U.S.Capitol on lockdown

^^^ First winner of the 2021 Darwin Award

Coming to US very soon. The same kind of arrests will be happening here before you know it.
You'd best hide under your bed.
Pull that assflap over your head. You hear nothing but what you want and are a narrow minded hater who thinks the destruction of this country is a good thing.
Bedwetter, the ones who are trying to destroy this nation were the traitorous insurgents who followed Impeached Trump's directions and stormed our Capitol building yesterday in a failed attempt to prevent Biden from being certified as the winner of the 2020 election.

How that turn out? 4 dead; many hospitalized; dozens arrested; the Capitol vandalized and left bloodied; all but one objection dropped, dashing all of Trump's hopes of flipping the election to him; and Biden being declared the winner and next president of the United States.
It turns out Anti-Fa is responsible for the violence yesterday but gaze at the hypocrisy of your new China owned leaders.
Yeah, it was prolly Hunter Biden behind it.

Its time for another round of dipshit rodeo.....as our local Trump supporters desperately scramble for yet another conspiracy theory.

I say keep 'em coming. The deeper you fools burrow into the batshit, the more you demonstrate your own gullibility and absurdity.
The conspiracy theory is that the election was fair and free. The evidence was and is being ignored. Fraud will be proven. There are still ballots to scan and machines to audit. Holding them back now surely indicates guilt.

Says you.

Contradicting that is the CISA that confirms that this election was the most secure in history.

Contradicting you is the DOJ that in conjunction with the FBI found no evidence of fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election.

Contradicting you are the international observers who found a fair election.

Contradicting you is the election results. Evidence so good we've used it to elect men to the highest office of the land for generation after generation.

Contradicting you are the recounts.

Contradicting you are the outcome of over 60 court cases on the election.

Contradicting you the state officials that affirm the integrity of their own elections. Including the Republican Secretary of State of Georgia and the Republican Voting Implementation Manager of Georgia.

Contradicting you are Trump's own attorneys, who despite numerous inquiries from judges in the cases they brought....were asked if they were arguing fraud had occured. Again and again, Trump's attorneys insisted they were NOT arguing fraud had ever occurred.

Your 'stolen election' conspiracy just didn't hold up to scrutiny. You were played.
In regard to stealing the election, the only evidence is that provided by the president in his attempt to coerce state governors and legislators to nullify the ballots of millions voters in their state.

So if you wanted to claim that Donald Duck and Hugo Chavez conspired with Optimus Prime to throw the 2020 election to Biden.......all you'd have to do is hit that 'submit evidence' button.

And per you, its evidence of a fraudulent election?
You are proud the election was stolen. I talk to enough scum already. I don't need to talk to you.

I'm proud that I can discern reality and apply critical thinking skills.

Rather than the hapless conspiracy wasteland that has condemned you to ignore the overwhelming evidence contradicting your conspiracy in favor of a 'submit evidence' button on a wordpress blog where you can accuse Megatron and all 4 of the Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles of election fraud.

I mean, Michaelangelo is a well known Never Trumper. But still.

"Turtle Power" indeed.
Critical thinking would only conclude that there was fraud. Go away loser, not the election, your life.

As you so eloquently demonstrated with your bullshit link to hereistheevidence.com, right?

GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Your link...in 2013 the group renamed itself ISIS. Who was the President then? LOL


ShortBus, as even you attest, it was the same group of terrorists. They just appended 'IS' to their name after invading Syria. They formed originally as a resistance to Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.

Are you ever not a complete idiot?

You can't say that, Assflap. The Patriots began in the 1960s but their dynasty didn't start til 2001. You cannot just say, NE was the NE it is now in 1965. No, ISIS may have begun in 2004 but they didn't become a true threat until 2013. Hopefully this analogy helps, Assflap.
Not only did I say it, ShortBus, my link said it too.
No, Assflap. Your link said their fringe began in 2004...like the Patriots in the 60s per my analogy and didn't become the ISIS of true terror until 2013 like the Patriots did in 2001. Do you believe when someone says the Pats Dynasty, people are talking about 1970? No. So please STFU. You look stupid. You lost this debate like you lose every other debate. ISIS became ISIS under BHO's watch.

It's not my fault you're so fucked in the head, ShortBus, you think Al-Qaeda in Iraq wasn't a true threat. They were among the main Sunni forces we were fighting there starting in 2004; until Bush paid other Sunnis to fight them.

You have no idea what I thought about Iraq. It is typical of people like to say untrue things and lie because it is what you are spoon fed and repeat like a child.
BedWetter, I wasn't even posting to you. Are you on shrooms?
Assflap, it is a free country. He may respond as he sees fit.

