U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for 'climate justice'

Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

Another show court with no authority. Will not be ratified by Congress, even as screwed up as it is.
Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

Well, see, that's the funny thing here. Global governing bodies imagine that they can engineer some sort of global policies that would mitigate global warming. What they don't realize is, because of the way that global economics work, they can't, it isn't possible.

What this has become, is one economic interest competing against another, it is all political, and has nothing to do with global warming. Nothing humanity can do with it's politics can ever hope to affect the climate, it is simply the nature of economics. We do not have the ability to control the world economy unless we dissolve all global governments and economies and had a command economy under one dictator. Like that would ever happen.

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don't Work
Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

Well, see, that's the funny thing here. Global governing bodies imagine that they can engineer some sort of global policies that would mitigate global warming. What they don't realize is, because of the way that global economics work, they can't, it isn't possible.

What this has become, is one economic interest competing against another, it is all political, and has nothing to do with global warming. Nothing humanity can do with it's politics can ever hope to affect the climate, it is simply the nature of economics. We do not have the ability to control the world economy unless we dissolve all global governments and economies and had a command economy under one dictator. Like that would ever happen.

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don't Work

What are you thoughts on the "Dust Bowl" of the early 20th century? A major climate disaster was created by man and apparently solved by man. I am not saying we should do anything about GW but to say we can do nothing to effect the weather doesn't seem correct either.
Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

Well, see, that's the funny thing here. Global governing bodies imagine that they can engineer some sort of global policies that would mitigate global warming. What they don't realize is, because of the way that global economics work, they can't, it isn't possible.

What this has become, is one economic interest competing against another, it is all political, and has nothing to do with global warming. Nothing humanity can do with it's politics can ever hope to affect the climate, it is simply the nature of economics. We do not have the ability to control the world economy unless we dissolve all global governments and economies and had a command economy under one dictator. Like that would ever happen.

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don't Work

What are you thoughts on the "Dust Bowl" of the early 20th century? A major climate disaster was created by man and apparently solved by man. I am not saying we should do anything about GW but to say we can do nothing to effect the weather doesn't seem correct either.

The point is that these moves by the UN have nothing to do with climate change. They are nothing more than a continuing attempt at imposing global governance at the cost of national sovereignty.
Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’
The UN can burn in hell, a bunch of pseudoscientists and paid for Want-a-be's.
The earth........it's not ours to kill.

Whose is it?

Just curious.

We'll golly gee Billy! What a fine question. Fine indeed. I'll bet you already knows the answer, though, Billy. You is jus foolin' 'round, isn't ya?

Derp, derp.

No straight answer, eh? Interesting.

I don't answer gay questions with straight answers, Billy-boy. I prefer to mock the questioner.
The earth........it's not ours to kill.

Whose is it?

Just curious.

We'll golly gee Billy! What a fine question. Fine indeed. I'll bet you already knows the answer, though, Billy. You is jus foolin' 'round, isn't ya?

Derp, derp.

No straight answer, eh? Interesting.

I don't answer gay questions with straight answers, Billy-boy. I prefer to mock the questioner.

By mocking yourself? Interesting.
The earth........it's not ours to kill.

Whose is it?

Just curious.

We'll golly gee Billy! What a fine question. Fine indeed. I'll bet you already knows the answer, though, Billy. You is jus foolin' 'round, isn't ya?

Derp, derp.

No straight answer, eh? Interesting.

I don't answer gay questions with straight answers, Billy-boy. I prefer to mock the questioner.

By mocking yourself? Interesting.

Oooooh! Zing!
Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

Well, see, that's the funny thing here. Global governing bodies imagine that they can engineer some sort of global policies that would mitigate global warming. What they don't realize is, because of the way that global economics work, they can't, it isn't possible.

What this has become, is one economic interest competing against another, it is all political, and has nothing to do with global warming. Nothing humanity can do with it's politics can ever hope to affect the climate, it is simply the nature of economics. We do not have the ability to control the world economy unless we dissolve all global governments and economies and had a command economy under one dictator. Like that would ever happen.

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don't Work

What are you thoughts on the "Dust Bowl" of the early 20th century? A major climate disaster was created by man and apparently solved by man. I am not saying we should do anything about GW but to say we can do nothing to effect the weather doesn't seem correct either.

The dust bowl had nothing to do with climate change.
Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

Well, see, that's the funny thing here. Global governing bodies imagine that they can engineer some sort of global policies that would mitigate global warming. What they don't realize is, because of the way that global economics work, they can't, it isn't possible.

