Twoofer Strategy

How someone can try to explain away an act that would lead to innocent deaths including Americans, is beyond explanation.

False flags attack are designed to provoke a response, and a war. This leads to casualties and deaths. Short of a deliberate suicide plan, any military attack planned would try to minimize casualties, everyone knows this, however they always know that does not work out as planned, as they are aware of "collateral" damage and there are always Americans deaths involved.
What make you think the NWs plan would be any different?
Because they would use a drone, and try to minimize the deaths of the black op agents involved?

There are many instance in the DOC that would put Americans in a position to be killed, read the doc again.

There would have been many many Americans and Cubans involved that would not know the plan was being staged, would use their training to defend themselves, and you would surely have deaths as a result. To think otherwise is really either naive, or you are being disingenuous.
It is an attempt to ignore the bigger picture, and the overall intent and outcome of such a plan, which is a response and a war.
The NWDs doc. proves that American military leaders have the capabilities to plan a conspiracy, that resembles what many people think 9-11 was.
Bottom line is that a false flag attack leads to the deaths of innocent people including Americans, based on lies period, and they were willing to to do it.

Once again fucktard Jones pretends the people who laid out the plans for Operation Northwoods are still in power and that their plans are in any way, shape or form relevant to 9/11. It is a red herring Jones is throwing out there in a very weak attempt to try and prove the government was behind 9/11 because at one point decades ago they drew up plans NOBODY CARRIED OUT.

:lol: Am I the only one looking at how desperate fucktard Jones has become and laughing his ass off? He can't produce any REAL evidence so now he is trying to convince everyone that because the government planned something "similar" (if you squint real hard) but never carried out the plans, that this is proof that THIS time they actually carried out an attack! :lol: What a fucking loser!
How someone can try to explain away an act that would lead to innocent deaths including Americans, is beyond explanation.

False flags attack are designed to provoke a response, and a war. This leads to casualties and deaths. Short of a deliberate suicide plan, any military attack planned would try to minimize casualties, everyone knows this, however they always know that does not work out as planned, as they are aware of "collateral" damage and there are always Americans deaths involved.
What make you think the NWs plan would be any different?
Because they would use a drone, and try to minimize the deaths of the black op agents involved?

There are many instance in the DOC that would put Americans in a position to be killed, read the doc again.

There would have been many many Americans and Cubans involved that would not know the plan was being staged, would use their training to defend themselves, and you would surely have deaths as a result. To think otherwise is really either naive, or you are being disingenuous.
It is an attempt to ignore the bigger picture, and the overall intent and outcome of such a plan, which is a response and a war.
The NWDs doc. proves that American military leaders have the capabilities to plan a conspiracy, that resembles what many people think 9-11 was.
Bottom line is that a false flag attack leads to the deaths of innocent people including Americans, based on lies period, and they were willing to to do it.

Once again fucktard Jones pretends the people who laid out the plans for Operation Northwoods are still in power and that their plans are in any way, shape or form relevant to 9/11. It is a red herring Jones is throwing out there in a very weak attempt to try and prove the government was behind 9/11 because at one point decades ago they drew up plans NOBODY CARRIED OUT.

:lol: Am I the only one looking at how desperate fucktard Jones has become and laughing his ass off? He can't produce any REAL evidence so now he is trying to convince everyone that because the government planned something "similar" (if you squint real hard) but never carried out the plans, that this is proof that THIS time they actually carried out an attack! :lol: What a fucking loser!

Exactly. All he's saying is "would be " this and "would eventually lead to" that.

I hate to break it to you Jones, but 9/11 wasn't a "would be" attack. It was an attack that killed 3,000 Americans. You speak of capability as if it's motive. Everyone has the capability to murder someone else....does that mean we're all murders and can't be trusted? Nothing in the Northwood's document comes a sack hair close to 9/11 and, in fact, does not suggest that the government was willing to sacrifice American lives to bring the U.S. to military action against Cuba. Keep in mind that we're not talking about an ensuing war. We're talking about YOU posting a document to ATTEMPT to prove that the U.S. was behind 9/11. And we're alsoing talking about YOU posting a document to ATTEMPT to prove that the U.S. is willing to kill it's own people IN a false-flag attack.

YOU ARE WRONG. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. You can't change the rules and content of a debate halfway through the debate and then claim you were right all along.

Good Post Patriot
How someone can try to explain away an act that would lead to innocent deaths including Americans, is beyond explanation.

False flags attack are designed to provoke a response, and a war. This leads to casualties and deaths. Short of a deliberate suicide plan, any military attack planned would try to minimize casualties, everyone knows this, however they always know that does not work out as planned, as they are aware of "collateral" damage and there are always Americans deaths involved.
What make you think the NWs plan would be any different?
Because they would use a drone, and try to minimize the deaths of the black op agents involved?

There are many instance in the DOC that would put Americans in a position to be killed, read the doc again.

There would have been many many Americans and Cubans involved that would not know the plan was being staged, would use their training to defend themselves, and you would surely have deaths as a result. To think otherwise is really either naive, or you are being disingenuous.
It is an attempt to ignore the bigger picture, and the overall intent and outcome of such a plan, which is a response and a war.
The NWDs doc. proves that American military leaders have the capabilities to plan a conspiracy, that resembles what many people think 9-11 was.
Bottom line is that a false flag attack leads to the deaths of innocent people including Americans, based on lies period, and they were willing to to do it.

Once again fucktard Jones pretends the people who laid out the plans for Operation Northwoods are still in power and that their plans are in any way, shape or form relevant to 9/11. It is a red herring Jones is throwing out there in a very weak attempt to try and prove the government was behind 9/11 because at one point decades ago they drew up plans NOBODY CARRIED OUT.

:lol: Am I the only one looking at how desperate fucktard Jones has become and laughing his ass off? He can't produce any REAL evidence so now he is trying to convince everyone that because the government planned something "similar" (if you squint real hard) but never carried out the plans, that this is proof that THIS time they actually carried out an attack! :lol: What a fucking loser!

"What a fucking loser" is every sense of the word. We go back aways and usually you can find one or two things about someone that you admire or like or at least can somewhat agree with. Jones is a total shoulda-been-aborted entity; that crap about "his" brother was pretty much the cherry on top of the shit sundae of "his" life.

I will say this about your posts..."the government" didn't plan Operation Northwoods. Plans drawn up by the military are not official plans until the civilian authorities sign off on them. McNamara never signed off on it. Different planners come up with different plans all the time. I, myself, have drawn up plans for my entity and how it would act during a bio attack. The plans were adopted (in part) and are now part of the official EAP (Emergency Action Plan). Operation Northwoods, by comparison, is not part of any official EAP. Those who keep repeating this lie are simply either ignorant fools or liars.
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How someone can try to explain away an act that would lead to innocent deaths including Americans, is beyond explanation.

