U.S attacks al-Shabab

My FIRST thought was, "Wag the Dog."

But the dynamics are far different than when Bill Clinton was the tail wagger.
That's an insult to our armed forces.
since when have you ever gave a fuck about the military?....unlike many here....i was around back in the Gunny days when you showed all kinds of contempt for the military....damned Hypocrite....
I see Chris is still an idiot.
My FIRST thought was, "Wag the Dog."

But the dynamics are far different than when Bill Clinton was the tail wagger.
That's an insult to our armed forces.
since when have you ever gave a fuck about the military?....unlike many here....i was around back in the Gunny days when you showed all kinds of contempt for the military....damned Hypocrite....
I see Chris is still an idiot.
has never changed....he should remember a few things when he posts stuff with some of the old time members around....like we know how he is and what he has previously posted....
My FIRST thought was, "Wag the Dog."

But the dynamics are far different than when Bill Clinton was the tail wagger.
That's an insult to our armed forces.
since when have you ever gave a fuck about the military?....unlike many here....i was around back in the Gunny days when you showed all kinds of contempt for the military....damned Hypocrite....
I see Chris is still an idiot.
has never changed....he should remember a few things when he posts stuff with some of the old time members around....like we know how he is and what he has previously posted....
Gunny was an idiot.
That has nothing to do with my respect for the military.
Of course...many RWrs against this...like they were against taking OBL out.
My FIRST thought was, "Wag the Dog."

But the dynamics are far different than when Bill Clinton was the tail wagger.
That's an insult to our armed forces.
since when have you ever gave a fuck about the military?....unlike many here....i was around back in the Gunny days when you showed all kinds of contempt for the military....damned Hypocrite....
I see Chris is still an idiot.
has never changed....he should remember a few things when he posts stuff with some of the old time members around....like we know how he is and what he has previously posted....
Gunny was an idiot.
That has nothing to do with my respect for the military.
what respect?.....you sure as hell had none back then.....is it different now with a Democrat President?....and Gunny had nothing to do with it....
You've got to wonder what prompted this. I'll wait to see the whole story before making a judgment.

You mean you need to know what Obama is for before you decide what you are against?
No, idiot. I already know what Obama is for.
I am just wondering what the official justification for this act of war is. And then what the real reason for this act of war is.
Didnt you guys criticize Bush for engaging in acts of war without sufficient justification?

Well, I voted for Bush twice and spent most of the Oughts trying to rationalize his gross incompetence.

Until his gross incompetence wrecked the economy and started effecting my life, anyway.

This was a terrorist leader who killed dozens of people. Unlike Bush, at least he's getting the right guys.
You've got to wonder what prompted this. I'll wait to see the whole story before making a judgment.

You mean you need to know what Obama is for before you decide what you are against?
No, idiot. I already know what Obama is for.
I am just wondering what the official justification for this act of war is. And then what the real reason for this act of war is.
Didnt you guys criticize Bush for engaging in acts of war without sufficient justification?
At least Bush had Congressional approval.

You mean after he LIED to Congress about the evidence?
My FIRST thought was, "Wag the Dog."

But the dynamics are far different than when Bill Clinton was the tail wagger.
That's an insult to our armed forces.

I'm straight out insulting Obama. Nothing subtle about it. The President isn't scoring happy headlines these days.
I love what Obama is doing.
Air power and special ops.
No trillion dollar invasions.

Do you also love that what Obama is doing, doesn't work?

You've got to wonder what prompted this. I'll wait to see the whole story before making a judgment.

You mean you need to know what Obama is for before you decide what you are against?
No, idiot. I already know what Obama is for.
I am just wondering what the official justification for this act of war is. And then what the real reason for this act of war is.
Didnt you guys criticize Bush for engaging in acts of war without sufficient justification?

Well, I voted for Bush twice and spent most of the Oughts trying to rationalize his gross incompetence.

Until his gross incompetence wrecked the economy and started effecting my life, anyway.

This was a terrorist leader who killed dozens of people. Unlike Bush, at least he's getting the right guys.


It's like the way anti whites use "racist" whenever they get cornered by facts.
For hyperpartisans, "Bush" is always a convenient deflection.

Not many people are fooled anymore.....but do continue..It makes you look so honest and unbiased...:lmao:
You've got to wonder what prompted this. I'll wait to see the whole story before making a judgment.

You mean you need to know what Obama is for before you decide what you are against?
No, idiot. I already know what Obama is for.
I am just wondering what the official justification for this act of war is. And then what the real reason for this act of war is.
Didnt you guys criticize Bush for engaging in acts of war without sufficient justification?

Well, I voted for Bush twice and spent most of the Oughts trying to rationalize his gross incompetence.

Until his gross incompetence wrecked the economy and started effecting my life, anyway.

This was a terrorist leader who killed dozens of people. Unlike Bush, at least he's getting the right guys.


