Two shot and killed in Chicago last night

Drugs brought in by the gangs.

Hmmmm. more than 80 percent of all the crime there is gang related, mi chica.

Meth is not brought in by the gangs here. It is usually made right here in Spokane. You know how I know this? Because the news has done about 100 stories on meth labs and it isn't Mexicans running them.
Coke from Yakima, yeah! But not meth, sorry KG. you have no idea what you are talking about.
"The increase in labs is especially troubling because meth brought into the U.S. from Mexico also is becoming more pervasive in urban areas. The Associated Press reported in October that so-called Mexican "super labs" are upping production, making meth more pure and less expensive, and then using existing drug pipelines in big cities. "

"Law enforcement officials in Spokane and Yakima report that Mexican independent dealers are the primary methamphetamine wholesale distributors in those cities. "

Methamphetamine - Washington Drug Threat Assessment

White local cooks, but the good stuff and the quantity comes in via the gangs.

Who also distribute it.
"The increase in labs is especially troubling because meth brought into the U.S. from Mexico also is becoming more pervasive in urban areas. The Associated Press reported in October that so-called Mexican "super labs" are upping production, making meth more pure and less expensive, and then using existing drug pipelines in big cities. "

"Law enforcement officials in Spokane and Yakima report that Mexican independent dealers are the primary methamphetamine wholesale distributors in those cities. "

Methamphetamine - Washington Drug Threat Assessment

White local cooks, but the good stuff and the quantity comes in via the gangs.

Who also distribute it.

Go ask a meth head in Spokane if they are doing premium stuff? People here burn their own urine down to get the meth out of it.
And from the times I did Coke and smoked pot I have learned that law enforcement knows little about the drug trade. Lol
I am sorry there are dirty white meth heads here, KG. and even if the Mexicans bring it in, they aren't staying in Spokane and they are not the ones buying it and doing it. They aren't the ones stealing property to pay for it.
And they are not committing most of the murders here.
We have a gang problem and we also have a white trash problem. Come live here, hang out downtown, then we will talk.
Your personal experience is completely irrelevant.

The Mexican gangs are moving the meth trade, honey. The FBI knows it, the local law enforcement knows it, I know it, the gangs know it, and Indian Land knows it.

You appear to have been left behind. Your time "on the street" aside.
And again, more than 80 percent of the crime in Spokane is gang related. Maybe in YOUR neighborhood you have a withered white cook and some tweakers, but that isn't the big picture.
And again, more than 80 percent of the crime in Spokane is gang related. Maybe in YOUR neighborhood you have a withered white cook and some tweakers, but that isn't the big picture.

I live in a suburb. Lol
And 80% of it being gang related doesn't prove it is all Mexicans. Lol
Plus there is the whole fact they have white gang members giving the fact the majority of people who live here are white.
Like I said I have lived here a while and I see who they bust. Like the two white guys who committed the last two murders here. The one last night was also fatally shot by the police.
I can't remember the last time a minority killed someone here, maybe last year?
You don't get it KG everyone in Spokane would agree with me, you who doesn't live here is the only one who doesn't.
On a funny note, I don't think I have ever met a meth head who wasn't white. Lol
Now answer me this... How does Spokane have the highest crime rate in the state and the least amount of minorities?
We are at about 5% Mexicans, while Yakima, Moses Lake, and Tacoma is much larger but their crime rate is lower. How is Seattle's crime rate lower? All those cities have a lot more minorities than Spokane and a lower crime rate... Hmmmmm
"of the city was 67.1% White, 1.7% African American, 2.0% Native American, 1.5% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 23.3% from other races, and 4.4% from two or more races. 41.3% were Hispanic or Latino, of any race.[14] 19.1% of the population had a Bachelor's degree or higher.[15"

". The racial makeup of the city was 86.7% White, 2.3% African American, 2.0% Native American, 2.6% Asian, 0.6% Pacific Islander, 1.3% from other races, and 4.6% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 5.0% of the population"

Moses Lake

"km2). The racial makeup of the city was 76.4% White, 1.6% African American, 1.0% Native American, 1.5% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander, 14.9% from other races, and 4.4% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 30.1% of the "

So we have 5% compared to their 30 and 40% Mexican, and we still have a higher crime rate... That is so weird.
It's not race, it's gang related...though the gangs are primarily Mexican.

I don't think they participate in the census.
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There's not much I can do if you're just going to deny that gangs are at work in Spokane.

