Two shot and killed in Chicago last night

Since you missed it...more than 80 percent of violent crime in Spokane is gang related. Go back, read, read again.
Where are the statistics showing gangbangers with mexican last names are in actuality native americans? Have you ever even talked to a native american elder? Probably not. They are too drunk to speak, right?

There aren't many male elders, they tend to die fairly young, they have assorted health issues.

The women are a little different kettle of fish, but they are very much passive when it comes to intervention. They have a different approach.

Well, that post of yours proves my point. No need to discuss further with such a tunnel visioned bigot.

And our uncle is 92 and still alive and on the council. So is his daughter...and I would dearly love for you meet with her and say she is passive. I'd pay to watch that.
Yeah, my view has been tainted by the years and years of interaction with them.

They're just people. With more than their share of problems, but there's nothing more annoying that running up against someone who is "offended" by the truth.

So you are the only person ever to interact with "them" for years and years. Gotcha. Congrats on being spokesperson for all tribes and all mexicans and all crimes. :cuckoo:

I am offended the truth is muddy to you. All you see is what you want to see.

You're one to talk, loon. I didn't speak for the tribe at all, you yammering hysteric. I'm sorry I shattered your obviously stylized concept of the modern Indian, lol.

Are you enjoying the pics of the funeral Aristotle claimed I was lying about? the cops and the feds have it wrong.

Got it.

Anyway, the jump in crime a half dozen years ago is directly attributed to increased gang activity. Methheads don't run carjacking/burglary rings, generally.

You haven't provided any proof of what demographic is even committing violent crime. Lol
And no crips isn't one of the games that is big here. Did you provide any link that said so?

Yes, I linked and quoted the FBI. I'm sorry you are having trouble reading today.

OIC. So if the FBI says's true. Got it. Um hm. Ok.
Where are the statistics showing gangbangers with mexican last names are in actuality native americans? Have you ever even talked to a native american elder? Probably not. They are too drunk to speak, right?

There aren't many male elders, they tend to die fairly young, they have assorted health issues.

The women are a little different kettle of fish, but they are very much passive when it comes to intervention. They have a different approach.

Well, that post of yours proves my point. No need to discuss further with such a tunnel visioned bigot.

And our uncle is 92 and still alive and on the council. So is his daughter...and I would dearly love for you meet with her and say she is passive. I'd pay to watch that.

Meh, and yawn.

A fool and her money are soon parted.
Yeah, my view has been tainted by the years and years of interaction with them.

They're just people. With more than their share of problems, but there's nothing more annoying that running up against someone who is "offended" by the truth.

So you are the only person ever to interact with "them" for years and years. Gotcha. Congrats on being spokesperson for all tribes and all mexicans and all crimes. :cuckoo:

I am offended the truth is muddy to you. All you see is what you want to see.

You're one to talk, loon. I didn't speak for the tribe at all, you yammering hysteric. I'm sorry I shattered your obviously stylized concept of the modern Indian, lol.

Are you enjoying the pics of the funeral Aristotle claimed I was lying about?

I mean this in the nicest looniest way, KG.
Go fuck yourself. You are not worthy of my attention.
My children attended tribal preschool, and I volunteered. I saw the elders just about every day. I still have interactions with them, through my step sons, who are also enrolled.

Anything else?

Poor gracetard.

The truth does sting.

BTW..the Navajos are in even more dire straits. Whatever you do, don't talk to anyone who works in law enforcement on THAT reservation. You'd have a coronary!
I'm going to have to start using tribal Mexican mug shots as my avvie just to get gracie all worked up now.
Since you missed it...more than 80 percent of violent crime in Spokane is gang related. Go back, read, read again.

If the FBI is saying that then yeah I don't believe the FBI.
And how does it prove it was done by Mexicans or natives?
Do you even know what a gang is, Luissa?

Do you think the crips represent in Spokane via white tweakers?

Do you even know what a gang is, Luissa?

Do you think the crips represent in Spokane via white tweakers?


No I don't at all. Lol
You have no clue what you are talking about KG it's okay.
I will give you a clue I follow the news here a lot more than you do, I have known a lot more gang members who have lived here, and I know that the only time gangs like the crips show up here is during events like Hoopfest.
I worked downtown at the city park and set up staging areas for the Cops to deal with people like gang members during events. My brother in law is cop, my friend is on the Swat team and so on.
I am sorry we have other gangs here like the Northanials, whom I have known three different members. Yes some are Mexicans but most are white guys who think they are thug.
I will say it again, we don't have the minority population here. Get over it.

Oh! And my brother was shot by a white gang member. You need anymore?
Wait..where have I heard this before?

Oh yeah, I said it.

"Increased drug use and gang activity place a shroud of fear over many tribal
communities. We have received testimony that non-Indian gangs
are exploiting the lack of police presence. In complex
jurisdictions on the Indian lands, these gangs are treating
reservations now as safe havens to distribute drugs and to
perpetuate violence

"On June 30 of this year, the Justice Department reported to
the Senate that Native gangs are now involved in more violent
offenses like sexual assaults, gang rapes, home invasions,
drive-by shootings, beatings and elder abuse. In July of this
year, we received testimony that confirmed this disturbing
trend. A councilman from Colville Reservation testified about
the rapes of young girls by gang members who threatened the
victim's lives and their family members if they spoke out.
The average Native gang member, we are told, is now about
15 years old and getting younger. Police report that gangs use
children as young as eight years old to carry drugs for them in
order to avoid prosecution. I have two photographs I wish to
show depicting American teens involved in gangs on the Pine
Ridge Reservation. One boy is holding an assault weapon. The
other is receiving a gang-related tattoo. You will see the
photograph there of the gang-related tattoo. The other
photograph is of a gang member with a bandanna over his face,
holding an assault weapon. These are both gang members on a

From a tribal treatment facility:

"One young man who had come in was heavily gang-involved.
Some we have that are third generation gang families. "

Hey, where have I heard that before?
Oh yeah, ME! And gracie got upset. I has a sad.
So...third generation gang..that would mean there's an elder in there who is probably an addict and gang member.

Go figger.

"My name is Dr. Martina Whelshula and I am a member of
the Arrow Lakes Nation of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville
Indian Reservation, and Administrative Director at the Healing Lodge of
the Seven Nations, a 30-bed adolescent inpatient chemical dependency
treatment program located in Spokane Valley, Washington."

"I appreciate this opportunity to testify today on the prevalence of
gang activity in Indian Country. Specifically, I will address the
increasing incidence of gang involved youth coming to our program, and
the barriers it creates for the program, its participants, and in
returning the young people to their communities at the completion of

Wait, there's more:

"Reservation life can be hard for them to navigate. With most of their friends, family and the community involved in alcohol, drugs and gangs, it is hard for them to
see a way out. "

Wow...sort of at odds with the concept of the Noble Elders gracie insists are everywhere on the Rez, lol.

"The Healing Lodge admits roughly 150 youth each year into
treatment. Of the 150 youth, it would be safe to say that at least two
thirds come gang involved

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Tell it to the FBI dearie.

You know what is funny the largest drug ring operation ever taken down here was all mostly white guys, including a guy I went to high school with. He is sitting in a federal prison right now in California.
Yes there is minority gang members here but most of the violent crimes here are done by white people. The last three murders were committed by white men, including one who was in a gang.
I am also sure native Americans have gangs but they aren't big in Spokane.

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