U.S.A. - We're #1!!!!...in mass shootings.

All of you people are missing the important facts here. This is a tragedy! All these deaths involving guns! We need to change this horrible statistic. From now on, free knives and grenades for everyone! Violent crimes are less horrible when they aren't done with guns.
How would these stats look if we took out gun free zones?

It wouldn't change a thing. Mass killings only make up a very small percentage of the total deaths due to guns. Gun rights supporters always use the idea that if we take away guns from everyone, only the criminals will have guns. Actually, if we took all guns away from everyone, it would be very difficult for criminals to get their hands on them. That has been the case in Australia. The flip side is that by allowing Americans their right to own guns, we make it possible for everyone we don't want having a gun to get one, so now we need guns to protect ourselves.
Austrlia is not the US. It would be impossible to take guns from everyone here. There are over 300M guns in circulation, that we know about. And producing new ones isnt rocket science.
So never mind the violation of the 2A that would be involved, it is simply impossible to disarm criminals.
How would these stats look if we took out gun free zones?

It wouldn't change a thing. Mass killings only make up a very small percentage of the total deaths due to guns. Gun rights supporters always use the idea that if we take away guns from everyone, only the criminals will have guns. Actually, if we took all guns away from everyone, it would be very difficult for criminals to get their hands on them. That has been the case in Australia. The flip side is that by allowing Americans their right to own guns, we make it possible for everyone we don't want having a gun to get one, so now we need guns to protect ourselves.
And the 5' 2" 100 lbs woman can protect herself from the 6' 2" 250 lbs rapist because she can have an equalizer.
Wow, I didn't know it was that bad. I'm gonna carry more often, thanks!

Carry every day. I carry even in places that are posted "No Weapons Allowed" because here in Wisconsin, it's only a misdemeanor trespassing charge, and only if you refuse to leave. But like they say, "Concealed means concealed". Also get into the habit of carrying spare magazines, a good folding knife, a cell phone, and a small tactical LED flashlight.

I carry to church, to weddings, funerals, graduation parties, just about everywhere. The only place I don't carry is into a post office, police department, courthouse, or into a school building. Those are still gun-free murder zones.
The United States Has Had More Mass Shootings Than Any Other Country

Go USA!!

Nearly one-third of the world's mass shootings have occurred in the United States, a new study finds. Adam Lankford, an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama, has released the first quantitative analysis of public mass shootings around the world between 1966 through 2012. Unsurprisingly, the United States came out on top—essentially in a league of its own.




Funny....they never show the benefit of American citizens using guns to stop violent criminals.....how many lives are saved when a criminal is stopped and captured because a law abiding gun owner injured, killed or captured a rapist, robber or murderer.......

And notice...the dipstick pointed out that only half the suicides were by gun....does that mean they wouldn't have used the methods the other half used to kill themselves? What a moron.

Did they point out that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape...and how much money is saved when a rape is stopped with a gun?

Did they point out that Japan, china and South Korea have almost no access to guns for their citizens...and their suicide rate is double ours.....they seem quite capable of killing themselves without guns........better than we are with guns....and when their people kill themselves..that means they are 100% successful....

How much money does it cost Mexico to allow their citizens to be murdered by government agents and drug cartel members.....how much money was spent educating the 46 teachers recently murdered by Mexican police and drug cartel members.....since only the police and drug cartel members had guns?
And when these disarmed societies have their mass shootings...more people die...

But shootings in the United States often killed fewer people than attacks overseas: On average, 6.9 victims died in each mass shooting incident on American soil, compared with 8.8 victims for each shooting in other countries.
And when these disarmed societies have their mass shootings...more people die...

But shootings in the United States often killed fewer people than attacks overseas: On average, 6.9 victims died in each mass shooting incident on American soil, compared with 8.8 victims for each shooting in other countries.
There are still are societies that can still be safely disarmed. but the US isn't one of them. As time goes by, fewer will be. That is the trend.
The technology exists to make working guns with a 3D printer. A Texas guy did the first and made a AR magazine and others have taken it from there.
Oh....I see, they forgot to average in the number of people murdered by the governments of Europe when the people have no access to guns, and the government decides to murder them.....

that would be about 12 million people.......and that includes France, and the other countries around Germany who handed over unarmed citizens for murder in German death camps.

