Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Without slavery, there would be no need for a Confederacy

A Nation where 40 percent of the population was in bondage
You should have written the Abe speeches for him then.
The term confederacy in no way means accepting slaves.
Again, Abe invaded the south and per Abe he would also keep slaves since that was not his objection.
The truth of that era of history is Abes side got to write the history. So it boils down to he promoted propaganda.

When Abe was elected, he defended slavery. In fact he wanted to export those willing to move.
A Democracy'' is a form of government. It's is antithetical to a Republic,'' which is also a form of government.

''Democracy'' is an aspect of ''a Republic.''

Not at all……Our Government is both a Democracy AND a Republic

Not all Republics are Democracies
You should have written the Abe speeches for him then.
The term confederacy in no way means accepting slaves.
Again, Abe invaded the south and per Abe he would also keep slaves since that was not his objection.
The truth of that era of history is Abes side got to write the history. So it boils down to he promoted propaganda.

When Abe was elected, he defended slavery. In fact he wanted to export those willing to move.
Not carrying any further
Not at all……Our Government is both a Democracy AND a Republic

Not all Republics are Democracies
Tell me. are women actually men and are men really women?
Your argument makes no sense. None at all.

There is far more to this than simply voting.

When you voted, and of course not for Trump, did you daily defend him because he was voted in?
Tell me. are women actually men and are men really women?
Your argument makes no sense. None at all.

There is far more to this than simply voting.

When you voted, and of course not for Trump, did you daily defend him because he was voted in?
Another deflection
Stay on topic
Not at all……Our Government is both a Democracy AND a Republic

No, it isn't. That doesn't even make sense. ''A Democracy'' and ''a Republic'' are antithetical forms of government.

Not all Republics are Democracies

This ain't Plato's Republic, RWer.

America is a true Republic.'s supposed to be anyway. The Founders are likely rolling over in their graves...
Funny how current Republicans embrace the Confederacy
Actually I have posted many defenses of the South. NEVER at any time was it over slavery. It was that you and I own the right to be party to the creation of a government we can abide.

The North could not stand this sort of freedom.
Actually I have posted many defenses of the South. NEVER at any time was it over slavery. It was that you and I own the right to be party to the creation of a government we can abide.

The North could not stand this sort of freedom.
And the South could not stand freedom for its slaves.
You should have written the Abe speeches for him then.
The term confederacy in no way means accepting slaves.
Again, Abe invaded the south and per Abe he would also keep slaves since that was not his objection.
The truth of that era of history is Abes side got to write the history. So it boils down to he promoted propaganda.

When Abe was elected, he defended slavery. In fact he wanted to export those willing to move.

Lincoln began his public career by claiming that he was "antislavery" -- against slavery's expansion, but not calling for immediate emancipation.

is being antislavery defending slavery?
That is what Republicans want to do

Have state legislatures overturn the vote
Restrict voting, raise the age, require tests, eliminate mail in
Terminate the Constitution and overturn the vote

Your, “….because I say so” claims are nonsense.
Quote what Abe told reporters when he invaded VA?

If you have no memory, he told them his invasion had nothing to do with slaves.
I never said it did. My post had nothing to do with Abe. That's what makes your response a strawman.

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