What this has become, is one economic interest competing against another, it is all political, and has nothing to do with global warming. Nothing humanity can do with it's politics can ever hope to affect the climate, it is simply the nature of economics. We do not have the ability to control the world economy unless we dissolve all global governments and economies and had a command economy under one dictator. Like that would ever happen.

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don't Work

What are you thoughts on the "Dust Bowl" of the early 20th century? A major climate disaster was created by man and apparently solved by man. I am not saying we should do anything about GW but to say we can do nothing to effect the weather doesn't seem correct either.

The Dust Bowl conditions were not caused by humans. Intensive farming in the mid-west caused top soil degradation. New farming techniques will have prevented desertification of the western plains. But that has nothing to do with the weather.

Since that era, we have had drought just as severe, it's been no big deal. Also, farm subsidies have enabled irragation and modern farming techniques to keep the soil and plants right where they are at.

As far as Climate Change now? It's entirely natural, I don't think there is anything we can do. The Pueblo Indians of the southwest disappeared when the weather grew hotter, they didn't have a choice. The Mayan culture grew beyond their carrying capacity when the weather changed. During the inter-glacial warm period, the Vikings colonized Greenland and had herds of sheep there. When it grew cold again, they left.

The Earth has not only short term weather patterns, and regular seasons, but it ALSO has very long term cyclical weather patterns. Of course, these are very poorly understood because these cycles are millions of years long, often punctuated by meteor impacts and other ELEs. The fact that these are poorly understood, and the fact that the Earth even has these cyclical patterns is not going to be told to the general public, because there is A LOT of money and a global political agenda riding on getting people to believe in AGW right now.

But yes, our solar system IS revolving around the Galactic core over the course of millions of years, and it DOES affect the cosmic weather of our system.
Yeah......it's natural! Let's burn some more fossil fuel! Burn it til it's gone. We can come up with new ways to power shit when we really, really need to. There will be plenty of time.
And a form of racketeering.
Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

Well, see, that's the funny thing here. Global governing bodies imagine that they can engineer some sort of global policies that would mitigate global warming. What they don't realize is, because of the way that global economics work, they can't, it isn't possible.

What this has become, is one economic interest competing against another, it is all political, and has nothing to do with global warming. Nothing humanity can do with it's politics can ever hope to affect the climate, it is simply the nature of economics. We do not have the ability to control the world economy unless we dissolve all global governments and economies and had a command economy under one dictator. Like that would ever happen.

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don't Work

What are you thoughts on the "Dust Bowl" of the early 20th century? A major climate disaster was created by man and apparently solved by man. I am not saying we should do anything about GW but to say we can do nothing to effect the weather doesn't seem correct either.

The point is that these moves by the UN have nothing to do with climate change. They are nothing more than a continuing attempt at imposing global governance at the cost of national sovereignty.
Yeah......it's natural! Let's burn some more fossil fuel! Burn it til it's gone. We can come up with new ways to power shit when we really, really need to. There will be plenty of time.
Fossil Fuel is a misnomer.

The earth slowly creates hydro-carbons from it's core. In fact, there is a moon orbiting Saturn called Titan that has OCEAN's of methane.

The original thinking is all wrong.

However, it replenishes at a limited rate. So the peak theory of oil is incorrect.

OTH, peak theory still holds for most other minerals.

Not only that, the plastic in the oceans and air is a very serious problem, as it the pollution, the real pollution that is caused by consumer society.

However, we need to really pause to think about what our values are.

Are we spiritual and believe in divinity, or our we material and love luxury?

I see a lot of left leaning folks mock the idea of spirituality and a higher cause, and they love their material existence.

The simple fact is, the more energy you burn, the more jobs, higher standard of living, and luxury a society has. Some folks need very little to make them happy. Others rail on and on about how much others have, about how much we should tax them, and get so jealous of the success and wealth of others. It makes me wonder what they are really living for. . . .




So basically, at a macro level, if you want people living a materially luxurious existence, human society must consume lots of energy. If people are content to enjoy the simple things, family, friends, love, friendship, the higher spirit, food and fruits from their own gardens, sunshine. . . not so much energy is needed. Otherwise, energy and jobs will be needed for fine material luxuries. . . .
Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

Well, see, that's the funny thing here. Global governing bodies imagine that they can engineer some sort of global policies that would mitigate global warming. What they don't realize is, because of the way that global economics work, they can't, it isn't possible.

What this has become, is one economic interest competing against another, it is all political, and has nothing to do with global warming. Nothing humanity can do with it's politics can ever hope to affect the climate, it is simply the nature of economics. We do not have the ability to control the world economy unless we dissolve all global governments and economies and had a command economy under one dictator. Like that would ever happen.