Funny that they always forget to add that number in....do they do it all the time...no....but when they do decide to start murdering people, they murder a lot of them in one go....averaging out that 12 million since 1939, puts their murder rate far higher than ours........

And considering our 2nd Amendment is specifically designed to deal with that situation....it is funny they ignore it....
How would these stats look if we took out gun free zones?

It wouldn't change a thing. Mass killings only make up a very small percentage of the total deaths due to guns. Gun rights supporters always use the idea that if we take away guns from everyone, only the criminals will have guns. Actually, if we took all guns away from everyone, it would be very difficult for criminals to get their hands on them. That has been the case in Australia. The flip side is that by allowing Americans their right to own guns, we make it possible for everyone we don't want having a gun to get one, so now we need guns to protect ourselves.
And the 5' 2" 100 lbs woman can protect herself from the 6' 2" 250 lbs rapist because she can have an equalizer.
Potentially. Chances are he gets free sex, and a free gun. What a deal.

And most women are raped by men they wouldn't shoot, even if armed.
And another intentional act of dishonesty....comparing gun deaths, since they include suicide....to accidental deaths.......


Here are the stats on some common types of death....it would be better to start a crusade to teach people how to walk upright...and save them from falling deaths...you would save more lives.....


guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about people....you would push to ban the following...



Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39
Total: 72 ( in a country of 320 million people)



Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


So...accidental gun deaths have been coming down as more people own and carry guns for self defense....now 12.8 million people actually carry guns for self defense......on their person, and the accidental gun death rate is going down, not up....

Intentional gun murder for 2013, 8,454.........
How would these stats look if we took out gun free zones?

It wouldn't change a thing. Mass killings only make up a very small percentage of the total deaths due to guns. Gun rights supporters always use the idea that if we take away guns from everyone, only the criminals will have guns. Actually, if we took all guns away from everyone, it would be very difficult for criminals to get their hands on them. That has been the case in Australia. The flip side is that by allowing Americans their right to own guns, we make it possible for everyone we don't want having a gun to get one, so now we need guns to protect ourselves.
And the 5' 2" 100 lbs woman can protect herself from the 6' 2" 250 lbs rapist because she can have an equalizer.
Potentially. Chances are he gets free sex, and a free gun. What a deal.

And most women are raped by men they wouldn't shoot, even if armed.

I guess they would prefer grenades and fully auto weapons, the weapons of choice of European criminals when they use guns.....Sweden...they are throwing grenades at each other like confetti....
The United States Has Had More Mass Shootings Than Any Other Country

Go USA!!

Nearly one-third of the world's mass shootings have occurred in the United States, a new study finds. Adam Lankford, an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama, has released the first quantitative analysis of public mass shootings around the world between 1966 through 2012. Unsurprisingly, the United States came out on top—essentially in a league of its own.




And Norway had a mass shooting larger than our top 5 combined. GO NORWAY!
The United States Has Had More Mass Shootings Than Any Other Country

Go USA!!

Nearly one-third of the world's mass shootings have occurred in the United States, a new study finds. Adam Lankford, an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama, has released the first quantitative analysis of public mass shootings around the world between 1966 through 2012. Unsurprisingly, the United States came out on top—essentially in a league of its own.




It's a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Who cares if a few people get killed?
The United States Has Had More Mass Shootings Than Any Other Country

Go USA!!

Nearly one-third of the world's mass shootings have occurred in the United States, a new study finds. Adam Lankford, an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama, has released the first quantitative analysis of public mass shootings around the world between 1966 through 2012. Unsurprisingly, the United States came out on top—essentially in a league of its own.




It's a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Who cares if a few people get killed?

Tell that to the Norwegians. They live in a gun free country and got to enjoy a mass shooting larger than the top 5 of ours combined. GO NORWAY!
The United States Has Had More Mass Shootings Than Any Other Country

Go USA!!

Nearly one-third of the world's mass shootings have occurred in the United States, a new study finds. Adam Lankford, an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama, has released the first quantitative analysis of public mass shootings around the world between 1966 through 2012. Unsurprisingly, the United States came out on top—essentially in a league of its own.




It's a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Who cares if a few people get killed?

Tell that to the Norwegians. They live in a gun free country and got to enjoy a mass shooting larger than the top 5 of ours combined. GO NORWAY!
Interesting point

Thanks for posting

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