U.S.Capitol on lockdown

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is WILD <a href="https://t.co/dC8whGzIgw">pic.twitter.com/dC8whGzIgw</a></p>&mdash; philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) <a href="">January 6, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Its hard to believe that a group of people who have shot up Wal Marts because "brown people" shoot there, that shoot up churches because black people worship there, that mail bombs to people, that pine for civil war would be behaving so violently.
doesn't matter who is president the country has always survived every presidency and the world is still here and still will be four years from now and beyond....
Tell that to the politically Conservative wildebeest currently running wild in our Capital.
Why are you hiding behind a computer? This is your moment? You're not a coward...are you?
Like I said.

Bring the shit to Texas and we'll see what happens.
The same fucking shit you are doing now - posting on USMB, safely locked in your home. All fucking mouth, no brains, no courage.
Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!

Your thread title is fake news. It should accurately be titled Fascist Pig Trumpers attack America.

Geez. They stormed the Capital with confederate flags

If that was BLM doing that we would have seen tear gas and rubber bullets by now...
I agree.

I think they need to get out there and start shooting those rubber bullets and tear gassing.

Of course, these guys are going to react just like BLM aren't they? It will be a whole lot of nothing right?


I don't think you bitches know what the fuck you just bit off.

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