Two Trump Events Tomorrow: Stand Up For Women and Pray For This Country

Nobody tells me what I should and shouldn't do as a woman.
Good for you. That isn't to say that society doesn't try. For instance many Christians and conservatives here will push the notion that a woman's place is to be subservient to her husband. That's a notion of what it means to be a real woman that you may or may not agree with. That's what makes it a social construct.
Tell me who "you guys" are, and I'll provide links to my positions on the issues.

Funny that none of your posts ever reflect your "officially stated and recorded" positions which you created long ago just to throw like confetti at all of the people constantly questioning your statements. Maybe if your posts comported even remotely with your "official" positions, you wouldn't need to have created an "official position."
Do black lives matter?
How about Liberals? Transsexuals? Gays?
How about white people?

Will you ever acknowledge that the Indian owned slaves, just like the white man did.

Our countries in deep trouble the economy is horrific. And you’re talking about race issues just like the politicians want you to.
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Funny that none of your posts ever reflect your "officially stated and recorded" positions which you created long ago just to throw like confetti at all of the people constantly questioning your statements. Maybe if your posts comported even remotely with your "official" positions, you wouldn't need to have created an "official position."
Here we go again.

All you rubes care about is my opinion of Trumpism. So you make up fantasies about my other positions because you're intellectually paralyzed.

You guys put so much effort into pretending to be manly, then you run like scared little bunnies when I ask you to back up your words.

Boring. Dismissed.
Here we go again.
Must be because your posted daily statements constantly reflect your wildly disjointed, condescending, far left views to so many other people but everyone but you can apparently see it.

All you rubes care about is my opinion of Trumpism.
Actually, I don't care about your views on anything. Just happen to see them because you keep posting your crazy shit.

So you make up fantasies about my other positions
No need to make up anything when you post your garbage constantly. If your remarks are so well grounded, why is it that hardly no one ever likes or agrees with you?

👉 LEMME GUESS: You think you are the only sane, reasonable, balanced person left on the planet! :laughing0301:
How about white people?

Will you ever acknowledge that the Indian owned slaves, just like the white man did.

Our countries in deep trouble the economy is horrific. And you’re talking about race issues she was just like the politicians want you to.

How about All Human lives matter?

Funny that none of your posts ever reflect your "officially stated and recorded" positions which you created long ago just to throw like confetti at all of the people constantly questioning your statements. Maybe if your posts comported even remotely with your "official" positions, you wouldn't need to have created an "official position."
mac doesnt get that.....
It is impossible for Trump to defend women…in fact, not any Republican can at this time. They THINK we are incensed at transgender women…as a number one threat against our womanhood. Really?

How dumb do rightists think women are that they constantly have to tell us what we are supposed to think and be angry about? A tiny percentage of males who identify as trans women are supposed to be a threat to our identity? How about the real and ongoing threat to our autonomy and freedom?
It is impossible for Trump to defend women…in fact, not any Republican can at this time. They THINK we are incensed at transgender women…as a number one threat against our womanhood. Really?

How dumb do rightists think women are that they constantly have to tell us what we are supposed to think and be angry about? A tiny percentage of males who identify as trans women are supposed to be a threat to our identity? How about the real and ongoing threat to our autonomy and freedom?

Is Riley Gaines not a woman? You seem to not understand much. I guess that makes sense, you being in a cult and all.
It looks like the president will be speaking out for women and prayers for this country which are two very important issues right now. Women need to be more respected, and we need the Lord's help to get our country back in working order.

Trump is the only one who is going to make that happen the way I see it, so in 2024 we need a red wave the size of a tsunami. Oh yeah and all lives do matter since that's something I saw for the prayer description one.

Jesus said to leave him out of yer politics

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