ShortBus, I never said he's not free to portray himself as a flaming moron.

GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Your link...in 2013 the group renamed itself ISIS. Who was the President then? LOL


ShortBus, as even you attest, it was the same group of terrorists. They just appended 'IS' to their name after invading Syria. They formed originally as a resistance to Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.

Are you ever not a complete idiot?

You can't say that, Assflap. The Patriots began in the 1960s but their dynasty didn't start til 2001. You cannot just say, NE was the NE it is now in 1965. No, ISIS may have begun in 2004 but they didn't become a true threat until 2013. Hopefully this analogy helps, Assflap.
Not only did I say it, ShortBus, my link said it too.
No, Assflap. Your link said their fringe began in 2004...like the Patriots in the 60s per my analogy and didn't become the ISIS of true terror until 2013 like the Patriots did in 2001. Do you believe when someone says the Pats Dynasty, people are talking about 1970? No. So please STFU. You look stupid. You lost this debate like you lose every other debate. ISIS became ISIS under BHO's watch.

It's not my fault you're so fucked in the head, ShortBus, you think Al-Qaeda in Iraq wasn't a true threat. They were among the main Sunni forces we were fighting there starting in 2004; until Bush paid other Sunnis to fight them.

You have no idea what I thought about Iraq. It is typical of people like to say untrue things and lie because it is what you are spoon fed and repeat like a child.
BedWetter, I wasn't even posting to you. Are you on shrooms?
Assflap, it is a free country. He may respond as he sees fit.
Not for long. But Assflap cannot live his life without the government running it for him. It is what he wants and needs a babysitter to tell what to do and when he can do it. These people are no longer Americans they are emasculated losers who want mediocrity and stagnation and ass kissing installed as the new American dream.
BedWetter, the government does virtually nothing for me personally. You really are fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Your link...in 2013 the group renamed itself ISIS. Who was the President then? LOL


ShortBus, as even you attest, it was the same group of terrorists. They just appended 'IS' to their name after invading Syria. They formed originally as a resistance to Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.

Are you ever not a complete idiot?

You can't say that, Assflap. The Patriots began in the 1960s but their dynasty didn't start til 2001. You cannot just say, NE was the NE it is now in 1965. No, ISIS may have begun in 2004 but they didn't become a true threat until 2013. Hopefully this analogy helps, Assflap.
Not only did I say it, ShortBus, my link said it too.
No, Assflap. Your link said their fringe began in 2004...like the Patriots in the 60s per my analogy and didn't become the ISIS of true terror until 2013 like the Patriots did in 2001. Do you believe when someone says the Pats Dynasty, people are talking about 1970? No. So please STFU. You look stupid. You lost this debate like you lose every other debate. ISIS became ISIS under BHO's watch.

It's not my fault you're so fucked in the head, ShortBus, you think Al-Qaeda in Iraq wasn't a true threat. They were among the main Sunni forces we were fighting there starting in 2004; until Bush paid other Sunnis to fight them.

You have no idea what I thought about Iraq. It is typical of people like to say untrue things and lie because it is what you are spoon fed and repeat like a child.
BedWetter, I wasn't even posting to you. Are you on shrooms?
Assflap, it is a free country. He may respond as he sees fit.
Not for long. But Assflap cannot live his life without the government running it for him. It is what he wants and needs a babysitter to tell what to do and when he can do it. These people are no longer Americans they are emasculated losers who want mediocrity and stagnation and ass kissing installed as the new American dream.
BedWetter, the government does virtually nothing for me personally. You really are fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
Assflap has diarrhea. Look out, 5 posts in a row with absolutely nothing of value. You are on a roll.
When a cop shot a Negro the Communists said that the police should be defunded.

Since the Capitol police shot a Patriot woman yesterday shouldn't we defund the Capitol police?

Or is the fact she is White different?
No the difference is the respective crimes they were committing. Was the black a traitor who, in an act of seditious insurrection, invaded our nation's Capitol, like the suicidal dumbass white QAnon freak was?
No, he was just trying to pay for something at a convenience store with a counterfeit twenty dollar bill the clerk recognized when her bill check machine notified her to call the police as I recollect.
So one was killed by police who kneeled on his neck until he died after he tried passing off a counterfeit bill, and then later charged with murder ...

while the other was shot trying to break into a secured area of the Capitol designated as the "Speaker's Lobby" which leads directly to the House Chamber where House members were hold up, as thousands of her fellow terrorists had laid siege to our nation's Capitol...

