Two reasons why democrats hate using the word Republic when identifying America's political system.

It goes back to the view that only “responsible people” get to vote.
Initially, White, male landowners.

Today, Republicans want to institute some type of test to determine who can vote.
Link? Please post a link to any politician of any party saying something akin to that.

I think we should offer them amnesty provided they don't have a record of violent crimes and I think we allow a lot more legal immigration.
Well in that case, I too support legal immigration. But I am as against illegals as I am against bank robbers.
It goes back to the view that only “responsible people” get to vote.
Initially, White, male landowners.

Today, Republicans want to institute some type of test to determine who can vote.
And don't you allege, only because Biden is president we have the most secure elections ever?
They want that because:
1. Registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans
2. All they have to do is make sure the vote in the largest population centers vote Democrat and they can ignore the rest of the country that will be rendered powerless
2. It makes it a LOT easier to cheat
What Democrats actually believe was shown in the film 2000 mules. That all they need do is a call for action where they rounded up some californians who went to Georgia and voted fraudulently. I recall in CA when this took place. It was blatant in fact when the Democrats put out that call to CA Democrats. I would expect they did it in other states as well.
The elections of W Bush and Trump
The Gerrymandered House is an example of minority rule
A Senate where a state with 600,000 has the same number of representatives as a state with 40 million
Thank you for admitting to election fraud. We endorse that same view.
Your opinion is wrong by definition. A Democracy is simply rule by the people and a Representative Republic is a form of Democracy.

Rome was also a Representative Republic, but one which limited the authority of the Comitia (people’s assembly). All power rested in the Senate - which only the wealthy elites could run for. The Consul and Religious leaders could only be elected/appointed from the Senate.

The American Republic limits the power of the people by giving each state, regardless of size or population, 2 senators. But the USA is still a democracy.

Right wingers keep pretending that the US isn’t a democracy, as justification for their anti democratic policies of voter suppression and gerrymandering.

A republic is a form of democracy, in which representatives are elected, as opposed to direct democracy where everyone votes on every question.

Canada has Constitutional Monarchy which is another form of democracy. All democracies have a constitution. The USA is no different than any other Democratic country in the world in that regard.
Wrong. The major difference between a Democracy and a Republic is that the Republic offers protections for the rights of the minority whereas in a Democracy there are no such protections. The minority is wholly at the mercy of the majority.
In name only. Or do you think the actual power rests with the King? And do you think the North Korea is an actual republic just because they call themselves such? What is the point you're actually trying to make? It's Jan 6ers that attacked our Republic and tried to take the power of the people away, that power being their constitutionally protected votes. That was an attempt at mob rule by a minority.
You completely ignore the video taken on that day proving the cops attacked the crowd all over and promoted the crowd to rush the capitol.
Because it reminds us of the PRC & DPRK! :cool-45:
Progressives are at the point where they are promoting Jewish people to be killed. Agendas have worked to well. And the kicker is that there are Jewish people in the party that seem to agree with it. For they are not speaking up in the numbers needed. We know there is no love for the Christians. They are demeaned every chance there is.
It has been a good number of years, but I often heard Democrats complain about the addition of "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance, but never anything about "and to the republic for which it stands".
Individual rights. The majority has limited the rights of women, gays, and racial minorities since the nation began.

What rights do men have than women dont?

What rights does a white person have that a black person doesn’t?

What rights does a straight person have that a gay person doesn’t.
The recent debacle over abortion rights is but the first example. Rabid misinformation about women’s health is quite literally killing women.
Were men allowed to have abortions but women weren’t?
Also women aren’t a minority.
People with no medical skills or knowledge are voting against treatment recommended by medical professionals for trans children simply because it’s all weird and creepy.
Because altering a child’s body permanently, based solely on the word of the child is batshit crazy. If a 15 year old walked into a doctors office and said he identified as a quadriplegic would you advocate for them severing their cervical spine or maybe get some mental health care?
The founders, establish checks and balances in your constitution, because they feared the “tyranny of the majority” but what they have created in the Senate with the 60 filibuster rule is a Tyranny of the Minority which is blocking reforms the American people have voted for time and time again - abortion rights, voting rights, personal freedom.
Who can’t vote?

What personal freedoms don’t you have?

If the Senate wanted to pass abortion rights it could have done some the 11 times the Dems have held the house Senate and the Presidency since Roe v Wade and yet……. Hell one of those instances was since Dobbs was decided.
It has been a good number of years, but I often heard Democrats complain about the addition of "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance, but never anything about "and to the republic for which it stands".
I believe I was in high school when under God was added. And at the time I do not recall Democrats objecting. They have truly disintegrated that far that now they object.
I think we should offer them amnesty provided they don't have a record of violent crimes and I think we allow a lot more legal immigration.
Who the hell can check out millions of illegals to see if they are violent? When a robber invades a home, he does not have others trying to see if he is an illegal.
Let me say it better.

Illegals are already committing crimes when they invade this nation and impose their will on this nation. And we have Joe Biden to thank for that wide open door.
Why it’s obvious from MAGA’s love for the word, where their loyalties really lie. They, like Trump, envy absolute power.
It is Bidens will that this country now jails the opposition party. To keep him corrupt and hold onto his office.
So? That doesn’t mean you can’t keep repeating their deplorable racist theories…which are with the one drop “rule”
What do you think the one drop rule is and where do you think I've voiced support for it? You Bingos have quite the imaginations. 😄

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