False flags attack are designed to provoke a response, and a war. This leads to casualties and deaths. Short of a deliberate suicide plan, any military attack planned would try to minimize casualties, everyone knows this, however they always know that does not work out as planned, as they are aware of "collateral" damage and there are always Americans deaths involved.
What make you think the NWs plan would be any different?
Because they would use a drone, and try to minimize the deaths of the black op agents involved?

There are many instance in the DOC that would put Americans in a position to be killed, read the doc again.

There would have been many many Americans and Cubans involved that would not know the plan was being staged, would use their training to defend themselves, and you would surely have deaths as a result. To think otherwise is really either naive, or you are being disingenuous.
It is an attempt to ignore the bigger picture, and the overall intent and outcome of such a plan, which is a response and a war.
The NWDs doc. proves that American military leaders have the capabilities to plan a conspiracy, that resembles what many people think 9-11 was.
Bottom line is that a false flag attack leads to the deaths of innocent people including Americans, based on lies period, and they were willing to to do it.

Once again fucktard Jones pretends the people who laid out the plans for Operation Northwoods are still in power and that their plans are in any way, shape or form relevant to 9/11. It is a red herring Jones is throwing out there in a very weak attempt to try and prove the government was behind 9/11 because at one point decades ago they drew up plans NOBODY CARRIED OUT.

:lol: Am I the only one looking at how desperate fucktard Jones has become and laughing his ass off? He can't produce any REAL evidence so now he is trying to convince everyone that because the government planned something "similar" (if you squint real hard) but never carried out the plans, that this is proof that THIS time they actually carried out an attack! :lol: What a fucking loser!

Exactly. All he's saying is "would be " this and "would eventually lead to" that.

I hate to break it to you Jones, but 9/11 wasn't a "would be" attack. It was an attack that killed 3,000 Americans. You speak of capability as if it's motive. Everyone has the capability to murder someone else....does that mean we're all murders and can't be trusted? Nothing in the Northwood's document comes a sack hair close to 9/11 and, in fact, does not suggest that the government was willing to sacrifice American lives to bring the U.S. to military action against Cuba. Keep in mind that we're not talking about an ensuing war. We're talking about YOU posting a document to ATTEMPT to prove that the U.S. was behind 9/11. And we're alsoing talking about YOU posting a document to ATTEMPT to prove that the U.S. is willing to kill it's own people IN a false-flag attack.

YOU ARE WRONG. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. You can't change the rules and content of a debate halfway through the debate and then claim you were right all along.

Good Post Patriot

The NWDs doc shows the willingness to engage in a conspiracy to commit a false flag attack, and shows how wrong you are when you allude to the US not being willing to do anything like that against its own people, and shows that there were, and probably always have been, and still are people in position do so.
It certainly raises a lot of eyebrows, at least to people to care about such things.
Again any one of many of the scenarios in the DOC could kill Americans, the fact that it was drawn up is cause for concern enough.
The NWDs doc shows the willingness to engage in a conspiracy to commit a false flag attack, and shows how wrong you are when you allude to the US not being willing to do anything like that against its own people, and shows that there were, and probably always have been, and still are people in position do so.
WRONG!!!! The ONLY thing the doc shows is that THOSE PEOPLE, IN THAT TIME, FOR THOSE REASONS, were THINKING about doing what was in the doc. It speaks NOTHING for the current administration or any OTHER administration. If my great great grandfather thought about molesting a little boy, that doesn't mean I am guilty of molesting little boys if boys start showing up molested in my neighborhood. Am I capable? Sure. ANYONE is capable. Does it mean I am guilty of the crime? Nope. It isn't even enough of a reason to accuse me.

Mr. Jones said:
It certainly raises a lot of eyebrows, at least to people to care about such things.
What raises eyebrows? The fact you are so fucked in the head that you actually believe every government administration is guilty of the plans of former administrations? :lol: That certainly raises my eyebrows! How can a supposed American believe in guilt by remote association if one squints really really hard? Isn't the cornerstone of our judicial system innocent until proven guilty? Do you think you could get ANY judge or jury to believe Bush et al. were guilty because some jackasses decades earlier thought up some false flag attacks that were never carried out? I sincerely doubt it. All you're doing is proving you stand against everything this country was founded on.

Mr. Jones said:
Again any one of many of the scenarios in the DOC could kill Americans, the fact that it was drawn up is cause for concern enough.
And? There is a HUGE difference between thinking up a plan and executing it. There is a HUGE difference between one group in one decade thinking up a plan and accusing an entirely different group decades later of carrying out an attack based on the plans of a prior group.

These are all very common sense points that I am sure you will dismiss. Even if you really do have me on ignore, remember, I am not writing to address you. I am writing to expose your bullshit for everyone else to see. As you can clearly see, you are still spewing bullshit at a rate that would make the BP oil spill jealous! Now run along and play your childish games. I will be right here making you look like a complete un-American jackass.

Moderator Edits in red. If you are going to use family in hypotheticals, use your own. Thx.
The NWDs doc shows the willingness to engage in a conspiracy to commit a false flag attack, and shows how wrong you are when you allude to the US not being willing to do anything like that against its own people, and shows that there were, and probably always have been, and still are people in position do so.
WRONG!!!! The ONLY thing the doc shows is that THOSE PEOPLE, IN THAT TIME, FOR THOSE REASONS, were THINKING about doing what was in the doc. It speaks NOTHING for the current administration or any OTHER administration. Edited Are you are capable? Sure. ANYONE is capable. Does it mean you are guilty of the crime? Nope. It isn't even enough of a reason to accuse you.

Mr. Jones said:
It certainly raises a lot of eyebrows, at least to people to care about such things.
What raises eyebrows? The fact you are so fucked in the head that you actually believe every government administration is guilty of the plans of former administrations? :lol: That certainly raises my eyebrows! How can a supposed American believe in guilt by remote association if one squints really really hard? Isn't the cornerstone of our judicial system innocent until proven guilty? Do you think you could get ANY judge or jury to believe Bush et al. were guilty because some jackasses decades earlier thought up some false flag attacks that were never carried out? I sincerely doubt it. All you're doing is proving you stand against everything this country was founded on.

Mr. Jones said:
Again any one of many of the scenarios in the DOC could kill Americans, the fact that it was drawn up is cause for concern enough.
And? There is a HUGE difference between thinking up a plan and executing it. There is a HUGE difference between one group in one decade thinking up a plan and accusing an entirely different group decades later of carrying out an attack based on the plans of a prior group.