And you cult45 freaks want to compare those two situations??

Do you have any idea at all why you appear as brain-dead zombies to normal people?
GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Your link...in 2013 the group renamed itself ISIS. Who was the President then? LOL


ShortBus, as even you attest, it was the same group of terrorists. They just appended 'IS' to their name after invading Syria. They formed originally as a resistance to Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.

Are you ever not a complete idiot?

You can't say that, Assflap. The Patriots began in the 1960s but their dynasty didn't start til 2001. You cannot just say, NE was the NE it is now in 1965. No, ISIS may have begun in 2004 but they didn't become a true threat until 2013. Hopefully this analogy helps, Assflap.
Not only did I say it, ShortBus, my link said it too.
No, Assflap. Your link said their fringe began in 2004...like the Patriots in the 60s per my analogy and didn't become the ISIS of true terror until 2013 like the Patriots did in 2001. Do you believe when someone says the Pats Dynasty, people are talking about 1970? No. So please STFU. You look stupid. You lost this debate like you lose every other debate. ISIS became ISIS under BHO's watch.

It's not my fault you're so fucked in the head, ShortBus, you think Al-Qaeda in Iraq wasn't a true threat. They were among the main Sunni forces we were fighting there starting in 2004; until Bush paid other Sunnis to fight them.

You have no idea what I thought about Iraq. It is typical of people like to say untrue things and lie because it is what you are spoon fed and repeat like a child.
BedWetter, I wasn't even posting to you. Are you on shrooms?
Assflap, it is a free country. He may respond as he sees fit.
Not for long. But Assflap cannot live his life without the government running it for him. It is what he wants and needs a babysitter to tell what to do and when he can do it. These people are no longer Americans they are emasculated losers who want mediocrity and stagnation and ass kissing installed as the new American dream.

also faun = aka - gwen is well lets just say a switch hitter.
he regularly PM's another queen - and is known as O'l Softie

Shudders Pussy, the coward who ran away before I arrived at a designated meeting spot and who once confessed to showering with other men at the bath houses he "frequented."

Who let you out of your cage so you could post in other threads, Pussy?
GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Your link...in 2013 the group renamed itself ISIS. Who was the President then? LOL


ShortBus, as even you attest, it was the same group of terrorists. They just appended 'IS' to their name after invading Syria. They formed originally as a resistance to Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.

Are you ever not a complete idiot?

You can't say that, Assflap. The Patriots began in the 1960s but their dynasty didn't start til 2001. You cannot just say, NE was the NE it is now in 1965. No, ISIS may have begun in 2004 but they didn't become a true threat until 2013. Hopefully this analogy helps, Assflap.
Not only did I say it, ShortBus, my link said it too.
No, Assflap. Your link said their fringe began in 2004...like the Patriots in the 60s per my analogy and didn't become the ISIS of true terror until 2013 like the Patriots did in 2001. Do you believe when someone says the Pats Dynasty, people are talking about 1970? No. So please STFU. You look stupid. You lost this debate like you lose every other debate. ISIS became ISIS under BHO's watch.

It's not my fault you're so fucked in the head, ShortBus, you think Al-Qaeda in Iraq wasn't a true threat. They were among the main Sunni forces we were fighting there starting in 2004; until Bush paid other Sunnis to fight them.

You have no idea what I thought about Iraq. It is typical of people like to say untrue things and lie because it is what you are spoon fed and repeat like a child.
BedWetter, I wasn't even posting to you. Are you on shrooms?
Assflap, it is a free country. He may respond as he sees fit.
Not for long. But Assflap cannot live his life without the government running it for him. It is what he wants and needs a babysitter to tell what to do and when he can do it. These people are no longer Americans they are emasculated losers who want mediocrity and stagnation and ass kissing installed as the new American dream.
BedWetter, the government does virtually nothing for me personally. You really are fucked in the head. :cuckoo:
Assflap has diarrhea. Look out, 5 posts in a row with absolutely nothing of value. You are on a roll.
His record is like 100 so he has a long way to go....
In all 4 of the states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, a paper ballot is produced by the voting machines. None are connected to the Internet during elections.
The seriousness of this assault acknowledged and aside, who checks that "None are connected to the Internet during elections" and how can that be verified? I don't think it can be (with for-profit corporations still building and maintaining the machines). Also, each "paper ballot" is printed after the vote is submitted, not simultaneously, which opens the door for shenanigans. Vote tampering after the fact , not "voter fraud." In the end, the only way to go is hand marked, hand counted paper ballots.
Last edited:
It was the right thing for Trump to lay out the case for the Communists stealing the election at the rally yesterday. He was correct. It was the right things for the Patriots to let the filthy government know that they were pissed. Sometimes Patriots have to do that.

