U.S attorney general Barr likens stay-at-home orders to slavery

Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?
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I support telling people not to go to a place of business if they don't want the virus. That helps the business owner so he or she don't have to have masks worn. Everyone wins. I tell alot of people not to go out to businesses and they listen. They are still healthy.
For many people, "shelter in place" means staying in an enclosed area 24/7 with somebody who is infected. It practically guarantees that they will get sick because of the huge viral load they are exposed to.

My wife had to stay at home, under quarantine, for two weeks, in April, due to having contracted the #CornoaHoax2020 virus. Being, at that time, rather crippled due to my broken leg, I was pretty much stuck at home with her.

I didn't get sick, and she was only mildly ill, compared to the various flu-like illnesses that she is always catching at work and bringing home to me. Being exposed to the #CoronaHoax virus doesn't guarantee that you'll actually become ill from it. Apparently, my immune system, even in its weakened condition at the time, was able to fight it off very well.

But there probably is a good point that being forced to stay at home might result in some people being more exposed to the #CoronaHoax2020 virus than if they were able to get out.

I saw one study that thought some people start off with a partial immunity to Covid-19 because of exposure to other, similar viruses. Their immune systems already have a head start on knowing how to fight off Covid-19.
Barr is a citizen of the alternate universe. They have their own informational world, and they ignore & dismiss anything outside of that world. And that's about it.

You seem willing to discuss some biological facts that are certain to challenge some of your views.

Biological facts? Please explain.
No need.

A quick seach revealed that you do not deny the biological facts (about when and how a child's life begins). . . . You just don't care.

I can't do anything about making you care.
the lockdown worked...but it was wrong

slavery worked too...but it was still wrong

that's what Barr was hinting at, folks!

Staying at home is slavery? How out of touch must you be to compare lounging at home to slaves. What kind of fantasy world do they live in? Seriously, you don't get much uglier than Trump and his bunch.

NO....that isn't what he said...he said that after slavery, the lock down orders were the worst violation of Constitutional Rights in our history....
Barr seems to have gone completely political,
is it really ok to just work for the people who support your party? shouldn't people in power work in the best interest of all Americans.

Ask Eric Holder, who stated he was obama's wingman....
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.

Except you're making that up. I support government only having any power at all through a super majority. You support mob rule where simple majority allows you to confiscate whatever property you want. I support Congress being subject to our laws. You only support your opposition having that standard. I support free speech, you support leftist mobs silencing speech with violence and by professors holding students grades over their heads.

You can fart your gassy bull and claim it smells like lilacs, but my policies support that I'm a liberal and you're don't at all. You're an authoritarian leftist. You are in fact not a liberal in any way.

And you can weakly and shallowly claim you don't support those things. But it's what you vote for
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?

You forgot to tell him if Biden or Trump is telling them to do it because that changes his answers
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?

The Feds don't have the authority to do either of those things. However I do support wearing masks in public where may you come in close contact, and spread your germs to others. I never supported shuttering small shops while letting corporate giants operate.
You support mob rule where simple majority allows you to confiscate whatever property you want.

Speaking of making stuff up. Tea Party nemesis Obama, had a near super majority in congress all the socialist takeover fears and woes they whined about never happen?
You support mob rule where simple majority allows you to confiscate whatever property you want.

Speaking of making stuff up. Tea Party nemesis Obama, had a near super majority in congress all the socialist takeover fears and woes they whined about never happen?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Other than taking over the MEDICAL system!!!!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You support mob rule where simple majority allows you to confiscate whatever property you want.

Speaking of making stuff up. Tea Party nemesis Obama, had a near super majority in congress all the socialist takeover fears and woes they whined about never happen?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Other than taking over the MEDICAL system!!!!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone who still thinks the Affordable Care Act was a “government takeover of health care” should consider this headline from the news pages of last Thursday’s Investor’s Business Daily:

UnitedHealth Profit Soars On Obamacare, Optum—April 16, 2015

That’s from a Wall Street publication whose editorial writers have rarely missed an opportunity to bash the health care reform law. Here are a few other headlines, these from IBD’s editorial page, just since the first of this year.

You support mob rule where simple majority allows you to confiscate whatever property you want.

Speaking of making stuff up. Tea Party nemesis Obama, had a near super majority in congress all the socialist takeover fears and woes they whined about never happen?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Other than taking over the MEDICAL system!!!!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone who still thinks the Affordable Care Act was a “government takeover of health care” should consider this headline from the news pages of last Thursday’s Investor’s Business Daily:

UnitedHealth Profit Soars On Obamacare, Optum—April 16, 2015

That’s from a Wall Street publication whose editorial writers have rarely missed an opportunity to bash the health care reform law. Here are a few other headlines, these from IBD’s editorial page, just since the first of this year.

That really doesn't prove anything but it doesn't address the point either. You said Democrats didn't do anything when they had a super majority. Actually they got as much national healthcare as they could. It was short you may recall from Ted Kennedy dying and Democrats had to rush in what they could get before Scott Brown got there

Staying at home is slavery? How out of touch must you be to compare lounging at home to slaves. What kind of fantasy world do they live in? Seriously, you don't get much uglier than Trump and his bunch.

No he didn't you feckless lying piece of shit. He said that other than slavery, which was on a much higher level, the stay at home orders were the next highest level of civil rights violations.

And he's correct.
Whites in this country have no conception of what slavery is like. Barr sure as hell doesn't know, they should read some books or read the slave narratives to know what slavery was like.
Ummm...you shouldn't lie to yourself. Barr I am sure has you beat in all departments concerning knowledge-----------EASILY. And you my dear, are the one that needs to pick up a history book to know what slavery was like for everyone---you obviously have no clue about slavery. You THINK you do but you really don't--You might want to start with who were the people who had slaves in america----HINT: it wasn't just whites and in fact the worse slave owners weren't white but a certain other color.

Barr is not smarter than me, he's not even qualified for the position he holds, he knows NOTHING about slavery. If he knew he wouldn't have said what he said, troll!

You're black and you dont have a clue about slavery.

I'm from the south, I know all about slavery and having my rights denied and or put through red tape.

Nah, you are a sock for one of the other black racists here. I am guessing paul essian. You spew the same BS with the same level of vitriol.

And no, you aren't that smart at all. If you were you wouldn't have the idiotic viewpoint you have.
You said Democrats didn't do anything when they had a super majority.

I didn't say that. I said something more like the socialist nightmare dream up by the Rabid Right didn't happen even when they had a super majority. So how do you think they are going to do it with a simple majority?

Of course, the socialist nightmare dream up by the Rabid Right can't happen with out a radical constitutional change. No way a majority will go for that.

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