These are all very common sense points that I am sure you will dismiss. Even if you really do have me on ignore, remember, I am not writing to address you. I am writing to expose your bullshit for everyone else to see. As you can clearly see, you are still spewing bullshit at a rate that would make the BP oil spill jealous! Now run along and play your childish games. I will be right here making you look like a complete un-American jackass.


Well said.
The NWDs doc shows the willingness to engage in a conspiracy to commit a false flag attack, and shows how wrong you are when you allude to the US not being willing to do anything like that against its own people, and shows that there were, and probably always have been, and still are people in position do so.
WRONG!!!! The ONLY thing the doc shows is that THOSE PEOPLE, IN THAT TIME, FOR THOSE REASONS, were THINKING about doing what was in the doc. It speaks NOTHING for the current administration or any OTHER administration. If my great great grandfather thought about molesting a little boy, that doesn't mean I'm are guilty of molesting little boys if boys start showing up molested in My neighborhood. Are you are capable? Sure. ANYONE is capable. Does it mean you are guilty of the crime? Nope. It isn't even enough of a reason to accuse you.

Mr. Jones said:
It certainly raises a lot of eyebrows, at least to people to care about such things.
What raises eyebrows? The fact you are so fucked in the head that you actually believe every government administration is guilty of the plans of former administrations? :lol: That certainly raises my eyebrows! How can a supposed American believe in guilt by remote association if one squints really really hard? Isn't the cornerstone of our judicial system innocent until proven guilty? Do you think you could get ANY judge or jury to believe Bush et al. were guilty because some jackasses decades earlier thought up some false flag attacks that were never carried out? I sincerely doubt it. All you're doing is proving you stand against everything this country was founded on.

Mr. Jones said:
Again any one of many of the scenarios in the DOC could kill Americans, the fact that it was drawn up is cause for concern enough.
And? There is a HUGE difference between thinking up a plan and executing it. There is a HUGE difference between one group in one decade thinking up a plan and accusing an entirely different group decades later of carrying out an attack based on the plans of a prior group.

These are all very common sense points that I am sure you will dismiss. Even if you really do have me on ignore, remember, I am not writing to address you. I am writing to expose your bullshit for everyone else to see. As you can clearly see, you are still spewing bullshit at a rate that would make the BP oil spill jealous! Now run along and play your childish games. I will be right here making you look like a complete un-American jackass.

There are plans to do statewide quarantines that I have heard of if NYC were hit with Smallpox, those who live in Jersey would not be able to go to NYC the next day. Those who live in CT would be SOL ASAP. Of course in the hands of a twoofer, this means that states that were "blue" or "red" would be targeted depending on what color POTUS was.

I think "he" beat you to the punch in looking like an un-American jackass though.
Once again fucktard Jones pretends the people who laid out the plans for Operation Northwoods are still in power and that their plans are in any way, shape or form relevant to 9/11. It is a red herring Jones is throwing out there in a very weak attempt to try and prove the government was behind 9/11 because at one point decades ago they drew up plans NOBODY CARRIED OUT.

:lol: Am I the only one looking at how desperate fucktard Jones has become and laughing his ass off? He can't produce any REAL evidence so now he is trying to convince everyone that because the government planned something "similar" (if you squint real hard) but never carried out the plans, that this is proof that THIS time they actually carried out an attack! :lol: What a fucking loser!

Exactly. All he's saying is "would be " this and "would eventually lead to" that.

I hate to break it to you Jones, but 9/11 wasn't a "would be" attack. It was an attack that killed 3,000 Americans. You speak of capability as if it's motive. Everyone has the capability to murder someone else....does that mean we're all murders and can't be trusted? Nothing in the Northwood's document comes a sack hair close to 9/11 and, in fact, does not suggest that the government was willing to sacrifice American lives to bring the U.S. to military action against Cuba. Keep in mind that we're not talking about an ensuing war. We're talking about YOU posting a document to ATTEMPT to prove that the U.S. was behind 9/11. And we're alsoing talking about YOU posting a document to ATTEMPT to prove that the U.S. is willing to kill it's own people IN a false-flag attack.

YOU ARE WRONG. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. You can't change the rules and content of a debate halfway through the debate and then claim you were right all along.

Good Post Patriot

The NWDs doc shows the willingness to engage in a conspiracy to commit a false flag attack, and shows how wrong you are when you allude to the US not being willing to do anything like that against its own people, and shows that there were, and probably always have been, and still are people in position do so.
It certainly raises a lot of eyebrows, at least to people to care about such things.
Again any one of many of the scenarios in the DOC could kill Americans, the fact that it was drawn up is cause for concern enough.

LOL. There's always "probably(s)" and "most likely(s)" in your statements. Do you notice this also?

"I don't know what I have to do to make you understand the nonsense that your posting."

Find the error in this statement, and you will find all of your questions answers.

The troll agents here never want to look at their nonsense they are posting.They are only here to post lies and b.s just like their handlers pay them to to keep wasting the time of truthers here while their handlers that pay them for their constant ass beatings they get here everyday -thats why they come back for them all the time is for the money,they wouldnt do it for free you know? while their handlers who pay them off are plotting a more sinister plot they have in store for us the next year or two.9/11 is just a smokescreen to keep truthers occupied wasting their time.Its the least of our problems we face from the government right now.I was guilty for taking the bait from these agents on this thread as anybody is,at least I got smart about it in the last year and have ceased discussing 9/11. when will the other truthers here realise 9/11 is the least of our problems from the government right now?
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"I don't know what I have to do to make you understand the nonsense that your posting."

Find the error in this statement, and you will find all of your questions answers.

The troll agents here never want to look at their nonsense they are posting.They are only here to post lies and b.s just like their handlers pay them to to keep wasting the time of truthers here while their handlers that pay them for their constant ass beatings they get here everyday -thats why they come back for them all the time is for the money,they wouldnt do it for free you know? while their handlers who pay them off are plotting a more sinister plot they have in store for us the next year or two.9/11 is just a smokescreen to keep truthers occupied wasting their time.Its the least of our problems we face from the government right now.I was guilty for taking the bait from these agents on this thread as anybody is,at least I got smart about it in the last year and have ceased discussing 9/11. when will the other truthers here realise 9/11 is the least of our problems from the government right now?

BWHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are you kidding? I would love to get paid for this crap, however, no one has to pay me to realize that all of you truthers are full of donkey turds. This post made you look nuttier than Mr. Jones. You ceased to discuss 9/11 because you can't prove anything you've said. Any right-minded individual can see that you truthers are the true trolls who lack the intellect to connect the dots. Or on the Contrary, have an uncanny ability to create dots that aren't there...
"I don't know what I have to do to make you understand the nonsense that your posting."

Find the error in this statement, and you will find all of your questions answers.

