Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

Republicans fear democracy and the will of the people, they oppose democracy with lies about ‘mob rule’ – democracy is a threat to the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
We do not fear what simply does not exist. We will say over and over, we are part of the Republic.

A better view of all Democracies is they do not elect representatives, they are actually the only representatives who vote for what they want. They do not turn the job over to republics.
That is very true.

Yep. It's not just slave owners. The KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, all Democrats and Democrat actions.

Democrats will say the problem is the dead people who did that are Republicans now as if dead people can change parties. It makes zero sense like everything else they say
You arent helping to adavance yours. You're helping to prove my point that a constitutional republic can still abuse people and deny them rights. Like ours did, at its Founding.

They didn't have rights thanks to our constitutional republic. Being a constitutional republic therefore doesn't mean you can't also be a Slave State.
According to the U.S. Government America is

While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. What does this mean? “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution which is the supreme law of the United States. The Constitution not only provides the framework for how the federal and state governments are structured, but also places significant limits on their powers. “Federal” means that there is both a national government and governments of the 50 states. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.
Lets use the analogy of the family to help Democrats understand how republics function.
The R is the head of the home. The D thinks by voting it matters. They ignore the head and preach all day long what Democracy is so good at doing. A R admits the head is the head and thus knows his or her vote does not even matter in the short run.
Yep. It's not just slave owners. The KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, all Democrats and Democrat actions.

Democrats will say the problem is the dead people who did that are Republicans now as if dead people can change parties. It makes zero sense like everything else they say
I say those slave owning democrats like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest were pieces of human shit. Pretending as if you have a stronger dislike for slaving, segregationist supporting democrats than I do is laughable. 😄
Yep. It's not just slave owners. The KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, all Democrats and Democrat actions.

Democrats will say the problem is the dead people who did that are Republicans now as if dead people can change parties. It makes zero sense like everything else they say
Also very true.
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Republicans fear democracy and the will of the people, they oppose democracy with lies about ‘mob rule’ – democracy is a threat to the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

Should the Democrat party be outlawed since you're the party of slave owners, the KKK and segregation?

Or is racism good with you?
I say those slave owning democrats like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest were pieces of human shit. Pretending as if you have a stronger dislike for slaving, segregationist supporting democrats than I do is laughable.
Do you also hate Napoleon or say Julius Caesar?
I say those slave owning democrats like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest were pieces of human shit. Pretending as if you have a stronger dislike for slaving, segregationist supporting democrats than I do is laughable. 😄
Jo liked his good buddies who were great segergationist according to Jo
A "democracy" is a government where major decisions are decided by popular vote. Under the U.S. Constitution, NO SIGNIFICANT MATTERS are decided by popular vote. The voters elect representatives who do the actual voting on significant matters. California's "Proposition" process is an excellent example of why popular vote is a stupid way to run a government. Here in Pennsylvania, we modify the State Constitution by popular vote and it is equally absurd.

And when whining about people being an enemy of "democracy" one might want to consider what they mean by "democracy." In a rational world, only people who are self-aware, literate, and pay taxes should be allowed to vote. Of course, rules like that would cause the "Democratic" party to shrivel up and die.
I say those slave owning democrats like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest were pieces of human shit. Pretending as if you have a stronger dislike for slaving, segregationist supporting democrats than I do is laughable. 😄
What would you do if any president invaded your state?
Should America be outlawed because it allowed slavery? 😄
Republicans did get rid of slavery sadly we didn't go far enough to get rid of democrats an outlaw that corrupt political party. But that's what a republic gets you protection of rights regardless of your political views

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