Twoofer Strategy

Anyone?? C'mon someone has to have a rational response for why the US would try to frame innocent people and shed innocent blood!

False flag terror attacks used by governments-

"This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector."
- Plato

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
- U.S. President James Madison

"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death".
- Adolph Hitler

"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
- Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.

"The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened".
- Josef Stalin
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You mean besides the fact you're lying your ass off about it? :lol: That's good enough for me. Probably everyone else too. Still trying to pretend you're not reading this? Still think anyone is fooled? :lol: Even funnier!
Anyone?? C'mon someone has to have a rational response for why the US would try to frame innocent people and shed innocent blood!

False flag terror attacks used by governments-
Governments ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror -

"This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector."
- Plato

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
- U.S. President James Madison

"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death".
- Adolph Hitler

"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
- Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.

"The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened".
- Josef Stalin

"If bullshit were gold, you'd be Fort Knox"- Candy R. Corn; member of the Ruling Elite since 1977.
Hey idiot, what prevents you from using your mind? Seriously do you not think that the results of such false flag attacks would not kill, and thereby constitute murder against innocent people, collateral damage perhaps? Or the killing, (murder) of soldiers duped into enlisting, and other personnel like first responders and such?
You are one dead in the head motherfucker, of all the things you lowlifes stoop to, REAl evidence that is in your fucking face as to the extent of evil around us, running our nation, and you have the sick audacity to excuse it, and even go so far as to say that the Northwoods plan was devised to save people from a false flag attack?Man get the fuck outta here,.. and now you backtrack and say exactly what the author of your link much BS is left inside you troll? Fuck you and your treasonous government loyalist BS and sites.

Yes it is if it is based on lying them into a war based on false flag attacks you glue sniffing fuck.
Read above asswipe, the intel on Iraq was BS, how many have been sacrificed based on this? But this is easily dismissed by you as you don't have to be the one to do the fighting.

Right, a false flag attack that would be blamed on innocent people, with no doubt deaths involved as every other false flag attack in history has produced!
Your attempt to clean this up is futile, and shows the length you will stoop to to try to protect criminals and murderers. You are one sick fuck, that's for sure.

.Once again READ THE DOCUMENT instead of posting blindly.
You should try to just admit the concept of this plan is evil, treasonous and sick, but if those things are the foundation of your very being, I don't expect you would see anything wrong with such a plan.
It was pointed out to you to show you proof that the minds that are running your nation are capable, and very willing to produce a false flag operation, it has been done before, so the willingness of the PTB that wield power and resources to carry this out, are more then willing to shed innocent blood to achieve their goals, at anyone's expense.

You can't sugar coat this no matter how hard you try, and the more you do try, the more you look like a sick selfish fuck, that is not man enough to admit the truth about such evil plans.

One idea seriously considered involved the launch of John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth. On February 20,1962, Glenn was to lift off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on his historic journey. The flight was to carry the banner of America's virtues of truth, freedom, and democracy into orbit high over the planet. But Lemnitzer and his Chiefs had a different idea. They proposed to Lansdale that, should the rocket explode and kill Glenn, "the objective is to provide irrevocable proof that . . . the fault lies with the Communists et al Cuba [sic.]"
So they were willing to kill this innocent American hero too...

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere.

This could not have gone forward without the shedding of innocent blood you stupid sick fuck.


Where the shit do you keep getting that I said that they wanted to "save" people from the false-flag attacks. You have a honed ability not comprehend what you read. You keep touting this argument when you can look back at my posts and see that I said nothing of the sort. I didn't say that they would save people from the false-flag indcidents. What I did say is that NOWHERE in the document does it suggest that the U.S. was willing to kill IT'S OWN CIVILIANS OR PERSONNEL to achieve these goals...You used this document to justify that the U.S. was willing to kill 3,000 civilians on Sept. 11 when this document proves nothing of the sort. Why don't you think eots has come to your rescue on this issue? Even eots is smart enough to realize you are WRONG.

You just keep digging yourself into the a deeper hole of stupidity. Now you're continuing to strawman. Now your branching off of you're orginal argument and trying to say the ensuing war is murder and the false flag incidents were going to be blamed on the innocent. You're grasping at straws and you know it. Why don't you just admit that you're were wrong about the U.S. willing to murder its OWN citizens. You said the Northwoods document proved it was willing to murder it's own civilians when the document actually proved that they were willing to go to extreme links to keep from harming our own citizens. ON TOP of that, in every single false-flag scenario, there were written descriptions of perceived incidents rather than actual incidents.
Anyone?? C'mon someone has to have a rational response for why the US would try to frame innocent people and shed innocent blood!