The troll agents here never want to look at their nonsense they are posting.They are only here to post lies and b.s just like their handlers pay them to to keep wasting the time of truthers here while their handlers that pay them for their constant ass beatings they get here everyday -thats why they come back for them all the time is for the money,they wouldnt do it for free you know? while their handlers who pay them off are plotting a more sinister plot they have in store for us the next year or two.9/11 is just a smokescreen to keep truthers occupied wasting their time.Its the least of our problems we face from the government right now.I was guilty for taking the bait from these agents on this thread as anybody is,at least I got smart about it in the last year and have ceased discussing 9/11. when will the other truthers here realise 9/11 is the least of our problems from the government right now?

BWHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are you kidding? I would love to get paid for this crap, however, no one has to pay me to realize that all of you truthers are full of donkey turds. This post made you look nuttier than Mr. Jones. You ceased to discuss 9/11 because you can't prove anything you've said. Any right-minded individual can see that you truthers are the true trolls who lack the intellect to connect the dots. Or on the Contrary, have an uncanny ability to create dots that aren't there...

I originally wrote this-
Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Jones Try this one on for size then. According to the government that you are so convinced is telling you the truth, and that in your opinion would never ever harm its own people-they thought this would work-Operation Northwoods: Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba, 3/13/62
with remote guidance..back in the '60s no less.
But they would never hurt their own peoples huh?Wise up dude, you really should know better.

I showed you by linking to the Document, a willingness by the US to plan and execute a conspiracy putting innocent peoples lives including Americans at risk even if it meant their deaths.
But you were so stupid and incompetent on the matter,
you even thought I was trying to trick you about false flag attacks, seemingly thinking since they are called false they are not real!
You wrote_
And your question about me knowing of any false-flag attack is a trick question numb-nuts. If it didn't happen then it wouldn't be a false-flag attack dip-shit.
We were discussing a plan to commit a false flag attack, and how indeed the US was capable of such a plan that would result in innocent deaths.

This is why we had to correct you and post the definition. You again were told to look up some history, and the definition. You played dumb, and tried to play your ignorance off as not a big deal or that you knew. Tell me if you knew, what a false flag attack was, then why would you write such a response?

Then You wrote-
WHAT INNOCENT PEOPLE??? IT talks of destroying ships, planes, and jets belonging to the United States and/or civil air....Then it talks about how it's going to destroy them...with NO PEOPLE INSIDE. (UNMANNED DRONES) What inncoent people are going to die in these false-flag incidents?
The Joint Chiefs were planning to sink a boatload of Cuban refugees to blame it on Castros forces! How many innocent men, women, and children would that sinking have caused?
ON PAGE 6-""6. Use of MIG-type aircraft by US pilots could provide additional provocation. Harassment of civil air, attacks on surface shipping and destruction of US military drone aircraft by Mig-type planes would be useful as complementary actions reasonable copies of the MIG could be produced from US resources in about three months."
We planned to attack surface shipping! Again, how many innocent lives would have been lost?
Even though blowing up a drone out of the sky was planned on being fake, the attack of ships as well as the attack by so called "friendly" Cubans on Guantanamo was to be real, with real casualties.
Northwoods recognized that the best justification for attacking Cuba was to trick Cuba into attacking U.S. forces first:

"1. Since it would seem desirable to use legitimate [sic!] provocation as the basis for US military intervention in Cuba, a cover and deception plan, to include requisite preliminary actions such as has been developed in response to Task 33 o [this may be a 'c'] could be executed as an initial effort to provoke Cuban reactions. Harassment plus deceptive actions to convince the Cubans of imminent invasion would be emphasized. Our military posture throughout execution of the plan will allow a rapid change from exercise to intervention if Cuban response justifies."

Yet more harm and innocent deaths would result from-

"(5) Blow up ammunition inside the [Guantanamo] base; start fires. (6) Burn aircraft on air base (sabotage). (7) Lob mortar shells from outside of base onto base. Some damage to installations."
There were additional plans for the staging of violent incidents which are not included in the Northwoods document:

"3. It is understood that the Department of State also is preparing suggested courses of action to develop justification for US military intervention in Cuba."
So your question of "WHAT INNOCENT PEOPLE?" Has been answered.

You said-
Second, You said nothing about ensuing wars, or blaming innocent people in the above post....

What part of the following from the document Do you not fucking understand?? Did you read the fucking document?? I think not.

"c. commence large scale military operation"
"(Note: The courses of action which follow are a preliminary
submission suitable only for planning purposes. They are
arranged neither chronologically nor in ascending order.
Together with similar inputs from other agencies, they are
intended to provide a point of departure for the development
of a single, integrated, time-phased plan. Such a plan would
permit the evaluation of individual projects within the context
of cumulative, correlated actions designed to lead inexorably
to the objective of adequate justification for US military
intervention in Cuba)."

Again that is what the plan is for in the first place you asshole! And would kill Americans and innocent people!
I replied about the fact that such a plan would ultimately involve American military personnel in the ensuing response and war that this plan was designed to provoke. But you consider this somehow out of bounds?? Even though it is in the plan I linked?
Because you don't want to read, understand, and connect the obvious dots like most rational thinking people, because it would destroy your argument? Fuck you asshole!

you wrote-
ON TOP of that, in every single false-flag scenario, there were written descriptions of perceived incidents rather than actual incidents.
A clear and blatant lie on your part-

Yeah perceived incidents by the covert black ops agents starting things off first, in order to provoke a Cuban response that would have killed many innocents and American lives.
Your attempt to make this all out to be a plan that would be virtually harmless to innocent lives and Americans is sooo fucking pathetic and pitiful it is beyond sickening, and shows all USMB members what a sick twisted and uninformed asshole you are, that has to go to such great lengths and absurdity to try to gloss over such a treasonous plot.

how about these incidents?
Attacking an American military base in Guantanamo with CIA recruits posing as Cuban mercenaries (friendlies) This involved blowing up the ammunition depot, and would obviously result in material damages and many dead American troops.

As a last resort, the plan even mentioned bribing one of Castro’s commanders to initiate the Guantanamo attack.
That deserves repeating: the Pentagon considered using our tax dollars to bribe another country’s military to attack our own troops in order to instigate a full-scale war.

Even more ironically, in 1975 President Ford appointed retired General Lyman Lemnitzer to the Commission on CIA Activities to investigate whether the CIA had committed acts that violated American laws.

Anyone who would even attempt to defend such treason, is scum. As are those that came running to your defense, especially those that used personal attacks against another USMB members family.