They are, but you go ahead and tell yourself anything you like. It just makes you come across as an ignoramus. The crime stats and information I provided about the gangs and the Indian issues aren't "opinions". They are facts. They aren't some racist fbi people or the gang/drug task force people thinking up ways to make Mexicans look bad. It's what is going on right now.
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Plus..those are legal residents.

Obviously, illegals aren't counted. Or people who don't actually *live* there, but just sort of hang here and there...

Wouldn't a community with more documented Mexicans probably have more illegal Mexicans? Especially ones with higher migrant worker populations.
There's not much I can do if you're just going to deny that gangs are at work in Spokane.

They are, but you go ahead and tell yourself anything you like. It just makes you come across as an ignoramus. The crime stats and information I provided about the gangs and the Indian issues aren't "opinions". They are facts. They aren't some racist fbi people or the gang/drug task force people thinking up ways to make Mexicans look bad. It's what is going on right now.

I never denied they are, I think I just said they are a problem. I stated white criminals commit more crimes here and that we don't have much of a Native American population here let alone a major Native American gang problem.
Your problem is you don't think white people can be in gangs.
You still can't explain why are Mexican population is much much lower and we still have a higher crime rate.
I don't come across as an ignoramus, for one I live here and know you are being moronic. And anyone who has spent time in Spokane would also agree with me.
You also didn't post much on the problem with Native American gangs in Spokane. Which would probably be hard since they make up about 2% of the population.
They just released for info on the last two murders here, both victims were black and both were murdered by white males... Hmmmm
Koshergrl when are you going to make a thread about gangs so I can demolish your gang knowledge? Seriously...
Oh, you mean like you demolished me when you said I was lying about the punks making gang signs at my son's best friend's funeral?

Sure, I'm all about that.

My only input about gangs here is that they are responsible for the increased meth traffic and the increase in crime in Spokane...and they have infiltrated the reservations something fierce.

And I made my case in spades. And provided the photos of the gang bangers doing their thing at the funeral and the wake. Hope you got to see them.
Oh, you mean like you demolished me when you said I was lying about the punks making gang signs at my son's best friend's funeral?

Sure, I'm all about that.

My only input about gangs here is that they are responsible for the increased meth traffic and the increase in crime in Spokane...and they have infiltrated the reservations something fierce.

And I made my case in spades. And provided the photos of the gang bangers doing their thing at the funeral and the wake. Hope you got to see them.

Can you kindly quote me here where I've said that?

Also I was saying please make a separate thread. Half of my family on my dad's side are Piru and since you seem to know about bloods and crips, surenos and nortenos I'd like to challenge your knowledge.
I never claimed to know about bloods and crips, I said gangs were driving the crime wave in Spokane, and have infiltrated the reservations.

You said you thought I was lying when I shared my personal experience of them flipping gang signs at a funeral I attended. I posted the pics.

And Luissa insisted all the crime in spokane is white I posted the fbi information for her...whereupone she said the fbi doesn't know anything anyway, lol.

If you want a gang thread, go for it. What would I post, except what I've already posted here...that they are responsible for 80 percent or so of Spokane's crime, and they are turning the reservations into gang central. And i already proved that.
I never claimed to know about bloods and crips, I said gangs were driving the crime wave in Spokane, and have infiltrated the reservations.

You said you thought I was lying when I shared my personal experience of them flipping gang signs at a funeral I attended. I posted the pics.

And Luissa insisted all the crime in spokane is white I posted the fbi information for her...whereupone she said the fbi doesn't know anything anyway, lol.

If you want a gang thread, go for it. What would I post, except what I've already posted here...that they are responsible for 80 percent or so of Spokane's crime, and they are turning the reservations into gang central. And i already proved that.

I said you were lying was because you kept saying "Mexican, Mexican, Mexican"

I also said in an earlier statement that a lot of what you say is racially charged. you tend to mention the ethnic identity a lot while in the same breath, you claim that its not about race. Well, I am challenging you that if its not about race or nationality, why mention the word Mexican all the time? If its something beyond ethnic identity then a logical person would highlight the social dynamics of why gang violence or drug related crime in gang infested areas is so prominent. If I go far enough all I see is the word
"Mexican" thrown around. Trust me if you had enough gang knowledge as me, you'd see its a lot bigger than that.

A person who you should look up about gangs is "Alonzo" he has his own website called went to my school. Very good guy and very intelligent. I suggest if you want more knowledge about gang life look him up.

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