False flag terror attacks used by governments-
Governments ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror -

"This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector."
- Plato

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."
- U.S. President James Madison

"Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death".
- Adolph Hitler

"Why of course the people don't want war ... But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship ... Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
- Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.

"The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened".
- Josef Stalin

Now you're changing your argument you deusch. Now it's all about blaming innocent people instead of the U.S. murdering it's own civilians. If you weren't such an idiot I might get riled up over all of this.

Fact: You failed to prove the that the Northwoods document is proof that the U.S. was willing to kill 3,000 (or any)of it's own citizens to justify a war...

Instead you've only stated the obvious for anyone who paid attention in 11th grade history class.
Now you're changing your argument you deusch. Now it's all about blaming innocent people instead of the U.S. murdering it's own civilians.
First off this exchange was about whether the government could/would be capable of killing innocent people by means of a false flag attack. It seems I have to remind you of that.
I then post the Northwoods plan, which is a false flag plan.
This plan is to start a war by deception/lies, and by those very lies innocent people would be blamed, and innocent people would be killed/murdered. It is clear that is what the doc is.

But, by your responses, you have really shown what a deceitful person you are! You read the post, I know you can understand what all was said, yet you deliberately twist it and obfuscate what was implied,
but of course that's all you can do when you are faced with no way to defend the document, and planning.
So for the sake of making this very simple for you, and assure no confusion on my part anyway:
The plan was to frame innocent people, and in doing so, they would trick us into a war with Cuba, then innocent well meaning military already deployed and some citizens would enlist, or even get drafted, to fight this war based on lies,
Following along so far? Stay conscious for a few more minutes OK?

Then during the course of this war based on lies, there would be fighting, you know with guns, tanks, aircraft, and bullets. Some of our innocent American young people would then get K-I-L-L-ED.
But since they would be at war, and fighting based on the lies of the false flag attack, it would in most reasonable peoples minds, be M-U-R-D-E-R
It can't be spelled out anymore clearer then that.

If you weren't such an idiot I might get riled up over all of this.
Of course you're not riled up, because you are deliberately twisting what was implied in the post, it's a common tactic, I know.

Fact: You failed to prove the that the Northwoods document is proof that the U.S. was willing to kill 3,000 (or any)of it's own citizens to justify a war...
No you fail to acknowledge that it is indeed a fact they were planning to do so, and shows how capable they are with no regards for murdering innocent lives, American or otherwise.

Instead you've only stated the obvious for anyone who paid attention in 11th grade history class.
You're right I did state the obvious, to people who know how to debate a topic fairly, and without resorting to feigning obtuseness, and pretend the posted facts somehow don't imply what they really are, that being that was indeed a government contrived false flag attack to blame on innocent people, as a justification for war, that would result in the needless deaths and murder of innocent people.
And that is what the Northwoods Document and plan was, now wasn't that simple enough for you?
Common Jonesy boy. What do you think of your precious top secret document now. If anything, that document proves the extreme length that the U.S. was willing to go to ensure no American lives were lost in the false-flag operations....
Ok, so you implied that the US was sparing/saving people from being killed by using an unmanned plane, but get real man, innocent people and military personnel would be killed as a result of the plan either way.
So do you know of a false flag attack involving the US, that did not eventually cause the deaths of Americans or innocent people?
I'd love to know about it.
Your attempt to portray the US officials who planned this, as somehow being so caring and thoughtful! :lol: How nice of them.
It really is a pathetic attempt, I mean really you are as low as low could go.
Operation Northwoods called for a war in which many patriotic Americans and innocent Cubans would die senseless deaths, all to satisfy the egos of twisted generals back in Washington, safe in their taxpayer financed homes and limousines. But in your twisted and diseased view of the world this is exceptable because you somehow think using a drone makes it a benevolent act that wouldn't hurt anybody!
Now you're changing your argument you deusch. Now it's all about blaming innocent people instead of the U.S. murdering it's own civilians.
First off this exchange was about whether the government could/would be capable of killing innocent people by means of a false flag attack. It seems I have to remind you of that.

