
The fact that a Pravda rag like the Washington Post uses the tagline Democracy Dies in Darkness is perfect proof of the manipulation.
So much stupid is right
A Republic is governed by a constitution or charter try again
Israel's isn't. The UK doesn't really have a constitution. And constitutions aren't just limited to Republics, you can be a constitutional monarchy for instance. Republics also aren't synonyms for everything that's good and holy. Take The Peoples Republic of China. How in love are you with that Republic?

What argument are you actually trying to make? I don't have a problem with the Constitution, a government of the people (especially a browning people), democracy (elections) or the rule of law.
Israel's isn't. The UK doesn't really have a constitution. And constitutions aren't just limited to Republics, you can be a constitutional monarchy for instance. Republics also aren't synonyms for everything that's good and holy. Take The Peoples Republic of China. How in love are you with that Republic?

What argument are you actually trying to make? I don't have a problem with the Constitution, a government of the people (especially a browning people), democracy (elections) or the rule of law.
They aren't a Republic
What do you mean by minority rule? Can you cite an incident where the minority pass news laws, or in any way forced change on the majority?
I mean Presidents who were elected by the electoral College but lose the popular vote.
in a democracy it is a form of government governed by the will of the majority.

Notice that their constant point of complaint is that everything with them is about a majority. Mob rule. And they are the mob. And they ACT like a mob. A mob of little, tyrannical children. They constantly fret that Hillary won the MAJORITY vote, that their party is the MAJORITY. All their plans are anti-constitution, anti equal representation. They want to build super-states like California and New York with high electoral counts and pack them full of democrats so that they can decide the outcome of every election and screw the other 40 states.

Democrat's love of equity and equality all end the minute it doesn't work in their favor.
Republicans act like Democracy and a Republic are mutually exclusive.
You can’t operate our Republic without Democracy.

But that is what Republicans want to do. Remove the voter from the operation of a Republic.
BS. You vote for reps right now but you want a Pure Democracy which leads to the Tryanny of 50 plus 1 over 50 minus 1

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