U.N. panel backs call for reparations

Racism requires two things to exist: power and privelege.

Since people of color have neither power nor privelege, by denifition, they cannot be racist. Only whites, who have all the privelege and power in this country, can be racist.

This thread--your thread is about reparations.

So how much do you want?
U.N. panel backs call for reparations

"A comprehensive, up-to-date 22-page report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent was released Aug. 18. It offers an overview of slavery, Jim Crow racism, lynching, the Civil Rights Movement and other historical and current events. It does not mince words. (tinyurl.com/gth8o8l)"

The world has spoken. it is time for the U.S government to finally apologize for the oppressive institution of slavery, and offer reparations to all people of color who were affected by this dark chapter in human history

the world has spoken? or some hacks on a UN panel? who were those people, and did some one ask them if the world can please start paying their fair share of UN dues? instead of the US picking up their slack, year after year after year? About 140 million Africans were forcibly removed during the Arab/muslim slave trade over 14 centuries, of whom, 80 percent died on route. The Arabs then confiscated the land from the Africans they enslaved, btw you still got that going on in Sudan, so when the UN hacks going to do a study on that?

The US government apologized by having that little thing called a civil war.
It's truly saddening to see all the unapologetic racism here from white supremacists.

I thought this was a political forum, not stormfront!

Its one thing to be sorry that slavery happened, or empathize with people who were slaves, but its another thing to keep apologizing for it. That seems like a mental illness.

The issue of trying to correct social ills or help people within our country is another conversation that doesn't involve apologizing for slavery.
There is no such thing as racism towards whites.

Racism requires two things to exist: power and privelege.

Since people of color have neither power nor privelege, by denifition, they cannot be racist. Only whites, who have all the privelege and power in this country, can be racist.

7 reasons why reverse racism doesn't exist

This Comedian Brilliantly Destroys the Myth of “Reverse Racism” in Less Than 3 Minutes
Power and Privilege >>>


Whites DO NOT have power and privilege. Whites are the MOST DISCRIMINATED AGAINST group in America (by AFFIRMATIVE ACTION). This racist discrimination is, by far, the largest racial discrimination in America, against the largest number of people, for 55 years.

It is not only racist Blacks who discriminate against Whites in AA, many of the AA racists are Whites themselves.

There is no such thing as reverse racism. There is no "reverse" of anything. Racist discrimination against whites has been going on for over half a century, with unearned preference privileges given to Blacks. The time when Blacks were the victims, was so long ago that most Americans weren't even alive then.

And Affirmative Action doesn't just discrimate agaisnt Whites. It discrimiantes against Hispanics, Asians, and other races too. The only race that seems to be immune to it is Blacks.

When I (half Hispanic) was denied an assistantship in graduate school, 2 other Hispanics and 2 Asians were also denied. The only ones who received them were all of the 8 Blacks who applied.

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U.N. panel backs call for reparations

"A comprehensive, up-to-date 22-page report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent was released Aug. 18. It offers an overview of slavery, Jim Crow racism, lynching, the Civil Rights Movement and other historical and current events. It does not mince words. (tinyurl.com/gth8o8l)"

The world has spoken. it is time for the U.S government to finally apologize for the oppressive institution of slavery, and offer reparations to all people of color who were affected by this dark chapter in human history
We should indeed be making reparations. To Vietnam, Iraq, Guatemala, Iran and every other country where we propped up dictators or brought massive amounts of death and destruction in the name of Democracy.
U.N. panel backs call for reparations

"A comprehensive, up-to-date 22-page report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent was released Aug. 18. It offers an overview of slavery, Jim Crow racism, lynching, the Civil Rights Movement and other historical and current events. It does not mince words. (tinyurl.com/gth8o8l)"

The world has spoken. it is time for the U.S government to finally apologize for the oppressive institution of slavery, and offer reparations to all people of color who were affected by this dark chapter
The UN?

Sorry slick. The most oppressive body known to mankind demands we foot the bill.
Cut them off completely and eliminate them.
Its one thing to be sorry that slavery happened, or empathize with people who were slaves, but its another thing to keep apologizing for it. That seems like a mental illness.

The issue of trying to correct social ills or help people within our country is another conversation that doesn't involve apologizing for slavery.
Slavery and Jim Crow are things of past eras. The past 55 years, and currently, is the era of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. The only apologizing needed is from those who push and support AA, but apologizing is not adequate. Apologies are for the benefit of the apologizers. They don't help the victims of AA, who have suffered massive financial and personal loss for their entire lifetimes. Those perpetrators of AA, should be made to pay REPARATIONS$$$ to affirmative action victims.
Has the UN deployed blue helmets to take over Portugal?

"Has the UN deployed blue helmets to take over Portugal?"

The blue helmets are so 20th Century and blue is also bigoted and not inclusive of LGBT and the Gender Fluids, the helmets now are these.


The new UN sponsored tank with it's crew, they're en route in this picture to invade and take over Portugal.

Look! I see Tommy Tainant riding the turret.

Big smile Tommy.
We should indeed be making reparations. To Vietnam, Iraq, Guatemala, Iran and every other country where we propped up dictators or brought massive amounts of death and destruction in the name of Democracy.
Mexico, China, India, Phillipines, Guatemala, Nigeria, and other countries that have engaged in imperialism against the USA (remittances$$$ and the anchor baby racket) should make reparations to the US to pay back the money they stole from these 21st century style plunders.
You want reparations...
Long Island...Nassau County...
1,000s of Blacks earning MAYBE 20K/year owning their own 500K homes.
TELL me Blacks aren't receiving reparations.
The world has spoken. it is time for the U.S government to finally apologize for the oppressive institution of slavery, and offer reparations to all people of color who were affected by this dark chapter in human history

That's hilarious the UN has as much standing in my mind as BLM, the ACLU or the NAACP.... NONE!!!!

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