ARE YOU KIDDING? OF COURSE IT'S CAPABLE. It's capable of dropping nuclear bombs all over the earth and killing everyone. Once again you are stating the OBVIOUS. This was not an argument over whether the governmnet was capable. This was an argument as to whether or not the U.S. government was WILLING to murder 3,000 of it's own citizens. You posted you're own "proof" that they were, and I took that proof and proved you wrong by showing you that the Northwoods Document actually wanted to eliminate it's own casualties while carrying out false-flag indicidents....WHICH is why each scenario in the document called for unmanned drones and fake incidents in which no U.S. citizen/or soldier would be harmed in the incident. Once again you change your story and your argument...big suprise.
I then post the Northwoods plan, which is a false flag plan.
This plan is to start a war by deception/lies, and by those very lies innocent people would be blamed, and innocent people would be killed/murdered. It is clear that is what the doc is.

WHAT INNOCENT PEOPLE??? IT talks of destroying ships, planes, and jets belonging to the United States and/or civil air....Then it talks about how it's going to destroy them...with NO PEOPLE INSIDE. (UNMANNED DRONES) What inncoent people are going to die in these false-flag incidents? That is of course assuming that the incident would even be a real incident, and not a fabricated one. And don't bring up the college students again, I already showed you that the plan would be to land the CIA and FBI operatives( not college students) at a safe air base and then blowing up a droned replica of the plane....

But, by your responses, you have really shown what a deceitful person you are! You read the post, I know you can understand what all was said, yet you deliberately twist it and obfuscate what was implied,
but of course that's all you can do when you are faced with no way to defend the document, and planning.
So for the sake of making this very simple for you, and assure no confusion on my part anyway:
The plan was to frame innocent people, and in doing so, they would trick us into a war with Cuba, then innocent well meaning military already deployed and some citizens would enlist, or even get drafted, to fight this war based on lies,
Following along so far? Stay conscious for a few more minutes OK?

Then during the course of this war based on lies, there would be fighting, you know with guns, tanks, aircraft, and bullets. Some of our innocent American young people would then get K-I-L-L-ED.
But since they would be at war, and fighting based on the lies of the false flag attack, it would in most reasonable peoples minds, be M-U-R-D-E-R
It can't be spelled out anymore clearer then that.

Of course you're not riled up, because you are deliberately twisting what was implied in the post, it's a common tactic, I know.

No you fail to acknowledge that it is indeed a fact they were planning to do so, and shows how capable they are with no regards for murdering innocent lives, American or otherwise.

Instead you've only stated the obvious for anyone who paid attention in 11th grade history class.
You're right I did state the obvious, to people who know how to debate a topic fairly, and without resorting to feigning obtuseness, and pretend the posted facts somehow don't imply what they really are, that being that was indeed a government contrived false flag attack to blame on innocent people, as a justification for war, that would result in the needless deaths and murder of innocent people.
And that is what the Northwoods Document and plan was, now wasn't that simple enough for you?

The rest of this post is, once again, nonsense.
. I'll start listening when you can post ACTUAL EVIDENCE that I can find no counter to.
Try this one on for size then. According to the government that you are so convinced is telling you the truth, and that in your opinion would never ever harm its own people-they thought this would work-Operation Northwoods: Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba, 3/13/62
with remote guidance..back in the '60s no less.
But they would never hurt their own peoples huh?Wise up dude, you really should know better.

Your post was above. Notice how you put OWN people. You're implying that the Northwoods document proves that the U.S. government is willing to kill over 3,000 (as on 9/11) of it's people in a false-flag attack. You post a document from 1962 and claim it's proof when the document actually shows that the government is not willing to kill even one of it's own citizens IN A FALSE-FLAG ATTACK. THEREFORE, September 11th could not be a false-flag attack based on your document. How can you claim that is proof that 9/11 was a false-flag attack when the Northwoods report goes out of its way to minimize American casualties IN the false-flag "incidents" (Real or Not)

Second, You said nothing about ensuing wars, or blaming innocent people in the above post....
Once I proved you wrong, then you resort to running in circles and claiming that the ensuing wars would kill people, and that the government is obviously capable of it, and that citizens would join the army and thus be killed. Everyone of these things are complely obvious outcomes of something that DID NOT HAPPEN. AND EVEN IF THEY DID CARRY OUT ANY OF THESE SCENARIOS, American citzens would not be armed in the carrying out of the false-flag attack....

That's why you twoofers are as shitty as you are. You post vague and obvious statements. When you get proven wrong, then that gives you about 30 strawmans to branch on to and change your argument. You're wrong and you know it. I think I'm going to print this whole thread, take it work and show everyone what kind of morons exist in this world.
Common Jonesy boy. What do you think of your precious top secret document now. If anything, that document proves the extreme length that the U.S. was willing to go to ensure no American lives were lost in the false-flag operations....