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don't Work

What are you thoughts on the "Dust Bowl" of the early 20th century? A major climate disaster was created by man and apparently solved by man. I am not saying we should do anything about GW but to say we can do nothing to effect the weather doesn't seem correct either.

The Dust Bowl conditions were not caused by humans. Intensive farming in the mid-west caused top soil degradation. New farming techniques will have prevented desertification of the western plains. But that has nothing to do with the weather.

Since that era, we have had drought just as severe, it's been no big deal. Also, farm subsidies have enabled irragation and modern farming techniques to keep the soil and plants right where they are at.

As far as Climate Change now? It's entirely natural, I don't think there is anything we can do. The Pueblo Indians of the southwest disappeared when the weather grew hotter, they didn't have a choice. The Mayan culture grew beyond their carrying capacity when the weather changed. During the inter-glacial warm period, the Vikings colonized Greenland and had herds of sheep there. When it grew cold again, they left.

The Earth has not only short term weather patterns, and regular seasons, but it ALSO has very long term cyclical weather patterns. Of course, these are very poorly understood because these cycles are millions of years long, often punctuated by meteor impacts and other ELEs. The fact that these are poorly understood, and the fact that the Earth even has these cyclical patterns is not going to be told to the general public, because there is A LOT of money and a global political agenda riding on getting people to believe in AGW right now.

But yes, our solar system IS revolving around the Galactic core over the course of millions of years, and it DOES affect the cosmic weather of our system.

Not sure I get your drift here. Without intensive farming would there have been a dust bowl? I would say no because the grasses that survive droughts held the land in place for years, that is why it was grassland not forest. That and the occasional fire. So yes, man was the cause of the dust bowl that did in fact impact the weather. Some believe that the dust storms themselves made the matter worse.

Man went into land that was always subject to drought conditions and they farmed it poorly not knowing any better. They did it at a time when wheat prices skyrocketed causing them to plant even more. It was, in my opinion, a man made disaster.

I never used the words climate change but maybe weather disaster would have been more in line.
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Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

Well, see, that's the funny thing here. Global governing bodies imagine that they can engineer some sort of global policies that would mitigate global warming. What they don't realize is, because of the way that global economics work, they can't, it isn't possible.

What this has become, is one economic interest competing against another, it is all political, and has nothing to do with global warming. Nothing humanity can do with it's politics can ever hope to affect the climate, it is simply the nature of economics. We do not have the ability to control the world economy unless we dissolve all global governments and economies and had a command economy under one dictator. Like that would ever happen.

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don't Work

What are you thoughts on the "Dust Bowl" of the early 20th century? A major climate disaster was created by man and apparently solved by man. I am not saying we should do anything about GW but to say we can do nothing to effect the weather doesn't seem correct either.

The dust bowl had nothing to do with climate change.

Who said it changed the climate, but it did effect the climate. It killed a lot of folks and some speculate that it made the dust bowl worse because it caused localized cooling which actually lowered the amount of rain.

Without man the dust bowl never happens.
Used to be that the powerful dictated to the less powerful. Now that has all turned around. What is happening to the world? The new world order created and funded by Obama making the US the target. Meanwhile China and India continue to pollute unabated.

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers.

Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say.

Policies once left to sovereign nations could be turned over to a U.N. body if the U.S. and its allies approve the proposed deal in Paris during the summit scheduled for Nov. 30-Dec. 11.

Read more at U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

Well, see, that's the funny thing here. Global governing bodies imagine that they can engineer some sort of global policies that would mitigate global warming. What they don't realize is, because of the way that global economics work, they can't, it isn't possible.

What this has become, is one economic interest competing against another, it is all political, and has nothing to do with global warming. Nothing humanity can do with it's politics can ever hope to affect the climate, it is simply the nature of economics. We do not have the ability to control the world economy unless we dissolve all global governments and economies and had a command economy under one dictator. Like that would ever happen.

Climate Change: The Standard Fixes Don't Work

What are you thoughts on the "Dust Bowl" of the early 20th century? A major climate disaster was created by man and apparently solved by man. I am not saying we should do anything about GW but to say we can do nothing to effect the weather doesn't seem correct either.

The dust bowl had nothing to do with climate change.

Who said it changed the climate, but it did effect the climate. It killed a lot of folks and some speculate that it made the dust bowl worse because it caused localized cooling which actually lowered the amount of rain.

Without man the dust bowl never happens.

Uh....you just did.
The dust bowl was caused by piss poor farming techniques.
And I'd be willing to bet a drought was the reason for lack of rain.

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