U.N. panel backs call for reparations

The world has spoken. it is time for the U.S government to finally apologize for the oppressive institution of slavery, and offer reparations to all people of color who were affected by this dark chapter in human history
All of these people are dead.
Thus, no reparations are possible.
The original slaves are dead, but their ancestors to this day still suffer from the collective pain of slavery, and the Jim Crow laws and de-facto slavery through the war on drugs and forced prison labor which still exists today.
Show me someone who was a slave.
Show me someone who held slaves.
Once you do, you 'll have a case for reparations, as people who did not own slaves owe nothing to people who were not slaves.
God fucking damn it. You just don;t get it.
On the contrary.
You want white people who have done nothing wrong to give money to black people who have no claim to it.
That's the sum total of your argument for reparations.
You argue utter and complete nonsense - you know it, and you do not care.
50 years of reparations and still no progress....
Never will be until these eternal victims of everything stop depending on others to raise them....

Thanks ~
The world has spoken. it is time for the U.S government to finally apologize for the oppressive institution of slavery, and offer reparations to all people of color who were affected by this dark chapter in human history
All of these people are dead.
Thus, no reparations are possible.
All the white victims of Affirmative Action are not dead. We are still alive, and still being discrimianted against by AA in 42 states of the USA (AA is banned in 8 states).

AA should be banned in all 50 states, and every White American should be paid reparations of at least $10,000 per person (which is a severe undercompensation) Older Whites who have been victimized by AA for decades, should get more.
God fucking damn it. You just don;t get it.

The negative affects of slavery and Jim Crow still affect people of color to this day. You know why people of color many times are not as financially well off as whites? Well, Jim Crow laws, slavery, and de-facto segregation continuing today has prevented these people of color from receiving the best education they possibly could, and systematic racism has kept them from breaking out of the bad situation their ancestors were put in when they were dragged in chains across the atlantic.

Meanwhile, the wealth that rich slave owners gained on the backs of their slaves still benefits their white descendants to this day.

Reparations are the only way to fix this imbalance of power and privelege, which has remained in place ever since hte founding of this country
FALSE!! We hear this ludicrous
line all the time. That Blacks still suffer from negative affects of slavery and Jim Crow. Wow, What a CROCK. For many years, you could go to any big company, and find hundreds of Blacks employed in good jobs, wearing photo ID badges, and they've been there for years. They live in nice houses and have shiny new cars. And why wouldn't they ?....when they've been getting Affimative Action preference over Whites for 55 years.

What an idiotic thing to say that "systematic racism has kept them from breaking out of the bad situation their ancestors were put in", when in fact it is "systematic racism" (Affirmative Action) against Whites, that gives them an unfair advantage over the Whites. It is the Whites who are doing the suffering from "systematic racism", not Blacks.

And what another idiotic thing to say that "wealth that rich slave owners gained on the backs of their slaves still benefits their white descendants to this day". Yeah ? How many people would that be ? .0000001 % of the population ? What a dopey post.

Reparations are the only way to fix this imbalance of power and privelege, which has remained in place ever since Affirmative Action began in 1961. ALL Whites should be paid at least $10,000. Older whites - more.
God fucking damn it. You just don;t get it.

The negative affects of slavery and Jim Crow still affect people of color to this day. You know why people of color many times are not as financially well off as whites? Well, Jim Crow laws, slavery, and de-facto segregation continuing today has prevented these people of color from receiving the best education they possibly could, and systematic racism has kept them from breaking out of the bad situation their ancestors were put in when they were dragged in chains across the atlantic.

Meanwhile, the wealth that rich slave owners gained on the backs of their slaves still benefits their white descendants to this day.

Reparations are the only way to fix this imbalance of power and privelege, which has remained in place ever since hte founding of this country
FALSE!! We hear this ludicrous
line all the time. That Blacks still suffer from negative affects of slavery and Jim Crow. Wow, What a CROCK. For many years, you could go to any big company, and find hundreds of Blacks employed in good jobs, wearing photo ID badges, and they've been there for years. They live in nice houses and have shiny new cars. And why wouldn't they ?....when they've been getting Affimative Action preference over Whites for 55 years.

What an idiotic thing tho say that "systematic racism has kept them from breaking out of the bad situation their ancestors were put in", when in fact it is "systematic racism (Affirmative Action) against Whites, that gives them an unfair advantage over the Whites. It is the Whites who are doing the suffering from "systematic racism", not Blacks.

And what another idiotic thing to say that "wealth that rich slave owners gained on the backs of their slaves still benefits their white descendants to this day". Yeah ? How many people would that be .0000001 % of the population ? What a dopey post.

Reparations are the only way to fix this imbalance of power and privelege, which has remained in place ever since Affirmative Action began in 1961. ALL Whites shouf be paif at least $10,000. Older whites - more.
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