Ok, so you implied that the US was sparing/saving people from being killed by using an unmanned plane, but get real man, innocent people and military personnel would be killed as a result of the plan either way.
So do you know of a false flag attack involving the US, that did not eventually cause the deaths of Americans or innocent people?
I'd love to know about it.
Your attempt to portray the US officials who planned this, as somehow being so caring and thoughtful! :lol: How nice of them.
It really is a pathetic attempt, I mean really you are as low as low could go.
Operation Northwoods called for a war in which many patriotic Americans and innocent Cubans would die senseless deaths, all to satisfy the egos of twisted generals back in Washington, safe in their taxpayer financed homes and limousines. But in your twisted and diseased view of the world this is exceptable because you somehow think using a drone makes it a benevolent act that wouldn't hurt anybody!

I bolded the part that you DIDN'T say when you posted your little document as proof of 9/11 being a false-flag attack.

And your question about me knowing of any false-flag attack is a trick question numb-nuts. If it didn't happen then it wouldn't be a false-flag attack dip-shit. On top of that, you're assuming that you know which incidents are false-flag attacks and which one's aren't. According to you're dumb-ass they are all false-flag attacks. In that case, I guess every war in the history of earth was caused by a false-falg attack...:doubt::cuckoo:
I'll ask you some simple questions. All you have to do is say "yes" or "no"

Does the Northwoods Document, in any way, shape or form, indiciate that the United States government was behind the September 11th attacks?

Does the Northwoods Document, in any way, shape or form, indicate that the United States government planned and initiatied the 9/11 attacks as false-flag attack? (Keep in mind that LIHOP is not a false-flag attack--considering the attack itself was not false.)

Does the Northwoods Document, in any way, shape or form, indicate that the United States Government is willing to murder any of it's own civilians upon the initiation and actual duration of a false-flag "incident?"

If you're answer to these three questions is anything other than "NO." Then you've officially awarded yourself the "Dumbest Poster Award" on these boards.
. I'll start listening when you can post ACTUAL EVIDENCE that I can find no counter to.
Try this one on for size then. According to the government that you are so convinced is telling you the truth, and that in your opinion would never ever harm its own people-they thought this would work-Operation Northwoods: Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba, 3/13/62
with remote guidance..back in the '60s no less.
But they would never hurt their own peoples huh?Wise up dude, you really should know better.

Your post was above. Notice how you put OWN people. You're implying that the Northwoods document proves that the U.S. government is willing to kill over 3,000 (as on 9/11) of it's people in a false-flag attack.
You lie, I did not give a number of victims but you insert the 3000 victims figure for effect, and you know it stooge. Nice try.
Also the NWDs doc does indeed provide proof they are willing to kill their own, and others. Are you seriously that stupid to think a false flag attack of any kind is not intended to draw the US into a war?? Where upon Americans and the other nations people would not be killed/murdered?

You post a document from 1962 and claim it's proof when the document actually shows that the government is not willing to kill even one of it's own citizens IN A FALSE-FLAG ATTACK. THEREFORE, September 11th could not be a false-flag attack based on your document. How can you claim that is proof that 9/11 was a false-flag attack when the Northwoods report goes out of its way to minimize American casualties IN the false-flag "incidents" (Real or Not)
Again you miss the point, on purpose no doubt. First the document informs that the information therein is not to be distributed to just anybody, so you would have Americans that would not be in the know, we can safely assume that there would be gunfire, someone would be fucking KILLED, no fucking doubt.
Perhaps some Cuban friendlies would know but most would not be in the know, and they would our personnel..and some of our people would be killed.
Don't forget this was supposed to kick off an invasion, and you don't think the planners were aware their actions would get anybody killed, you fucking idiot?
Lastly I did not say that providing you this link to the doc, is proof positive that 9-11 was a false flag, those are your words, again a lie for effect, but rather that the US was capable of committing to such a plan, and obviously they are.

Second, You said nothing about ensuing wars, or blaming innocent people in the above post....
I guess you do not understand the concept behind such operations then. Well do you understand now what the fuck it is?

Once I proved you wrong, then you resort to running in circles and claiming that the ensuing wars would kill people, and that the government is obviously capable of it, and that citizens would join the army and thus be killed.
Look in your feeble attempt and rush to be the good little stooge and prove me wrong you did not even think what the outcome of this plan would be? Or the purpose of it? I see now you are only here to try and prove people wrong, instead of engaging in decent discussion where upon people could come to forums like these and learn something they didn't know before.
Seriously, the plan clearly outlines a false flag attack, and the purpose of such plan is to draw blame on an innocent nation to provoke a war based on lies, and we all know that war, false flag induced or not gets people KILLED, and IMO the soldiers that are led to their deaths on false pretenses are victims of MURDER..on both sides.

