Two Years Later: Was The 2020 Presidential Election Stolen?

Was The 2020 Presidential Election Stolen?

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Call me an idiot then but not even the gop auditors found anything. Trumps courts threw it out.

Fucking liar.

Call me an idiot then but not even the gop auditors found anything. Trumps courts threw it out.

Wrong and wrong. I don't know who told you the GOP auditor found nothing when evidence abounds, and none of the courts were "Trump's court," even if the judge just happened to have been selected by Trump. Judges at least in the Republican side do not operate as party stooges there to do "favors," nor does their rulings weigh heavier just because of who picked them, another leftwing front. Most of the courts ruled on stickler procedural or technical grounds as the courts and legal system are closed to even considering something as broad and massive as a nation-wide coup (even SCOTUS turned down Texas on these grounds for lack of standing), but in those instances where the court actually got to weighing the actual evidence, most of them ruled in Trump's favor.
That's an easy one.

Bill Barr admitted that the election was fair.
So have numerous other people in the Trump inner circle.

60 judges heard Trump's various appeals, and rejected every last one of them.

There's a simple enough solution to this. Get rid of the stupidity that is the Electoral College, one person, one vote...
Mr. Barr is entitled to his opinion.

He's wrong, but he has his opinion.
Wrong and wrong. I don't know who told you the GOP auditor found nothing when evidence abounds,
The gop funded an audit into the voting machines and they were checked before and after the election but this boundless evidence still hasnt been exposed. You’re running out of time.
and none of the courts were "Trump's court," even if the judge just happened to have been selected by Trump. Judges at least in the Republican side do not operate as party stooges there to do "favors," nor does their rulings weigh heavier just because of who picked them, another leftwing front.
The Supreme Court ruling on the Roe thing voted in political and religious lines. That’s a fact and can be proven and you know it.
Most of the courts ruled on stickler procedural or technical grounds as the courts and legal system are closed to even considering something as broad and massive as a nation-wide coup
The only coup was when trump smashed the capitol. Still nothing to prove election fraud.
(even SCOTUS turned down Texas on these grounds for lack of standing),
Because there was insufficient evidence to go ahead and waste money.
but in those instances where the court actually got to weighing the actual evidence, most of them ruled in Trump's favor.
That is a blatant lie. Name one court that ruled there was fraud.
this boundless evidence still hasnt been exposed.
Sorry, Ace, we've been exposing it here, hundreds and hundreds of things two years before you even joined here.

You’re running out of time.
Joe is running out of time.

The Supreme Court ruling on the Roe thing voted in political and religious lines. That’s a fact and can be proven and you know it.
Wasn't even talking about SCOTUS, but then, you just proved that RvW itself WAS political to begin with. Too bad for you the political climate has changed. Man up that pussy of yours and don't cry when everything doesn't always go YOUR way--- YOU ain't the whole country, Petunia.

The only coup was when trump smashed the capitol.
Then you don't even know what a freaking coup is. Typical tard. :21:

Still nothing to prove election fraud.
Cannot prove the sky to a worm, neither.

Name one court that ruled there was fraud.
Maybe you ought to open your eyes and read the threads here like the one presented just a week or two ago exactly about that. Laid out the details of every court case.
Sorry, Ace, we've been exposing it here, hundreds and hundreds of things two years before you even joined here.
No you didn’t. You only think you did. If you did, why not take it up the authorities and let them deal with it? Because you gave nothing.
Joe is running out of time.
He’s got another two years I know of.
Wasn't even talking about SCOTUS, but then, you just proved that RvW itself WAS political to begin with. Too bad for you the political climate has changed. Man up that pussy of yours and don't cry when everything doesn't always go YOUR way--- YOU ain't the whole country, Petunia.
I stand by what I said as unpalatable as it is you to. It’s your hatred and revenge that has changed with all the lies you belch.
81 million voted that idiot out and you can’t prove otherwise. Even gop heirachy admitted but you being the resident know all have the proof.
Then you don't even know what a freaking coup is. Typical tard. :21:

Don’t I? Why are all your redneck buddies and trump getting subpoenaed then? Because they were singing too loud in church? Don’t make me vomit.

Cannot prove the sky to a worm, neither.

Maybe you ought to open your eyes and read the threads here like the one presented just a week or two ago exactly about that. Laid out the details of every court case.

If that’s the case why is trump not POTUS. It all comes down to that and you are obviously wrong. Maybe it’s you who need an optometrist.
why not take it up the authorities and let them deal with it?
You can't be serious. Don't you realize that the problem is that the authorities already know all of that stuff but can't and don't WANT to actually deal with anything, that's been the whole problem with elections for 200 years, elections are all wrapped up in the politics itself of what they are voting on ending up controlling them or being controlled by special interests instead.
You can't be serious. Don't you realize that the problem is that the authorities already know all

Really? How could you possibly know that?
of that stuff but can't and don't WANT to actually deal with anything,

Why would they not want to deal with it or is they your assumption and justification for perpetuating the lie?
that's been the whole problem with elections for 200 years,
Your memory is better than mine.
elections are all wrapped up in the politics itself of what they are voting on ending up controlling them or being controlled by special interests instead
None of this scurrilous behaviour existed until trump got chucked out. How coincidental. You said nothing when he won. Any election fraud then that swung an election? Only when democrats win.
Got it now. Silly me.
So, 6 out of 10 people believe Biden really IS NOT the honest, truthful and lawfully elected president.

The left try to spin that any way but and to hide THE TRUTH:

The democrats and Biden have a real crisis of confidence.
The gop funded an audit into the voting machines and they were checked before and after the election but this boundless evidence still hasnt been exposed. You’re running out of time.

It has been exposed.

Here Is The Evidence

We are running out of patience.

