Two things that make me wonder about the warmers


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Two things that make me wonder...
1. The fact we didn't know about the ocean's ability to take in the heat and change regime on a global scale. There was no talk of this in the 1990's...Just that the surface temperature was going up and that was all that mattered. This appears to have been all that was needed to stop global warming in its tracks.
2. The fact that the IPCC's, 1st and 2nd outlook couldn't of seen China and India exploding in economic growth the past 15 years. = HUGE amounts of co2 added into the climate system above anything the western world was expected to do. YET, somehow we still have the same general thinking of temperature as in the late 80's or 90's. Based on the 500gt of co2 we need to pump into the atmosphere to finally be assured of 2c of warming... Well, maybe they hyped it out of proportion? Or maybe it isn't true?
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3. Hide the decline

4. Mann's Nature Trick

5. IPCC uses Climate change to redistribute wealth
Makes one wonder what the fuck we'd have to do to get 3-5c of warming by 2100?
Any second now the AGWCult will post their experiments showing a 30 degree rise in temperature from adding 10PPM of CO2
Makes one wonder what the fuck we'd have to do to get 3-5c of warming by 2100?

based upon models.......many others dont come near one degree. The alarmists always cite the off the reservation data which is just so patently fraudulent. And they do it with a smile on their face as if they were talking the law of gravity.:D
Makes one wonder what the fuck we'd have to do to get 3-5c of warming by 2100?

based upon models.......many others dont come near one degree. The alarmists always cite the off the reservation data which is just so patently fraudulent. And they do it with a smile on their face as if they were talking the law of gravity.:D

Skeptical science uses all the off the reservation data.:eek:
Hey, you're all gonna die anyway.

Why are you pissing and moaning about the timing?
Hey, you're all gonna die anyway.

Why are you pissing and moaning about the timing?

Interested in science. ;) I wish to understand the hows and whys of the understanding of global warming.

The sun comes up, the sun goes down. Some days there are clouds, some days there isn't. There are four seasons, spring, summer, fall and winter.

In spring it's cool, In summer it's hot, in fall it's cooler than summer but not spring, winter it's cold.

One thing for certain, you and I will die someday. Science is easy!

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