Everyone of these things are complely obvious outcomes of something that DID NOT HAPPEN. AND EVEN IF THEY DID CARRY OUT ANY OF THESE SCENARIOS, American citzens would not be armed in the carrying out of the false-flag attack....
Our military peeps would be armed, aren't they citizens of the US serving in a military capacity for their country?
Dream on dude...dream on.
That's why you twoofers are as shitty as you are. You post vague and obvious statements.
I can't help it if you're too stupid to follow along obvious outcomes, then you get all huffy about it but it is a result of your own mental shortcomings.

When you get proven wrong, then that gives you about 30 strawmans to branch on to and change your argument.
30 huh, care to point all these imaginary strawmen out?
What strawman idiot? I explained everything to you in a manner a 10 year old could understand, again don't blame others if you got yourself into a debate where your only intention was proving someone wrong and then you get your ass handed to you like a fucking hat moron.

You're wrong and you know it.
Sorry dude, the NWDs doc clearly shows what your leaders are capable of, in black and white, and you trying to circumvent the obvious is well..obvious.
But hey look at it this way, now you know this shit is real, and we live in a world that is run by some crazy way evil fucks.

I think I'm going to print this whole thread, take it work and show everyone what kind of morons exist in this world.
Ok but don't be surprised if you get laughed at, just sayin...I proved to you what I intended and you got schooled on what the purpose of false flag attacks are, and the death and destruction that follows, and how our own trusted leaders really are capable and willing to shed innocent blood to fulfill their agenda.
Perhaps you could ask for some help next time, or at least think shit through before you go on the attack...LOL.Attack..get it? As in false flag attack?!! :lol: Couldn't resist :lol:
Common Jonesy boy. What do you think of your precious top secret document now. If anything, that document proves the extreme length that the U.S. was willing to go to ensure no American lives were lost in the false-flag operations....

Ok, so you implied that the US was sparing/saving people from being killed by using an unmanned plane, but get real man, innocent people and military personnel would be killed as a result of the plan either way.
So do you know of a false flag attack involving the US, that did not eventually cause the deaths of Americans or innocent people?
I'd love to know about it.
Your attempt to portray the US officials who planned this, as somehow being so caring and thoughtful! :lol: How nice of them.
It really is a pathetic attempt, I mean really you are as low as low could go.
Operation Northwoods called for a war in which many patriotic Americans and innocent Cubans would die senseless deaths, all to satisfy the egos of twisted generals back in Washington, safe in their taxpayer financed homes and limousines. But in your twisted and diseased view of the world this is exceptable because you somehow think using a drone makes it a benevolent act that wouldn't hurt anybody!

I bolded the part that you DIDN'T say when you posted your little document as proof of 9/11 being a false-flag attack.
What's your purpose? It is a true statement regardless if I said it or not. This plan was to be carried out in our name, under false pretenses.
Also on page 9 of the doc it clearly says the following:
"The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking asylum.We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route to Florida, (real or simulated) We could foster events on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs, in carefully chosen spots..
So killing a boatload of INNOCENT Cubans who thought they were on their way to be free in the god ole' USA would be no big deal. Or "wounding" Cubans already in the US is ok? And who's to say that these "woundings" would not possibly result in an innocent death, of an American even who was standing too close to the target??
This whole plan and others before and since have killed/murdered innocent civilians, and military peeps.

And your question about me knowing of any false-flag attack is a trick question numb-nuts. If it didn't happen then it wouldn't be a false-flag attack dip-shit.
LOL WOW no wonder...All this time and you didn't know what "false flag" meant :lol: And you call me a dipshit, man thanks for the laugh though!
But seriously no, I really was not trying to pull a fast one on you, there are many instances of real false attacks you can read about, but I will admit to a little sarcasm, since there was no way you would have found any of these attacks that did not produce innocent carnage. Look em up and you'll see.

