Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

The better question is why these Republicans refuse to accept that we hold democratic elections. No one here is deny that we are a constitutional republic, why are these mutants so afraid of the word democracy?
Show me the word democratic in the Constitution?
Technically "the people" in Republics who ultimately hold power don't necessarily have to be all "the people". "The people" of early America's Republic didn't include the slaves, women or non land owning whites.
Ironically, we were stronger as a nation because we were a Republic. A lot of things not right and people at times could mess with each other beyond decency. However, we were a free Republic.
Ironically, we were stronger as a nation because we were a Republic. A lot of things not right and people at times could mess with each other beyond decency. However, we were a free Republic.
The America that kept slaves was a "free republic" ..... these dumb Bingos....😄
Sorry, I was taught in school that we were a democratic republic with a constitution. The school curriculum was for military base schools, not some liberal city.

And you were taught WRONG.

No surprise there. Public schools are terrible.
Why do Democrats welcome illegal aliens? Why do their cities end up crime ridden? Why when presidents are selected, they select those they believe are really rulers?

For example when Biden decided our nation will have electric cars no matter what the public wants, suddenly we are a Democracy. It does not mean what they claim it means.
If they can sufficiently dilute the U.S. citizen population, the Democrats weaken America which I believe is their goal.
If they can sufficiently dilute the U.S. citizen population, the Democrats weaken America which I believe is their goal.
Believe this or not, but when Gore ran against Bush, I was then saying what you say now. A weak America favors democrats.
You're just a liar
Conservativism is fundamentally authoritarian, illiberal, and anti-democratic – again, for good reason.

Reactionaryism can’t succeed in a democracy, conservative dogma fearful of, and opposed to, positive, beneficial change.

Conservatives seek to compel conformity and silence dissent – neither of which can be accomplished in a democracy.

In recent years we’ve seen scores of infamous examples of the right’s contempt for democracy: the conservative Supreme Court’s gutting of the VRA; the right’s unwarranted, wrongheaded opposition to early voting, expanded voting, and voting by mail; Republican efforts to disenfranchise minority voters via gerrymandering and eliminating voting venues in communities of color.

Republicans know their agenda can’t be realized in a democracy, hence their fear of the will of the people and desire to undermine our democratic institutions.
Show me the word slavery in constitution.

Thirteenth Amendment​

Thirteenth Amendment Explained

Section 1​

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2​

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
It's not the Democrats who welcome border jumpers and give the illegals jobs, and money to stay. It's their Republican employers, who are never prosecuted for hiring them when a Republican is in the White House.

Illegal border crossings decline under Democrats (see Clinton and Obama), because they prosecute employers. The current influx of legal refugees claimants, is because of the climate and politicial instability in Central and South America.

The most violent and crime ridden cities are in red states. Red States disinvest in their cities when municipal governments are predominently black.

You are one seriously stupid fool.
You proved I am correct. Thanks a lot.
Conservativism is fundamentally authoritarian, illiberal, and anti-democratic – again, for good reason.

Reactionaryism can’t succeed in a democracy, conservative dogma fearful of, and opposed to, positive, beneficial change.

Conservatives seek to compel conformity and silence dissent – neither of which can be accomplished in a democracy.

In recent years we’ve seen scores of infamous examples of the right’s contempt for democracy: the conservative Supreme Court’s gutting of the VRA; the right’s unwarranted, wrongheaded opposition to early voting, expanded voting, and voting by mail; Republican efforts to disenfranchise minority voters via gerrymandering and eliminating voting venues in communities of color.

Republicans know their agenda can’t be realized in a democracy, hence their fear of the will of the people and desire to undermine our democratic institutions.
Liar just continues to lie

Thirteenth Amendment​

Thirteenth Amendment Explained

Section 1​

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2​

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
That's the 13th amendment. I'm taking about the original document. By your logic if slavery isn't mentioned that means slavery didn't exist?
That's the 13th amendment. I'm taking about the original document. By your logic, if slavery isn't mentioned that means slavery didn't exist?
Nope you said the constitution. However by your logic a Democracy exist even though the founders never created one.
Conservativism is fundamentally authoritarian, illiberal, and anti-democratic – again, for good reason.

Reactionaryism can’t succeed in a democracy, conservative dogma fearful of, and opposed to, positive, beneficial change.

Conservatives seek to compel conformity and silence dissent – neither of which can be accomplished in a democracy.

In recent years we’ve seen scores of infamous examples of the right’s contempt for democracy: the conservative Supreme Court’s gutting of the VRA; the right’s unwarranted, wrongheaded opposition to early voting, expanded voting, and voting by mail; Republican efforts to disenfranchise minority voters via gerrymandering and eliminating voting venues in communities of color.

Republicans know their agenda can’t be realized in a democracy, hence their fear of the will of the people and desire to undermine our democratic institutions.

Bullshit. Leftist ideologies are the ultimate form of authoritarianism. You assholes have murdered over 100 million people who disagreed with you.
Nope you said the constitution
I meant the original document. I'm not playing pedantic games with you, I'm dissecting your logic. You think because slavery isn't mentioned in the original document that must mean slavery didn't exist, right? That's the same logic you're trying to use with democracy.

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