It's like the way anti whites use "racist" whenever they get cornered by facts.
For hyperpartisans, "Bush" is always a convenient deflection.

Not many people are fooled anymore.....but do continue..It makes you look so honest and unbiased...:lmao:

Hey, the GOP let themselves get hijacked by the Religious nuts... they used to be a sensible political party.

In 2012, you nominated a guy who thought he was wearing Magic Underwear, and that was the least crazy guy you had.
Hey, the GOP let themselves get hijacked by the Religious nuts... they used to be a sensible political party.

In 2012, you nominated a guy who thought he was wearing Magic Underwear, and that was the least crazy guy you had.

I didn't nominate anyone.
I've known for at least 20 years that there is no difference between the 2 parties..It's all controlled opposition and political theater. All three branches of government are corrupt beyond redemption.
Anyone who seriously believes "their" party is "better" than the other one is a tool and a dupe.

Keep playing your hyperpartisan word games as the country fails right before your very eyes.
My FIRST thought was, "Wag the Dog."

But the dynamics are far different than when Bill Clinton was the tail wagger.
That's an insult to our armed forces.

I'm straight out insulting Obama. Nothing subtle about it. The President isn't scoring happy headlines these days.
I love what Obama is doing.
Air power and special ops.
No trillion dollar invasions.

Of course you do. O is ineffective and incompetent. He is an insult to our armed forces.
You've got to wonder what prompted this. I'll wait to see the whole story before making a judgment.

You mean you need to know what Obama is for before you decide what you are against?
No, idiot. I already know what Obama is for.
I am just wondering what the official justification for this act of war is. And then what the real reason for this act of war is.
Didnt you guys criticize Bush for engaging in acts of war without sufficient justification?
At least Bush had Congressional approval.

You mean after he LIED to Congress about the evidence?
Dimwits said hussein had WMD's before Bush was elected. So are you calling dimwits liars to? you would finally be telling the truth.
My FIRST thought was, "Wag the Dog."

But the dynamics are far different than when Bill Clinton was the tail wagger.
That's an insult to our armed forces.

I'm straight out insulting Obama. Nothing subtle about it. The President isn't scoring happy headlines these days.
I love what Obama is doing.
Air power and special ops.
No trillion dollar invasions.

Of course you do. O is ineffective and incompetent. He is an insult to our armed forces.
Chris is the insult.....when Bush was President he had some shitty things to say about them....now that a Democrat is President....now he thinks they are great.....he might be fooling the newer people here,but anyone who was here back in the Gunny days should know better......Chris is a fraud.....one of the die hard party people....
It seems we have used this a strike here and a strike there plan before it never seems to have any long term effect on who were fighting.
Wag the dog- what Pubs and dupes were saying about Clinton when he was going after AlQaeda. Mindless tidal waves of confrontation and fear mongering propaganda no matter what Dems do. The disgrace that makes the USA a giant fool worldwide. Disastrous greedy a-holes and ignorant loudmouth hater dupes...

They got the head of terrorist al-shabab, it appears, and you dingbats are just waiting for your moronic marching orders.
My FIRST thought was, "Wag the Dog."

But the dynamics are far different than when Bill Clinton was the tail wagger.
That's an insult to our armed forces.

I'm straight out insulting Obama. Nothing subtle about it. The President isn't scoring happy headlines these days.
I love what Obama is doing.
Air power and special ops.
No trillion dollar invasions.

And literally leaving thousands of civilians at the mercy of barbarians. But as long as we save a buck....
nobody is stopping you from going over pussy
My FIRST thought was, "Wag the Dog."

But the dynamics are far different than when Bill Clinton was the tail wagger.
That's an insult to our armed forces.

I'm straight out insulting Obama. Nothing subtle about it. The President isn't scoring happy headlines these days.
I love what Obama is doing.
Air power and special ops.
No trillion dollar invasions.

And literally leaving thousands of civilians at the mercy of barbarians. But as long as we save a buck....
nobody is stopping you from going over pussy

Eat a dick.
You've got to wonder what prompted this. I'll wait to see the whole story before making a judgment.

You mean you need to know what Obama is for before you decide what you are against?
No, idiot. I already know what Obama is for.
I am just wondering what the official justification for this act of war is. And then what the real reason for this act of war is.
Didnt you guys criticize Bush for engaging in acts of war without sufficient justification?
At least Bush had Congressional approval.

You mean after he LIED to Congress about the evidence?
Dimwits said hussein had WMD's before Bush was elected. So are you calling dimwits liars to? you would finally be telling the truth.

Major difference is the Democrats prior to Bush didn't go to war over them.

Once you'd decided to commit thousands of American lives to getting rid of those WMD's, you'd better be damned sure that they are there.

INstead, Bush and Cheney ignored evidence that Saddam might not have them and didn't even let the UN finish it's job. They wanted a war and they got a war.

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