Hard-boiled Dreams of the World » Blog Archive » U.S.-Sponsored Terrorism: Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods - Proof US Government Could Harm Americans
I originally wrote this-

Try this one on for size then. According to the government that you are so convinced is telling you the truth, and that in your opinion would never ever harm its own people-they thought this would work-Operation Northwoods: Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba, 3/13/62 with remote guidance..back in the '60s no less. But they would never hurt their own peoples huh?Wise up dude, you really should know better.

This is so typical of truthtards. You put words in other peoples mouths and attribute opinions they have NEVER expressed, and base your entire point on a bullshit premise. When are you going to grow up and join the real world?
The troll agents here never want to look at their nonsense they are posting.They are only here to post lies and b.s just like their handlers pay them to to keep wasting the time of truthers here while their handlers that pay them for their constant ass beatings they get here everyday -thats why they come back for them all the time is for the money,they wouldnt do it for free you know? while their handlers who pay them off are plotting a more sinister plot they have in store for us the next year or two.9/11 is just a smokescreen to keep truthers occupied wasting their time.Its the least of our problems we face from the government right now.I was guilty for taking the bait from these agents on this thread as anybody is,at least I got smart about it in the last year and have ceased discussing 9/11. when will the other truthers here realise 9/11 is the least of our problems from the government right now?

BWHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are you kidding? I would love to get paid for this crap, however, no one has to pay me to realize that all of you truthers are full of donkey turds. This post made you look nuttier than Mr. Jones. You ceased to discuss 9/11 because you can't prove anything you've said. Any right-minded individual can see that you truthers are the true trolls who lack the intellect to connect the dots. Or on the Contrary, have an uncanny ability to create dots that aren't there...

I originally wrote this-

I showed you by linking to the Document, a willingness by the US to plan and execute a conspiracy putting innocent peoples lives including Americans at risk even if it meant their deaths.
But you were so stupid and incompetent on the matter,
you even thought I was trying to trick you about false flag attacks, seemingly thinking since they are called false they are not real!
You wrote_
We were discussing a plan to commit a false flag attack, and how indeed the US was capable of such a plan that would result in innocent deaths.

This is why we had to correct you and post the definition. You again were told to look up some history, and the definition. You played dumb, and tried to play your ignorance off as not a big deal or that you knew. Tell me if you knew, what a false flag attack was, then why would you write such a response?

Then You wrote-
The Joint Chiefs were planning to sink a boatload of Cuban refugees to blame it on Castros forces! How many innocent men, women, and children would that sinking have caused?
ON PAGE 6-""6. Use of MIG-type aircraft by US pilots could provide additional provocation. Harassment of civil air, attacks on surface shipping and destruction of US military drone aircraft by Mig-type planes would be useful as complementary actions reasonable copies of the MIG could be produced from US resources in about three months."
We planned to attack surface shipping! Again, how many innocent lives would have been lost?
Even though blowing up a drone out of the sky was planned on being fake, the attack of ships as well as the attack by so called "friendly" Cubans on Guantanamo was to be real, with real casualties.
Northwoods recognized that the best justification for attacking Cuba was to trick Cuba into attacking U.S. forces first:

"1. Since it would seem desirable to use legitimate [sic!] provocation as the basis for US military intervention in Cuba, a cover and deception plan, to include requisite preliminary actions such as has been developed in response to Task 33 o [this may be a 'c'] could be executed as an initial effort to provoke Cuban reactions. Harassment plus deceptive actions to convince the Cubans of imminent invasion would be emphasized. Our military posture throughout execution of the plan will allow a rapid change from exercise to intervention if Cuban response justifies."

Yet more harm and innocent deaths would result from-

"(5) Blow up ammunition inside the [Guantanamo] base; start fires. (6) Burn aircraft on air base (sabotage). (7) Lob mortar shells from outside of base onto base. Some damage to installations."
There were additional plans for the staging of violent incidents which are not included in the Northwoods document:

"3. It is understood that the Department of State also is preparing suggested courses of action to develop justification for US military intervention in Cuba."
So your question of "WHAT INNOCENT PEOPLE?" Has been answered.

You said-
Second, You said nothing about ensuing wars, or blaming innocent people in the above post....

What part of the following from the document Do you not fucking understand?? Did you read the fucking document?? I think not.

"c. commence large scale military operation"
"(Note: The courses of action which follow are a preliminary
submission suitable only for planning purposes. They are
arranged neither chronologically nor in ascending order.
Together with similar inputs from other agencies, they are
intended to provide a point of departure for the development
of a single, integrated, time-phased plan. Such a plan would
permit the evaluation of individual projects within the context
of cumulative, correlated actions designed to lead inexorably
to the objective of adequate justification for US military
intervention in Cuba)."

Again that is what the plan is for in the first place you asshole! And would kill Americans and innocent people!
I replied about the fact that such a plan would ultimately involve American military personnel in the ensuing response and war that this plan was designed to provoke. But you consider this somehow out of bounds?? Even though it is in the plan I linked?
Because you don't want to read, understand, and connect the obvious dots like most rational thinking people, because it would destroy your argument? Fuck you asshole!

you wrote-
ON TOP of that, in every single false-flag scenario, there were written descriptions of perceived incidents rather than actual incidents.
A clear and blatant lie on your part-

Yeah perceived incidents by the covert black ops agents starting things off first, in order to provoke a Cuban response that would have killed many innocents and American lives.
Your attempt to make this all out to be a plan that would be virtually harmless to innocent lives and Americans is sooo fucking pathetic and pitiful it is beyond sickening, and shows all USMB members what a sick twisted and uninformed asshole you are, that has to go to such great lengths and absurdity to try to gloss over such a treasonous plot.

how about these incidents?
Attacking an American military base in Guantanamo with CIA recruits posing as Cuban mercenaries (friendlies) This involved blowing up the ammunition depot, and would obviously result in material damages and many dead American troops.

As a last resort, the plan even mentioned bribing one of Castro’s commanders to initiate the Guantanamo attack.
That deserves repeating: the Pentagon considered using our tax dollars to bribe another country’s military to attack our own troops in order to instigate a full-scale war.

Even more ironically, in 1975 President Ford appointed retired General Lyman Lemnitzer to the Commission on CIA Activities to investigate whether the CIA had committed acts that violated American laws.

Anyone who would even attempt to defend such treason, is scum. As are those that came running to your defense, especially those that used personal attacks against another USMB members family.

