Tyrell pulls out knife, cop shoots him dead

He's got a shopping bag in his other hand.
He doesn't want his stuff stolen.

What a stupid excuses you make, it is clear once again you didn't watch the video, the policeman was never interested in his stuff except for the knife, the audio and CC makes that clear.

Why are you posting idiotically?

Dont mind him...He's Justinacoma.
Bodycam video now released of March incident.

‘Touch Me and See What’s Up!’: Body Cam Video Shows Cop Fatally Shooting Man Who Brandished Knife in California Intersection

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Tyrell Wilson brandished a knife seconds before he was shot.
Warning: the video below is graphic.

Body camera and other video released this week shows a confrontation which led to the eventual police shooting of Tyrell Wilson, 32, in Danville, Calif., on March 11. Officer Andrew Hall, a 7-and-a-half-year veteran of the Danville Police Department, confronted Wilson in an intersection, the video shows. When Hall pulled the trigger, his body camera revealed that he appeared to have a sticker of a “Thin Blue Line” flag attached to his service weapon.

‘Touch Me and See What’s Up!’: Body Cam Video Shows Cop Fatally Shooting Man Who Brandished Knife in California Intersection (msn.com)
So the cop shot a crazy transient and you cum all over yourself?
Why didn't he drop it or why did he pull it out of his pocket in the first place. If somebody sticks
3 1/2" of pocket knife in your gut, you going to say, "Thank God he didn't shoot me"?
It wasn't even close to anybody's gut. And he wasn't threatening anybody with it.
Just a black man holding a pocket knife in his hand. And they killed him for it.
Yeah it’s murder. Why aren’t cops taught to deescalate situations like this? It seems they shoot first ask questions later. WTF!
The entire video made it to Youtube. He dropped Mr. Pointy-Stabby like a sack of potatoes...

The Jaywalker actions created his death, he resisted several lawful commands, pulls a knife on the policeman who didn't have a gun in his hand at the time, then moves at him after the policeman brought out his gun.

What a stupid man Tyrell is.

"Why didn't he just shoot the knife out of his hand? Marshal Dillon does that all the time of TV..."

Vegas is opened !!
I am going to check to see if they open the Jewish bathhouses soon ..need to get a little action. Hehe
Why aren’t cops taught to deescalate situations like this?
Better yet, why don't they refrain from pulling their guns with a itchy trigger finger, "escalating" situations and picking fights that don't need to be started?
It would have been better for the cops if they hadn't gotten themselves so worked up on that lip-service labor union.
Why didn't he drop it or why did he pull it out of his pocket in the first place. If somebody sticks
3 1/2" of pocket knife in your gut, you going to say, "Thank God he didn't shoot me"?
It wasn't even close to anybody's gut. And he wasn't threatening anybody with it.
Just a black man holding a pocket knife in his hand. And they killed him for it.
Yeah it’s murder. Why aren’t cops taught to deescalate situations like this? It seems they shoot first ask questions later. WTF!
They are, but at some point they obviously think, "Ut-Oh! Continue deescalate or take on this idiot with his knife bare handed. Nope, think I'll have dinner with my wife and kiss my kids goodnight." It sucks to be a moron with a knife.
Why didn't he drop it or why did he pull it out of his pocket in the first place. If somebody sticks
3 1/2" of pocket knife in your gut, you going to say, "Thank God he didn't shoot me"?
It wasn't even close to anybody's gut. And he wasn't threatening anybody with it.
Just a black man holding a pocket knife in his hand. And they killed him for it.
Yeah it’s murder. Why aren’t cops taught to deescalate situations like this? It seems they shoot first ask questions later. WTF!

You go "deescalate' some uppity doped-up crazy guy with a knife, then let me know how it worked out for you.
I am sure a navy seal could make that shot lol
They tried that. Testing the waters. The court-martial's willingness to prosecute.
So, does anybody know the name of the artist chosen to do his mural, yet?
Whose property are you tagging?
A knife can kill you just as easily as a gun
A gun kills more reliably at a greater distance than a knife. But guns are loud. Knives are not.
And there are hunting bows and crossbows with bolts and arrows fitted with razor-sharp knives on the head.
Hunger Games was a movie. But the story is true. Parents in their old age are putting their adult children out in the arena like that and hunting them down for sport.
Why aren’t cops taught to deescalate situations like this?
Better yet, why don't they refrain from pulling their guns with a itchy trigger finger, "escalating" situations and picking fights that don't need to be started?
It would have been better for the cops if they hadn't gotten themselves so worked up on that lip-service labor union.

Meanwhile you ignored the article because reading it too hard for you:

A March 11 press release from the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office said Hall was dispatched at 11:48 a.m. after police “received several calls from motorists regarding a person who was throwing rocks off the Sycamore Valley Road overpass onto Highway 680.” (In California, that suspected crime would seem to qualify as both assault with a deadly weapon and battery.) The news release continues:

The man was doing the following

Throwing rocks onto the highway, Jaywalking, refusing lawful police requests, escalating the situation with his stupid attitude, doubting that he is talking to a policeman and pulling a knife on the policeman who had yet to get his gun, then starts walking towards him with the knife in his hand.

Yeah other than that he was a wonderful citizen..... :rolleyes:
Why didn't he drop it or why did he pull it out of his pocket in the first place. If somebody sticks
3 1/2" of pocket knife in your gut, you going to say, "Thank God he didn't shoot me"?
It wasn't even close to anybody's gut. And he wasn't threatening anybody with it.
Just a black man holding a pocket knife in his hand. And they killed him for it.
That is very much a fighting grip. A knife that size is lethal in the Hands of someone who knows how to use it.
That is very much a fighting grip. A knife that size is lethal in the Hands of someone who knows how to use it.
I didn't say it wasn't. Is he accused of shoplifting from the store(s) he walked out of with the bag, the goods, and the receipt in it?
Serious question - when does the personal responsibility of these blacks actually kick in?

As a white person I am held responsible for absolutely everything I do, every decision I make and also held accountable and responsible for things other white folk done hundreds of years ago.

Yet there's this alternate culture when it comes to black criminals? it's the Police, the ghetto's, no opportunities, single parent upbringings, no jobs, education - all of which is total fabricated bullshit btw.

Blacks are like the lefts little pets. They want to mollycoddle them, put them in bubbles and speak on their behalf - it's the other side of the coin to when other white folk had them as slaves. It's the same principle at the end of the day.
Well, actually, the immediate cause of intrenched poverty, dependency and criminality in the black community is fatherlessness and the government policies that subsidize it. That's how lefty keeps a generational supply of dependents on the plantation, as that is the result of transferring familiar responsibilities to the state.

The very same people who keeps voting the democrats back into office that allows the enforced planation life to continue. They can leave it any time they want, but requires a free thinking approach to make that possible, but is impossible as they continue to drink the leftist Kool-Aid to notice.

And so it goes. . . . It's the damnedest thing!

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