U.N. panel backs call for reparations

While the African "working group" enjoys the benefits and the hospitality of the greatest Country in the world and ponders 19th century abuses, shouldn't they consider and address (and justify?) 21st century slavery in their freaking home countries?
While the African "working group" enjoys the benefits and the hospitality of the greatest Country in the world and ponders 19th century abuses, shouldn't they consider and address (and justify?) 21st century slavery in their freaking home countries?

The west should apologize for introducing the concept of slavery, invented by the Greeks and Romans, to their colonial possessions. Slavery in Africa did not exist when the European colonialism began. They were the ones who introduced the concept to the rest of the world, yet another of colonialism's toxic consequences felt to this day.
The west should apologize for introducing the concept of slavery, invented by the Greeks and Romans, to their colonial possessions. Slavery in Africa did not exist when the European colonialism began. They were the ones who introduced the concept to the rest of the world, yet another of colonialism's toxic consequences felt to this day.

The modern day West should apologize for ancient Greece and write you a check.

How much do you want?
Because it's not scientific evidence. It's horseshit. A comedian =\= a scientist.

There is no scientific anything on racism. It's all opinion.
So it's not a proven fact that whites enslaved people of color for over 400 years? Or that Jim Crow laws existed. Or that African Americans are still suffering from police brutality and mass incarceration for the same crimes that whites get plea bargains for?
No it's NOT a proven fact that "Whites" enslaved people for over 400 years. It's not a fact AT ALL. Here's why >>

1. Many people, who are not white, participated in the enslavement that you cite. This is includes Blacks in Africa who sold their brethern into slavery, and Arab slavers from North Africa, who captured, sold, and enslaved Blacks for centuries before any slave ship arrived in America.

2. Slavery in the US was only in the South. Millions of Northern Whites had nothing to do with it.

3. Even in the South, only a tiny minority of White southerners owned slaves. The great majority never did, and in mountain areas of the South, many people lived their whole lives never even knowing slavery existed.

4. In the South, many white Southerners were just as oppressed by Jim Crow as Blacks. Poverty was rampant throughout the South, among Blacks and Whites both. Civil war photograghs of dead soldiers on battlefields, show scores of Confederate soldiers barefoot. A common saying among White Confederate soldiers, when receiving their new uniforms (the lucky ones), boots and all, was >> "This is the best suit of clothes I've ever owned."

5. You are brainwashed by the Obama/Sharpton race hustle campaign. Blacks are not suffering from police brutality, that is a con job, designed to get them to vote Democrat. Blacks get jail time same as Whites. They just commit crime more often. And don't blame their economic status. They get Affirmative Action, and are more able to get into college, or get jobs than Whites are.

6. African Americans is a false term. The correct term is Blacks. Blacks in America have no connection to Africa whatsoever,. They don't speak African languages, they don't understand African cultures (of which there are many), and few of them have ever set foot in Africa.
Throughout my life, I have met 4 guys are truly African-American. They were BORN IN AFRICA, lived there until adults, and then immigrated to the US, and became American citizens. They all speak the African languages of the home countries (Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, and Rhodesia - now called Zimbabwe) All 4 truly are African-Americans. All 4 are White.
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While the African "working group" enjoys the benefits and the hospitality of the greatest Country in the world and ponders 19th century abuses, shouldn't they consider and address (and justify?) 21st century slavery in their freaking home countries?

The west should apologize for introducing the concept of slavery, invented by the Greeks and Romans, to their colonial possessions. Slavery in Africa did not exist when the European colonialism began. They were the ones who introduced the concept to the rest of the world, yet another of colonialism's toxic consequences felt to this day.
Actually, the West (White Europeans) were made slaves themselves, victims of the Arab Muslim slave trade, for hundreds of years as recently as the 19th century (same time period that Blacks were enslaved in the US.

Between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured between the 16th and 19th centuries by Barbary corsairs, who were vassals of the Ottoman Empire, and sold as slaves.[18][19][20] These slaves were captured mainly from seaside villages from Italy, Spain, Portugal and also from more distant places like France or England, the Netherlands, Ireland and even Iceland. They were also taken from ships stopped by the pirates.[21]

The effects of these attacks were devastating: France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships. Long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants, because of frequent pirate attacks. Pirate raids discouraged settlement along the coast until the 19th century.[22][23]

Periodic Arab raiding expeditions were sent from Islamic Iberia to ravage the Christian Iberian kingdoms, bringing back booty and slaves. In a raid against Lisbon in 1189, for example, the Almohad caliph, Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, took 3,000 female and child captives, while his governor of Córdoba, in a subsequent attack upon Silves in 1191, took 3,000 Christian slaves.[24]

The Ottoman wars in Europe and Tatar raids (although not Arabic themselves) brought large numbers of European Christian slaves into the Muslim world.[25][26][27] In 1769 a last major Tatar raid saw the capture of 20,000 Russian and Polish slaves.[28]

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IDK why I keep clicking on this dumbfucks threads. He loses at everything.. He even got his ass kicked in his welcome thread. What a douche
IDK why I keep clicking on this dumbfucks threads. He loses at everything.. He even got his ass kicked in his welcome thread. What a douche

Its the 1000 monkeys typing scenario. Waiting on a great literary work.
U.N. panel backs call for reparations

"A comprehensive, up-to-date 22-page report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent was released Aug. 18. It offers an overview of slavery, Jim Crow racism, lynching, the Civil Rights Movement and other historical and current events. It does not mince words. (tinyurl.com/gth8o8l)"

The world has spoken. it is time for the U.S government to finally apologize for the oppressive institution of slavery, and offer reparations to all people of color who were affected by this dark chapter in human history

So how will they collect? Every black person will get two or three white slaves to work for them?