Hard-boiled Dreams of the World » Blog Archive » U.S.-Sponsored Terrorism: Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods - Proof US Government Could Harm Americans

Once again you fail to see youre own contradiction. You say they're willing to harm our OWN people and then give an example of them harming FOREIGN PEOPLE FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY...example: boat load of Cuban refugees are NOT our citizens. I never claimed they weren't willing to hurt someone else. I claimed they were not willing to kill our own civilians and or military personnel in a false-flag attack...According to this document, the U.S. went out of its way (droned planes, painted planes, tricks, etc...) to make sure our people weren't hurt in the process of the "incident." On top of that, I agree with Patriot that these "scenarios" were drawn up almost 50 some-odd years ago and were never carried out. You can't base a present opinion on some hypothetical scenario that never occured. I guess because it was once legal to own slaves then that means the government is bad and capable of making us slaves; therefore, they are doing it right now....:cuckoo:

Lastly, you posted this document during a debate about whether the government was willing to kill it's own people ON 9/11. You used it to "prove" your theory that the government would have had no problem killing 3,000 people on Sept. 11. We showed you otherwise by showing you specific text from the very same documents that shows the U.S. willingness to go out of its way to protect our civilians in the false-flag incident....even going far as to say that they would make it up instead of actually doing it.

You tried to deflect this by then claiming that the ensuing wars and all of the "probably(s)" and "maybes" and "most-likely(s)" started rearing the ugly heads.

This notion you keep bringing up about me thinking you're trying to trick me is ridiculous. You asked a question earlier on in the thread that WAS a trick question regardless if you realized it. A false-flag incident is not any kind of incident at all if it wasn't committed and/or wasn't percieved to be committed.

""Try to put less words in my mouth and worry a little more about what's coming out of yours...."
BWHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are you kidding? I would love to get paid for this crap, however, no one has to pay me to realize that all of you truthers are full of donkey turds. This post made you look nuttier than Mr. Jones. You ceased to discuss 9/11 because you can't prove anything you've said. Any right-minded individual can see that you truthers are the true trolls who lack the intellect to connect the dots. Or on the Contrary, have an uncanny ability to create dots that aren't there...

I originally wrote this-

I showed you by linking to the Document, a willingness by the US to plan and execute a conspiracy putting innocent peoples lives including Americans at risk even if it meant their deaths.
But you were so stupid and incompetent on the matter,
you even thought I was trying to trick you about false flag attacks, seemingly thinking since they are called false they are not real!
You wrote_
We were discussing a plan to commit a false flag attack, and how indeed the US was capable of such a plan that would result in innocent deaths.

This is why we had to correct you and post the definition. You again were told to look up some history, and the definition. You played dumb, and tried to play your ignorance off as not a big deal or that you knew. Tell me if you knew, what a false flag attack was, then why would you write such a response?

Then You wrote-
The Joint Chiefs were planning to sink a boatload of Cuban refugees to blame it on Castros forces! How many innocent men, women, and children would that sinking have caused?
ON PAGE 6-""6. Use of MIG-type aircraft by US pilots could provide additional provocation. Harassment of civil air, attacks on surface shipping and destruction of US military drone aircraft by Mig-type planes would be useful as complementary actions reasonable copies of the MIG could be produced from US resources in about three months."
We planned to attack surface shipping! Again, how many innocent lives would have been lost?
Even though blowing up a drone out of the sky was planned on being fake, the attack of ships as well as the attack by so called "friendly" Cubans on Guantanamo was to be real, with real casualties.
Northwoods recognized that the best justification for attacking Cuba was to trick Cuba into attacking U.S. forces first:

"1. Since it would seem desirable to use legitimate [sic!] provocation as the basis for US military intervention in Cuba, a cover and deception plan, to include requisite preliminary actions such as has been developed in response to Task 33 o [this may be a 'c'] could be executed as an initial effort to provoke Cuban reactions. Harassment plus deceptive actions to convince the Cubans of imminent invasion would be emphasized. Our military posture throughout execution of the plan will allow a rapid change from exercise to intervention if Cuban response justifies."

Yet more harm and innocent deaths would result from-

"(5) Blow up ammunition inside the [Guantanamo] base; start fires. (6) Burn aircraft on air base (sabotage). (7) Lob mortar shells from outside of base onto base. Some damage to installations."
There were additional plans for the staging of violent incidents which are not included in the Northwoods document:

"3. It is understood that the Department of State also is preparing suggested courses of action to develop justification for US military intervention in Cuba."
So your question of "WHAT INNOCENT PEOPLE?" Has been answered.

You said-

What part of the following from the document Do you not fucking understand?? Did you read the fucking document?? I think not.

"c. commence large scale military operation"
"(Note: The courses of action which follow are a preliminary
submission suitable only for planning purposes. They are
arranged neither chronologically nor in ascending order.
Together with similar inputs from other agencies, they are
intended to provide a point of departure for the development
of a single, integrated, time-phased plan. Such a plan would
permit the evaluation of individual projects within the context
of cumulative, correlated actions designed to lead inexorably
to the objective of adequate justification for US military
intervention in Cuba)."

Again that is what the plan is for in the first place you asshole! And would kill Americans and innocent people!
I replied about the fact that such a plan would ultimately involve American military personnel in the ensuing response and war that this plan was designed to provoke. But you consider this somehow out of bounds?? Even though it is in the plan I linked?
Because you don't want to read, understand, and connect the obvious dots like most rational thinking people, because it would destroy your argument? Fuck you asshole!

you wrote-
ON TOP of that, in every single false-flag scenario, there were written descriptions of perceived incidents rather than actual incidents.
A clear and blatant lie on your part-

Yeah perceived incidents by the covert black ops agents starting things off first, in order to provoke a Cuban response that would have killed many innocents and American lives.
Your attempt to make this all out to be a plan that would be virtually harmless to innocent lives and Americans is sooo fucking pathetic and pitiful it is beyond sickening, and shows all USMB members what a sick twisted and uninformed asshole you are, that has to go to such great lengths and absurdity to try to gloss over such a treasonous plot.

how about these incidents?
Attacking an American military base in Guantanamo with CIA recruits posing as Cuban mercenaries (friendlies) This involved blowing up the ammunition depot, and would obviously result in material damages and many dead American troops.

As a last resort, the plan even mentioned bribing one of Castro’s commanders to initiate the Guantanamo attack.
That deserves repeating: the Pentagon considered using our tax dollars to bribe another country’s military to attack our own troops in order to instigate a full-scale war.

Even more ironically, in 1975 President Ford appointed retired General Lyman Lemnitzer to the Commission on CIA Activities to investigate whether the CIA had committed acts that violated American laws.

Anyone who would even attempt to defend such treason, is scum. As are those that came running to your defense, especially those that used personal attacks against another USMB members family.

Hard-boiled Dreams of the World » Blog Archive » U.S.-Sponsored Terrorism: Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods - Proof US Government Could Harm Americans

Once again you fail to see youre own contradiction.
The only contradiction is your opinion and the actual document, that clearly shows a willingness by the US government to use patriotic Americans as cannon fodder, like they have ALL throughout history.