On top of that, you're assuming that you know which incidents are false-flag attacks and which one's aren't. According to you're dumb-ass they are all false-flag attacks. In that case, I guess every war in the history of earth was caused by a false-falg attack...:doubt::cuckoo
Um no, Again YOU ARE THE DUMBASS:lol::lol: like I said above there are such incidents that are documented, and by the way it would help if you understood the definition of "false flag". Hint it does not mean it didn't happen or exist, it means under false pretenses, and flying the flag of the nation you want to go to war with, like using the enemies uniform etc..
Look it up, you'll see.
I'll ask you some simple questions. All you have to do is say "yes" or "no"

Does the Northwoods Document, in any way, shape or form, indiciate that the United States government was behind the September 11th attacks?

Does the Northwoods Document, in any way, shape or form, indicate that the United States government planned and initiatied the 9/11 attacks as false-flag attack? (Keep in mind that LIHOP is not a false-flag attack--considering the attack itself was not false.)

Does the Northwoods Document, in any way, shape or form, indicate that the United States Government is willing to murder any of it's own civilians upon the initiation and actual duration of a false-flag "incident?"

If you're answer to these three questions is anything other than "NO." Then you've officially awarded yourself the "Dumbest Poster Award" on these boards.

Look man..look up these sort of instances, and you'll see they are real and have happened and are documented, but the revelation of the NWDs doc alone should make most people very leery of the fucks running our country.
As for the 9-11 attacks there are similarities to the NWD plan, but my intention was not to somehow prove the existence of it proves 9-11 was one for certain, that is not possible, but of course if you ask me if 9-11 was a false flag attack I would say given all the secrecy and all the lies and cover up attempts, and all that I know about the sick fucks who run the nation/world, it should be no surprise, I truly think it was. :eek:
Try this one on for size then. According to the government that you are so convinced is telling you the truth, and that in your opinion would never ever harm its own people-they thought this would work-Operation Northwoods: Justification for U.S. Military Intervention in Cuba, 3/13/62
with remote guidance..back in the '60s no less.
But they would never hurt their own peoples huh?Wise up dude, you really should know better.

You lie, I did not give a number of victims but you insert the 3000 victims figure for effect, and you know it stooge. Nice try.
Also the NWDs doc does indeed provide proof they are willing to kill their own, and others. Are you seriously that stupid to think a false flag attack of any kind is not intended to draw the US into a war?? Where upon Americans and the other nations people would not be killed/murdered?

Again you miss the point, on purpose no doubt. First the document informs that the information therein is not to be distributed to just anybody, so you would have Americans that would not be in the know, we can safely assume that there would be gunfire, someone would be fucking KILLED, no fucking doubt.
Perhaps some Cuban friendlies would know but most would not be in the know, and they would our personnel..and some of our people would be killed.
Don't forget this was supposed to kick off an invasion, and you don't think the planners were aware their actions would get anybody killed, you fucking idiot?
Lastly I did not say that providing you this link to the doc, is proof positive that 9-11 was a false flag, those are your words, again a lie for effect, but rather that the US was capable of committing to such a plan, and obviously they are.

I guess you do not understand the concept behind such operations then. Well do you understand now what the fuck it is?

Look in your feeble attempt and rush to be the good little stooge and prove me wrong you did not even think what the outcome of this plan would be? Or the purpose of it? I see now you are only here to try and prove people wrong, instead of engaging in decent discussion where upon people could come to forums like these and learn something they didn't know before.
Seriously, the plan clearly outlines a false flag attack, and the purpose of such plan is to draw blame on an innocent nation to provoke a war based on lies, and we all know that war, false flag induced or not gets people KILLED, and IMO the soldiers that are led to their deaths on false pretenses are victims of MURDER..on both sides.

Our military peeps would be armed, aren't they citizens of the US serving in a military capacity for their country?
Dream on dude...dream on.
I can't help it if you're too stupid to follow along obvious outcomes, then you get all huffy about it but it is a result of your own mental shortcomings.

30 huh, care to point all these imaginary strawmen out?
What strawman idiot? I explained everything to you in a manner a 10 year old could understand, again don't blame others if you got yourself into a debate where your only intention was proving someone wrong and then you get your ass handed to you like a fucking hat moron.

Sorry dude, the NWDs doc clearly shows what your leaders are capable of, in black and white, and you trying to circumvent the obvious is well..obvious.
But hey look at it this way, now you know this shit is real, and we live in a world that is run by some crazy way evil fucks.

I think I'm going to print this whole thread, take it work and show everyone what kind of morons exist in this world.
Ok but don't be surprised if you get laughed at, just sayin...I proved to you what I intended and you got schooled on what the purpose of false flag attacks are, and the death and destruction that follows, and how our own trusted leaders really are capable and willing to shed innocent blood to fulfill their agenda.
Perhaps you could ask for some help next time, or at least think shit through before you go on the attack...LOL.Attack..get it? As in false flag attack?!! :lol: Couldn't resist :lol:

This entire post is not worthy of a response considering 99% of it is speculation on your part.