The villains are the Communists that blatantly stole the elections and the weak minded Americans that let them get away with it including the Legislature and the Courts.
The murder of a Patriot woman.

It was mostly a photo op, and she got murdered for no reason.

3 "peaceful" protestors at the door side by side, watch video

Behind them is ONLY police and secret service or other LEO, no other protestors, watch video

Only others were to the left and all were taking pictures/media, watch video

If she was a threat I am sure that one of the LEO directly behind her would of reacted, BUT NO none had weapons drawn or at the ready UNTIL the POS shot and killed her, watch video

So damn aggravated when the MSM, crop video to show just her and a sliver of glass and then LIE to America saying she was breaking into the chamber and then show the stills from inside the chambers with the 3 other dumbasses

LIES, LIES LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"BUT NO none had weapons drawn or at the ready..."

You're fucking deranged, flush. Your own video proves you're hallucinating again as you can see, a gun was drawn even before she attempted to climb into that area. That officer on the left who shot her, by the way, is standing in an entrance to the floor of the House chamber where Congressmen/women were holdup. Despite those terrorists smashing the door, he didn't shoot until she climbed up to get through a broken window. He would have been derelict of duty had he not taken that terrorist out.

In all 4 of the states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, a paper ballot is produced by the voting machines. None are connected to the Internet during elections.
The seriousness of this assault acknowledged and aside, who checks that "None are connected to the Internet during elections" and how can that be verified? I don't think it can be (with for-profit corporations still building and maintaining the machines). Also, each "paper ballot" is printed after the vote is submitted, not simultaneously, which opens the door for shenanigans. Vote tampering after the fact , not "voter fraud." In the end, the only way to go is hand marked, hand counted paper ballots.

Oh you're still claiming fraud in spite of all the audits and recounts.
It was correct for Pence to use the procedure to resolve the discrepancies by sending them back to the states.

We don't want a VP of any party making unilateral decisions like declaring certain results of the EC to be invalid. Hellva precedent.

However, It was wrong for the Republicans to not vote to do it. They let the Communists get away with stealing the election.

They bent the knee to the Democrats and it is despicable.
Aww, you don't like Pence anymore, con? TFB because there's a good chance he's gonna be your president for the next two weeks...

In all 4 of the states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, a paper ballot is produced by the voting machines. None are connected to the Internet during elections.
The seriousness of this assault acknowledged and aside, who checks that "None are connected to the Internet during elections" and how can that be verified? I don't think it can be (with for-profit corporations still building and maintaining the machines). Also, each "paper ballot" is printed after the vote is submitted, not simultaneously, which opens the door for shenanigans. Vote tampering after the fact , not "voter fraud." In the end, the only way to go is hand marked, hand counted paper ballots.

Oh you're still claiming fraud in spite of all the audits and recounts.
Read first, then type.
not "voter fraud."
Hey, what did they THINK would happen after their total abuse of We The People....Remember this? The bitch in white tearing up our duly elected President's state of the union speech.

LOL, now they can hide in their safe spaces from unarmed women and senior citizen veterans.
Hey, what did they THINK would happen after their total abuse of We The People....Remember this? The bitch in white tearing up our duly elected President's state of the union speech.

LOL, now they can hide in their safe spaces from unarmed women and senior citizen veterans.

It is incredible how this was planned and coordinated. It slipped in You tube regarding busing in Antifas. It got bumped in 3 seconds but captured.
Hey, what did they THINK would happen after their total abuse of We The People....Remember this? The bitch in white tearing up our duly elected President's state of the union speech.

LOL, now they can hide in their safe spaces from unarmed women and senior citizen veterans.

It is incredible how this was planned and coordinated. It slipped in You tube regarding busing in Antifas. It got bumped in 3 seconds but captured.

DC police are posting their pictures now.. They aren't antifa..
Hey, what did they THINK would happen after their total abuse of We The People....Remember this? The bitch in white tearing up our duly elected President's state of the union speech.

LOL, now they can hide in their safe spaces from unarmed women and senior citizen veterans.

It is incredible how this was planned and coordinated. It slipped in You tube regarding busing in Antifas. It got bumped in 3 seconds but captured.

DC police are posting their pictures now.. They aren't antifa..

We have 60 arrests and I bet we'll never know who they are. A lot were bused in and will be covered.
Let's hope Trump starts declassifying his ass off right now and keeps it up until Jan. 20th.

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