It's funny they say the reason it's needed isn't because of what happened 150-200 years ago, it's because of the income gap of today. In other words, because blacks are lazy and choose to live off welfare, they should be rewarded a permanent part of white people's income.
I wonder, just exactly how would reparations be paid out? Do all blacks get paid, or just the ones where it can be determined that slavery affected them? Since the country is already 20 trillion in debt thanks to a black man, who gets money taken away from them to pay for this?

While the African "working group" enjoys the benefits and the hospitality of the greatest Country in the world and ponders 19th century abuses, shouldn't they consider and address (and justify?) 21st century slavery in their freaking home countries?

The west should apologize for introducing the concept of slavery, invented by the Greeks and Romans, to their colonial possessions. Slavery in Africa did not exist when the European colonialism began. They were the ones who introduced the concept to the rest of the world, yet another of colonialism's toxic consequences felt to this day.
Actually, the West (White Europeans) were made slaves themselves, victims of the Arab Muslim slave trade, for hundreds of years as recently as the 19th century (same time period that Blacks were enslaved in the US.

Between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured between the 16th and 19th centuries by Barbary corsairs, who were vassals of the Ottoman Empire, and sold as slaves.[18][19][20] These slaves were captured mainly from seaside villages from Italy, Spain, Portugal and also from more distant places like France or England, the Netherlands, Ireland and even Iceland. They were also taken from ships stopped by the pirates.[21]

The effects of these attacks were devastating: France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships. Long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants, because of frequent pirate attacks. Pirate raids discouraged settlement along the coast until the 19th century.[22][23]

Periodic Arab raiding expeditions were sent from Islamic Iberia to ravage the Christian Iberian kingdoms, bringing back booty and slaves. In a raid against Lisbon in 1189, for example, the Almohad caliph, Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur, took 3,000 female and child captives, while his governor of Córdoba, in a subsequent attack upon Silves in 1191, took 3,000 Christian slaves.[24]

The Ottoman wars in Europe and Tatar raids (although not Arabic themselves) brought large numbers of European Christian slaves into the Muslim world.[25][26][27] In 1769 a last major Tatar raid saw the capture of 20,000 Russian and Polish slaves.[28]

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A few white people being kidnapped by other white people (the Turks are white) does not equal 24 MILLION Africans being enslaved by white people solely on the basis of their race
A few white people being kidnapped by other white people (the Turks are white) does not equal 24 MILLION Africans being enslaved by white people solely on the basis of their race
Arab Muslims not only enslaved Black Africans they also killed them. Here a tally of the Muslim murder count. >>>

120 Million Africans. 80 Million Hindus. 60 Million Christians. 10 Million Buddhists. 270 Million people.The number of Black Africans enslaved by a tiny minority of white US Southerners, is miniscule compared to the number of White Europeans who were taken over thousands of years.

But then main issue is the year 2016, and 55 years of racist discrimination against whites in Affirmative Action.. ANd sinc eyou like to talk about numbers so much, the 24 Million Blacks enslaved in the US South is a drop ion the bucket compared to hundreds of millions of Whites oppressed by Affirmative Action/

These hundreds of millions of Whites need to be compen$ated for their losses. Reparations for them should begin immediately.
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The world has spoken. it is time for the U.S government to finally apologize for the oppressive institution of slavery, and offer reparations to all people of color who were affected by this dark chapter in human history
All of these people are dead.
Thus, no reparations are possible.
The original slaves are dead, but their ancestors to this day still suffer from the collective pain of slavery, and the Jim Crow laws and de-facto slavery through the war on drugs and forced prison labor which still exists today.
The world has spoken. it is time for the U.S government to finally apologize for the oppressive institution of slavery, and offer reparations to all people of color who were affected by this dark chapter in human history
All of these people are dead.
Thus, no reparations are possible.
The original slaves are dead, but their ancestors to this day still suffer from the collective pain of slavery, and the Jim Crow laws and de-facto slavery through the war on drugs and forced prison labor which still exists today.
Show me someone who was a slave.
Show me someone who held slaves.
Once you do, you 'll have a case for reparations, as people who did not own slaves owe nothing to people who were not slaves.
The world has spoken. it is time for the U.S government to finally apologize for the oppressive institution of slavery, and offer reparations to all people of color who were affected by this dark chapter in human history
All of these people are dead.
Thus, no reparations are possible.
The original slaves are dead, but their ancestors to this day still suffer from the collective pain of slavery, and the Jim Crow laws and de-facto slavery through the war on drugs and forced prison labor which still exists today.
Show me someone who was a slave.
Show me someone who held slaves.
Once you do, you 'll have a case for reparations, as people who did not own slaves owe nothing to people who were not slaves.
God fucking damn it. You just don;t get it.

The negative affects of slavery and Jim Crow still affect people of color to this day. You know why people of color many times are not as financially well off as whites? Well, Jim Crow laws, slavery, and de-facto segregation continuing today has prevented these people of color from receiving the best education they possibly could, and systematic racism has kept them from breaking out of the bad situation their ancestors were put in when they were dragged in chains across the atlantic.

Meanwhile, the wealth that rich slave owners gained on the backs of their slaves still benefits their white descendants to this day.

Reparations are the only way to fix this imbalance of power and privelege, which has remained in place ever since hte founding of this country

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