The Supreme Court ruling on the Roe thing voted in political and religious lines. That’s a fact and can be proven and you know it.

The Court ruled based on the Constitution. The Burger court violated the Constitution when they deemed to create law. Only the legislature is. Dobbs righted an unconstitutional law and restored the 9th Amendment.

Nazis care about results. You want a particular outcome and have no affinity to our Constitution or the rule of law.

You love abortion and will do anything to maximize the carnage.

The only coup was when trump smashed the capitol.

That's a pretty stupid fucking lie.

But then, you're not a Nazi because you're super bright, now are you?

The Reichstag Fire was a protest over a rigged election, that in some places devolved into rioting. The violence at the Reichstag Fire was largely instigated by the Palace Guard, who fired teargas into crowds of peaceful protesters and beat peaceful protesters with metal batons, long before anyone trespassed in the "Peoples House," where the people are forbidden from entering...

You Nazis are dumb - which is WHY you're Nazis. Words like "insurrection" and "coup" have meanings.

What Peter Strzok tried to do is a coup - he attempted - on behalf of the Nazis democrat party, to depose the sitting president.

Protesting against your filthy Reich is just a protest.

Still nothing to prove election fraud.
Why you always lying? _ oh, because you're a Nazi..

Because there was insufficient evidence to go ahead and waste money.

That is a blatant lie. Name one court that ruled there was fraud.

You Nazis were initially able to deny justice by intimidating courts that should they hear cases there would be reprisals by the Reich.

And lets face it, in 2021, we didn't know how far the overthrow of the United States by you Nazis really went. The Gestapo was literally going house to house hunting enemies of the democrat Reich and throwing them in a gulag.

Judges who stood against the Reich feared for their lives - and rightfully so. The United States was gone by all indications, the Nazi Reich occupied the government, Nazi Brown Shirts had spent two years burning, looting, and murdering on the Kristallnacht democrats waged as part of your war to end America.

But you Nazis overreached and once it became clear that democrats would not drag judges who clung to the Constitution into the streets and shoot them, they started hearing cases - and 2/3rds were ruled in favor of Trump and the Constitutional Republic.

Now here is a court that ruled against you Nazis;

But no worries - you're Reich has declared that the law doesn't apply to them and they will defy the high court.

Tell me Nazi - how is that anything but sedition?
I love America, which is one reason you and I are mortal enemies.

Since the death of Justice Scalia, Justice Thomas has stepped up to be the beacon of constitutional governance in this nation. The greatest living Justice now, and shaping up to be one of the 10 greatest in history.

Of course you hate him. He's a black man, which you Nazis will never accept as equal to other men. He's a conservative - where you Nazis demand that black people are your property and must think what you tell them. He's honest - which runs contrary to EVERYTHING the democrat Reich stands for. He's brilliant - which outrages the Nazi democrats by defying the racist stereotype you promote.

Justice Thomas is your worst nightmare.
No, he's trump's worst nightmare especially after he handed his ass back to him the other day.

How long before he's called a "globalist" by you asswipes?
Judges at least in the Republican side do not operate as party stooges there to do "favors," nor does their rulings weigh heavier just because of who picked them, another leftwing front.
we'd like to think so but even if you are correct or at least correct about 90% of R-appointed judges, it looks like maybe a day is coming when the only way to win at the Dim game is to play by their "rules" or rather lack thereof..

I don't know.. If something doesn't change.. that thought of mine will remain, ugly as it is..
No, he's trump's worst nightmare especially after he handed his ass back to him the other day.

How long before he's called a "globalist" by you asswipes?

I understand you have your hating points. What you don't grasp is just how irrelevant your words are.
we'd like to think so but even if you are correct or at least correct about 90% of R-appointed judges, it looks like maybe a day is coming when the only way to win at the Dim game is to play by their "rules" or rather lack thereof..

I don't know.. If something doesn't change.. that thought of mine will remain, ugly as it is..

If we play by the dims rules - and let's be honest and call them what they are - the Nazis. If we subvert integrity and corrupt the rule of law to defeat the Nazis - what is the point? We would degrade ourselves to be no different than the filthy democrat Nazis.

I'm here to see the Constitution restored and the governing document and basis of law in America. To once again have a nation ruled by LAW that applies to everyone, even the Reich. To once again have secure NATION with borders that are secure.

I'm here to fight and defeat the Nazi democrats, but with honor and justice so that we return to the America with freedom and justice for all.
If we play by the dims rules - and let's be honest and call them what they are - the Nazis. If we subvert integrity and corrupt the rule of law to defeat the Nazis - what is the point? We would degrade ourselves to be no different than the filthy democrat Nazis.

I'm here to see the Constitution restored and the governing document and basis of law in America. To once again have a nation ruled by LAW that applies to everyone, even the Reich. To once again have secure NATION with borders that are secure.

I'm here to fight and defeat the Nazi democrats, but with honor and justice so that we return to the America with freedom and justice for all.
yes, but you would likely lose

just sayin... that's life in 2022 in America so called

then there's the fact that the dims KNOW that about us.. that we respect the law.. which gives them license, according to them, to violate the law and when they feel that is the ONLY way to win.. that is what they do, as we know from 2020
If we play by the dims rules - and let's be honest and call them what they are - the Nazis. If we subvert integrity and corrupt the rule of law to defeat the Nazis - what is the point? We would degrade ourselves to be no different than the filthy democrat Nazis.

I'm here to see the Constitution restored and the governing document and basis of law in America. To once again have a nation ruled by LAW that applies to everyone, even the Reich. To once again have secure NATION with borders that are secure.

I'm here to fight and defeat the Nazi democrats, but with honor and justice so that we return to the America with freedom and justice for all.
I'm here to advise you to go fnd yourself a good shrink.

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