You say they're willing to harm our OWN people and then give an example of them harming FOREIGN PEOPLE FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY...example: boat load of Cuban refugees are NOT our citizens.
Now you refuse to comment on all the instances I took the time to point out to you in my last post that shows you clearly the actions that would have caused American just ignore those facts in the actual document, but that's how you scumbags roll, when all else fails, just ignore the evidence and act incredulous.

I never claimed they weren't willing to hurt someone else. I claimed they were not willing to kill our own civilians and or military personnel in a false-flag attack...
Fucking liar! I quoted what you actually said! Remember "WHAT INNOCENT PEOPLE"? You are a bald face lying piece of shit, like the other OCTA fucks on here.

According to this document, the U.S. went out of its way (droned planes, painted planes, tricks, etc...) to make sure our people weren't hurt in the process of the "incident."
Sure asshole go ahead and try to minimize the damage :lol: It should be apparent by the Joint Chiefs of Staff planned and were willing to carry out a bloody campaign of terror on US soil, and lie to the public, and to their own military personnel, and cause their needless deaths. A conspiracy of the sickest order, proves what I have been saying about the depravity of such men, in positions of power and authority. The doc proves all the points I have been making about not trusting the government because some sick murderous fucks in it would indeed be capable of such deeds. As I pointed out to you in the doc, their stated goal was a response and war that would have killed many, and even the possibility of a nuclear war at that.

On top of that, I agree with Patriot that these "scenarios" were drawn up almost 50 some-odd years ago and were never carried out. You can't base a present opinion on some hypothetical scenario that never occured.
Of course you agree with a scumbag like that, that's the kind of company you keep. I proved the US government was capable of such an attack and showed you the plans, and now you want to wave it away as though it is insignificant because you got your ass kicked in this debate :lol: This is typical so I'm not surprised, but you also fail to see the recent past and present, and how the US government is STILL lying to you, about many diiferent things and STILL can't be trusted, makes no difference what decade or who is in power, they are all power drunk and corrupted, shall I point out a few current instances?

guess because it was once legal to own slaves then that means the government is bad and capable of making us slaves; therefore, they are doing it right now....:cuckoo:
Your comparison is a fail, as I can show you the many instances where the government has lied to its people, and show you many instances of corruption and conspiracy and that was the point of the debate, not whether slavery was once legal :lol:

Lastly, you posted this document during a debate about whether the government was willing to kill it's own people ON 9/11. You used it to "prove" your theory that the government would have had no problem killing 3,000 people on Sept. 11.
I used to prove that there has been occasions in the history of the US that there were men capable of planning such atrocities and I proved that. Read my original statement that I made once again, I don't mention any numbers, or even 9-11 for that matter, only that the US had in the past be willing to commit to such a false flag conspiracy and be willing to carry it out.

We showed you otherwise by showing you specific text from the very same documents that shows the U.S. willingness to go out of its way to protect our civilians in the false-flag incident....even going far as to say that they would make it up instead of actually doing it.
And I showed you all the instances in the plans were that would be FALSE! And stated their ultimate goal of war in their own words, that you ignored.
You tried to deflect this by then claiming that the ensuing wars and all of the "probably(s)" and "maybes" and "most-likely(s)" started rearing the ugly heads.
No maybes you lying fuck. it is right there in their own words! It is what it is designed to provoke you fucking lying douche bag!

This notion you keep bringing up about me thinking you're trying to trick me is ridiculous. You asked a question earlier on in the thread that WAS a trick question regardless if you realized it. A false-flag incident is not any kind of incident at all if it wasn't committed and/or wasn't percieved to be committed.
LOL! Anyone reading your statement will be able to see for themselves how clueless you were about the definition of "false flag" :lol:

""Try to put less words in my mouth and worry a little more about what's coming out of yours...."
I don't have to you did a great job of looking like the treasonous troll that you are.
More bullshit from fucktard Jones. He is so dead set on proving the government is evil that he totally ignores what everyone else says. :lol: The tin foil hat must have slipped over his eyes! It is a shame to see such un-American bullshit from an American. Jones should join his Al Qaeda heros so he can hate America with others who feel the same.
I originally wrote this-

I showed you by linking to the Document, a willingness by the US to plan and execute a conspiracy putting innocent peoples lives including Americans at risk even if it meant their deaths.
But you were so stupid and incompetent on the matter,
you even thought I was trying to trick you about false flag attacks, seemingly thinking since they are called false they are not real!
You wrote_
We were discussing a plan to commit a false flag attack, and how indeed the US was capable of such a plan that would result in innocent deaths.

This is why we had to correct you and post the definition. You again were told to look up some history, and the definition. You played dumb, and tried to play your ignorance off as not a big deal or that you knew. Tell me if you knew, what a false flag attack was, then why would you write such a response?

Then You wrote-
The Joint Chiefs were planning to sink a boatload of Cuban refugees to blame it on Castros forces! How many innocent men, women, and children would that sinking have caused?
ON PAGE 6-""6. Use of MIG-type aircraft by US pilots could provide additional provocation. Harassment of civil air, attacks on surface shipping and destruction of US military drone aircraft by Mig-type planes would be useful as complementary actions reasonable copies of the MIG could be produced from US resources in about three months."
We planned to attack surface shipping! Again, how many innocent lives would have been lost?
Even though blowing up a drone out of the sky was planned on being fake, the attack of ships as well as the attack by so called "friendly" Cubans on Guantanamo was to be real, with real casualties.
Northwoods recognized that the best justification for attacking Cuba was to trick Cuba into attacking U.S. forces first:

"1. Since it would seem desirable to use legitimate [sic!] provocation as the basis for US military intervention in Cuba, a cover and deception plan, to include requisite preliminary actions such as has been developed in response to Task 33 o [this may be a 'c'] could be executed as an initial effort to provoke Cuban reactions. Harassment plus deceptive actions to convince the Cubans of imminent invasion would be emphasized. Our military posture throughout execution of the plan will allow a rapid change from exercise to intervention if Cuban response justifies."

Yet more harm and innocent deaths would result from-

"(5) Blow up ammunition inside the [Guantanamo] base; start fires. (6) Burn aircraft on air base (sabotage). (7) Lob mortar shells from outside of base onto base. Some damage to installations."
There were additional plans for the staging of violent incidents which are not included in the Northwoods document:

"3. It is understood that the Department of State also is preparing suggested courses of action to develop justification for US military intervention in Cuba."
So your question of "WHAT INNOCENT PEOPLE?" Has been answered.

You said-

What part of the following from the document Do you not fucking understand?? Did you read the fucking document?? I think not.

