U.S. Border Patrol Chief Says He Can’t Endorse Biden Border Policy


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott sent a memo to Troy Miller, the Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, informing Miller that he is unable to comply with the Biden administration’s request to soften the terms used to describe illegal aliens.
He's right to oppose the Biden Administration's stance on migrants. If you are a citizen of another nation and refuse to go to border control checkpoints and instead, slip into this nation, you are here "illegally" and thus, an illegal alien, illegal migrant, or any other term that identifies someone who comes in illegally.
For those that don't like the term "illegal" when identifying someone sneaking into the country, approach your political representatives and have them change the actual laws on the books, until then, they remain "illegals."
But, remember this, once you open the borders to just allow anyone in that chooses to just walk, drive, sail, or fly in, those unvetted criminals fleeing prosecution in their home nation and coming here to commit crimes, drug-cartel members, murderers, rapists, MS-13 gang members and terrorists that will result in victims here, are on you and should one of your loved ones (if you have any) die at the hands of someone that just wandered in because of your preferred ideas of the "freedom of movement," ideology, you would have no justification for complaining.

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