I gave 3,000 as a number because that's approximately how many peope were killed in the Sept. 11 attacks shit-for-brains.

I can't even believe you're human.
Ok, so you implied that the US was sparing/saving people from being killed by using an unmanned plane, but get real man, innocent people and military personnel would be killed as a result of the plan either way.
So do you know of a false flag attack involving the US, that did not eventually cause the deaths of Americans or innocent people?
I'd love to know about it.
Your attempt to portray the US officials who planned this, as somehow being so caring and thoughtful! :lol: How nice of them.
It really is a pathetic attempt, I mean really you are as low as low could go.
Operation Northwoods called for a war in which many patriotic Americans and innocent Cubans would die senseless deaths, all to satisfy the egos of twisted generals back in Washington, safe in their taxpayer financed homes and limousines. But in your twisted and diseased view of the world this is exceptable because you somehow think using a drone makes it a benevolent act that wouldn't hurt anybody!

What's your purpose? It is a true statement regardless if I said it or not. This plan was to be carried out in our name, under false pretenses.
Also on page 9 of the doc it clearly says the following:
"The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking asylum.We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route to Florida, (real or simulated) We could foster events on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs, in carefully chosen spots..
So killing a boatload of INNOCENT Cubans who thought they were on their way to be free in the god ole' USA would be no big deal. Or "wounding" Cubans already in the US is ok? And who's to say that these "woundings" would not possibly result in an innocent death, of an American even who was standing too close to the target??
This whole plan and others before and since have killed/murdered innocent civilians, and military peeps.

LOL WOW no wonder...All this time and you didn't know what "false flag" meant :lol: And you call me a dipshit, man thanks for the laugh though!
But seriously no, I really was not trying to pull a fast one on you, there are many instances of real false attacks you can read about, but I will admit to a little sarcasm, since there was no way you would have found any of these attacks that did not produce innocent carnage. Look em up and you'll see.

On top of that, you're assuming that you know which incidents are false-flag attacks and which one's aren't. According to you're dumb-ass they are all false-flag attacks. In that case, I guess every war in the history of earth was caused by a false-falg attack...:doubt::cuckoo
Um no, Again YOU ARE THE DUMBASS:lol::lol: like I said above there are such incidents that are documented, and by the way it would help if you understood the definition of "false flag". Hint it does not mean it didn't happen or exist, it means under false pretenses, and flying the flag of the nation you want to go to war with, like using the enemies uniform etc..
Look it up, you'll see.

READ YOU'RE OWN BOLDED POST....IT SAYS "REAL OR SIMULATED". ALSO, you said "KILLING OUR OWN PEOPLE IN YOUR POST, NOT OTHER NATIONS. You must be halfway to China in that hole your digging.
Ok, so you implied that the US was sparing/saving people from being killed by using an unmanned plane, but get real man, innocent people and military personnel would be killed as a result of the plan either way.
So do you know of a false flag attack involving the US, that did not eventually cause the deaths of Americans or innocent people?
I'd love to know about it.
Your attempt to portray the US officials who planned this, as somehow being so caring and thoughtful! :lol: How nice of them.
It really is a pathetic attempt, I mean really you are as low as low could go.
Operation Northwoods called for a war in which many patriotic Americans and innocent Cubans would die senseless deaths, all to satisfy the egos of twisted generals back in Washington, safe in their taxpayer financed homes and limousines. But in your twisted and diseased view of the world this is exceptable because you somehow think using a drone makes it a benevolent act that wouldn't hurt anybody!

What's your purpose? It is a true statement regardless if I said it or not. This plan was to be carried out in our name, under false pretenses.
Also on page 9 of the doc it clearly says the following:
"The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking asylum.We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route to Florida, (real or simulated) We could foster events on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized. Exploding a few plastic bombs, in carefully chosen spots..
So killing a boatload of INNOCENT Cubans who thought they were on their way to be free in the god ole' USA would be no big deal. Or "wounding" Cubans already in the US is ok? And who's to say that these "woundings" would not possibly result in an innocent death, of an American even who was standing too close to the target??
This whole plan and others before and since have killed/murdered innocent civilians, and military peeps.