"c. commence large scale military operation"
"(Note: The courses of action which follow are a preliminary
submission suitable only for planning purposes. They are
arranged neither chronologically nor in ascending order.
Together with similar inputs from other agencies, they are
intended to provide a point of departure for the development
of a single, integrated, time-phased plan. Such a plan would
permit the evaluation of individual projects within the context
of cumulative, correlated actions designed to lead inexorably
to the objective of adequate justification for US military
intervention in Cuba)."

Again that is what the plan is for in the first place you asshole! And would kill Americans and innocent people!
I replied about the fact that such a plan would ultimately involve American military personnel in the ensuing response and war that this plan was designed to provoke. But you consider this somehow out of bounds?? Even though it is in the plan I linked?
Because you don't want to read, understand, and connect the obvious dots like most rational thinking people, because it would destroy your argument? Fuck you asshole!

you wrote-
A clear and blatant lie on your part-

Yeah perceived incidents by the covert black ops agents starting things off first, in order to provoke a Cuban response that would have killed many innocents and American lives.
Your attempt to make this all out to be a plan that would be virtually harmless to innocent lives and Americans is sooo fucking pathetic and pitiful it is beyond sickening, and shows all USMB members what a sick twisted and uninformed asshole you are, that has to go to such great lengths and absurdity to try to gloss over such a treasonous plot.

how about these incidents?
Attacking an American military base in Guantanamo with CIA recruits posing as Cuban mercenaries (friendlies) This involved blowing up the ammunition depot, and would obviously result in material damages and many dead American troops.

As a last resort, the plan even mentioned bribing one of Castro’s commanders to initiate the Guantanamo attack.
That deserves repeating: the Pentagon considered using our tax dollars to bribe another country’s military to attack our own troops in order to instigate a full-scale war.

Even more ironically, in 1975 President Ford appointed retired General Lyman Lemnitzer to the Commission on CIA Activities to investigate whether the CIA had committed acts that violated American laws.

Anyone who would even attempt to defend such treason, is scum. As are those that came running to your defense, especially those that used personal attacks against another USMB members family.

Hard-boiled Dreams of the World » Blog Archive » U.S.-Sponsored Terrorism: Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods - Proof US Government Could Harm Americans

The only contradiction is your opinion and the actual document, that clearly shows a willingness by the US government to use patriotic Americans as cannon fodder, like they have ALL throughout history.

Now you refuse to comment on all the instances I took the time to point out to you in my last post that shows you clearly the actions that would have caused American just ignore those facts in the actual document, but that's how you scumbags roll, when all else fails, just ignore the evidence and act incredulous.

Fucking liar! I quoted what you actually said! Remember "WHAT INNOCENT PEOPLE"? You are a bald face lying piece of shit, like the other OCTA fucks on here.

Sure asshole go ahead and try to minimize the damage :lol: It should be apparent by the Joint Chiefs of Staff planned and were willing to carry out a bloody campaign of terror on US soil, and lie to the public, and to their own military personnel, and cause their needless deaths. A conspiracy of the sickest order, proves what I have been saying about the depravity of such men, in positions of power and authority. The doc proves all the points I have been making about not trusting the government because some sick murderous fucks in it would indeed be capable of such deeds. As I pointed out to you in the doc, their stated goal was a response and war that would have killed many, and even the possibility of a nuclear war at that.

Of course you agree with a scumbag like that, that's the kind of company you keep. I proved the US government was capable of such an attack and showed you the plans, and now you want to wave it away as though it is insignificant because you got your ass kicked in this debate :lol: This is typical so I'm not surprised, but you also fail to see the recent past and present, and how the US government is STILL lying to you, about many diiferent things and STILL can't be trusted, makes no difference what decade or who is in power, they are all power drunk and corrupted, shall I point out a few current instances?

I Your comparison is a fail, as I can show you the many instances where the government has lied to its people, and show you many instances of corruption and conspiracy and that was the point of the debate, not whether slavery was once legal :lol:

I used to prove that there has been occasions in the history of the US that there were men capable of planning such atrocities and I proved that. Read my original statement that I made once again, I don't mention any numbers, or even 9-11 for that matter, only that the US had in the past be willing to commit to such a false flag conspiracy and be willing to carry it out.

And I showed you all the instances in the plans were that would be FALSE! And stated their ultimate goal of war in their own words, that you ignored.
No maybes you lying fuck. it is right there in their own words! It is what it is designed to provoke you fucking lying douche bag!

LOL! Anyone reading your statement will be able to see for themselves how clueless you were about the definition of "false flag" :lol:

""Try to put less words in my mouth and worry a little more about what's coming out of yours...."
I don't have to you did a great job of looking like the treasonous troll that you are.

Whatever dude. I'd rather play with a turd than try to talk some sense into you.
Whatever dude. I'd rather play with a turd than try to talk some sense into you.

You would have a much better chance of talking some sense into the turd. Turds are far more intelligent than the average truthtard. Fucktard Jones is an exception in that he shows no intelligence whatsoever. You would also end up cleaner playing with a turd than debating Jones. He is disgusting.
Whatever dude. I'd rather play with a turd than try to talk some sense into you.

You would have a much better chance of talking some sense into the turd. Turds are far more intelligent than the average truthtard. Fucktard Jones is an exception in that he shows no intelligence whatsoever. You would also end up cleaner playing with a turd than debating Jones. He is disgusting.

I just can't believe there are people like him in this world. Believing the government did it is one whole issue in itself. I'd actually be inclined to believe it if the twoofers could come up with come concrete evidence. Eots backed out of this debate about the document because he knows Mr. Jones is full of it. If there were any inkling of truth to what Mr. Jones is claiming then Eots would be on it. It's obvious that even truthers can't agree with one another.
I just can't believe there are people like him in this world. Believing the government did it is one whole issue in itself. I'd actually be inclined to believe it if the twoofers could come up with come concrete evidence. Eots backed out of this debate about the document because he knows Mr. Jones is full of it. If there were any inkling of truth to what Mr. Jones is claiming then Eots would be on it. It's obvious that even truthers can't agree with one another.

Most of the time they can't even agree with themselves. Take Jones' insistance that WTC 7 fell at freefall for 2.25 seconds because every support was simultaniously blown via controlled demolition. Yet when confronted by the evidence of no explosions heard in numerous audio recordings of the collapse, he claims it was thermite, but thermite can't "blow" every column at the same time. It is these kinds of paradoxes that they can't see or refuse to acknowledge that destroys their theories more than anything else.

As for me, I believe what the evidence shows. If credible evidence surfaced of other players being involved in the events of 9/11, then I will re-evaluate the theory to fit the new evidence. That is the way theories are suppose to work. Truthtards take a pre-conceived notion (everything the government says is a lie) and work their way backward from there regardless of how retarded it makes them look.

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