LOL WOW no wonder...All this time and you didn't know what "false flag" meant :lol: And you call me a dipshit, man thanks for the laugh though!
But seriously no, I really was not trying to pull a fast one on you, there are many instances of real false attacks you can read about, but I will admit to a little sarcasm, since there was no way you would have found any of these attacks that did not produce innocent carnage. Look em up and you'll see.

On top of that, you're assuming that you know which incidents are false-flag attacks and which one's aren't. According to you're dumb-ass they are all false-flag attacks. In that case, I guess every war in the history of earth was caused by a false-falg attack...:doubt::cuckoo
Um no, Again YOU ARE THE DUMBASS:lol::lol: like I said above there are such incidents that are documented, and by the way it would help if you understood the definition of "false flag". Hint it does not mean it didn't happen or exist, it means under false pretenses, and flying the flag of the nation you want to go to war with, like using the enemies uniform etc..
Look it up, you'll see.

You're rambling now and continuing to make less and less sense. IN ORDER FOR SOMETHING TO BE A FALSE-FLAG EVENT....................................................AN EVENT MUST TAKE PLACE SO THAT IT CAN EVEN BE BLAMED FALSELY ON SOMEONE ELSE. IF AN EVENT DOESN'T TAKE PLACE, IT CAN'T BE LABELED A FALSE-FLAG EVENT....

Two things have become clear in this debate.... 1. Mr. Jones ≠ Intelligence 2. Based on your baseless ranting and complete lack of reading comprehension, you must be a troll and nothing more. You have such an inability to comprehend what you read that you can't even wage an intelligent debate. All you can do is claim that I didn't know something and attempt to make it look like you're winning. Let me know when you graduate from high school Charlie Sheen
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False flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"False colors" redirects here. For the imaging technique, see False-color.
False flag (aka Black Flag) operations are covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and can be used in peace-time.
False flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"False colors" redirects here. For the imaging technique, see False-color.
False flag (aka Black Flag) operations are covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and can be used in peace-time.

No one is debating the definition of "false-flag." I have never said that the U.S. has not participated in false-flag incidents with intentions of leading us to war. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the U.S.S. Maine were used for these purposes; even though the U.S.S. Maine actually blew up by accident...but was used as a false-flag event.

I'm really getting tired of repeating myself.

Once again...Mr. Jones is trying to prove that 9/11 was false-flag attack carried out or allowed by the U.S. government to propel us into war in the Middle East. He posted the Operation Northwoods Document claiming that it was proof that the U.S. was willing to kill it's own people in a false-flag incident. (Implying that the approx. 3,000 U.S. citizens killed on September 11th were victims of a false-flag attack) He continues to post edited passages from the document and claims that they are proof without posting the rest of the subsections below each false-flag scenario.

I read further on the document where, in each subsection, it laid out the plans for removing American citizens or personnel from harms way during each false-flag incident.

For example: The "college student" plan clearly showed that CIA and Government agents would board a pane and fly towards Cuba. An identical (droned) plane would also fly in the same direction. At some point, the plane with the passengers would land at Elgin AFB and be evacuated while the identical drone plane would send out a May Day message. (This does not illustrate the U.S. willingness to sacrifice American lives in a false-flag attack-thus doing nothing for Mr. Jones' argument that Sept. 11 was false flag attack.)

Another example would be the scenario in which a U.S. fighter jet would be shot down by the Cubans. This scenario is virtually identical to the previous scenario in that the pilot would report being fired at by an enemy jet. The pilot would then land securely at a safe location and a droned F-16 would be shot down...simulating that one of our pilots was shot down by the Cubans. (Once again we have a scenario in which an American citizen's life was night being sacrificed in a false-flag attack).

Another example is the suggestion of MIG planes harrassing civil airliners. In this scenario, our own planes would be painted like MIGs and then harrass commercial airliners so that the passengers could get home and say that they identified the jet as a MIG. (Once again, no mention of blowing planes out of the sky and killing innocent Americans).

There is one scenario that suggests shooting a Cuban refugee flotilla...HOWEVER THIS ALSO SUGGESTS THAT THE INCIDENT COULD BE FAKED RATHER THAN ACTUALLY DONE. And furthermore, it still does not illustrate the U.S. Government's willingness to murder it's own civiliians in a false-flag attack. It does illustrate the U.S. Government's willingness to kill people from another country in a false-flag attack.

Eots...I know you and I disagree on a lot in this regard, BUT, you have to admit that by reading this document, it does not suggest the U.S. is willing to lose it's own citizens in these false-flag attacks. Whether they actually do or not is not the question, but rather tha this document proves it.

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